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[MPM] An Anthology of Stories

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Messages 812 - Mario Mario
vs10628 pts ★ Champion
battle5436 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Great Powers of the World
1. The Yoshious Empire - Emperor Miles I (stable)
2. The Commonwealth of America - Mario and Luigi Joint Presidency (stable)
3. The Tribal Confederation of Joshy - Joshi Esploshi (joining the Yoshious Empire)
4. Zachthumbria (overextended)
5. The Exalted Kingdom of Leicester - Cosmic III Terrenus (expansionist)
6. Realm of Twilight (isolationist)
7. Pseudo-Liechtenstein (isolationist)
8. Fiery Emirate (isolationist)
9. Konigreich Nitroraptor (threatened)
10.Coolmonkey Kingdom (expansionist)

No way a commonwealth of small states is stronger than me, at least with my new lands i might become stronger than them!

well you were a tribe but now that you are an actual government and you have other lands you might be stronger.
Also you lost land to Dudzi (who i realised is not on the list even though they managed to make you give up land so Dudzi should be like 5th)

Dont forget Dudzi offered a alliance in return!
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Just gave you the coasts becuase it has to be slow colonisation innit
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
--Cosmic-- wrote:
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Great Powers of the World
1. The Yoshious Empire - Emperor Miles I (stable)
2. The Commonwealth of America - Mario and Luigi Joint Presidency (stable)
3. The Tribal Confederation of Joshy - Joshi Esploshi (joining the Yoshious Empire)
4. Zachthumbria (overextended)
5. The Exalted Kingdom of Leicester - Cosmic III Terrenus (expansionist)
6. Realm of Twilight (isolationist)
7. Pseudo-Liechtenstein (isolationist)
8. Fiery Emirate (isolationist)
9. Konigreich Nitroraptor (threatened)
10.Coolmonkey Kingdom (expansionist)

No way a commonwealth of small states is stronger than me, at least with my new lands i might become stronger than them!

well you were a tribe but now that you are an actual government and you have other lands you might be stronger.
Also you lost land to Dudzi (who i realised is not on the list even though they managed to make you give up land so Dudzi should be like 5th)

Dont forget Dudzi offered a alliance in return!

ahh right cool
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
I changed the great power list
Messages 812 - Mario Mario
vs10628 pts ★ Champion
battle5436 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Just gave you the coasts becuase it has to be slow colonisation innit

I liked my flag there but i think you forgot something
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Just gave you the coasts becuase it has to be slow colonisation innit

I liked my flag there but i think you forgot something

Messages 812 - Mario Mario
vs10628 pts ★ Champion
battle5436 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Just gave you the coasts becuase it has to be slow colonisation innit

I liked my flag there but i think you forgot something


It is literaly below my flag wut
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
--Cosmic-- wrote:
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Just gave you the coasts becuase it has to be slow colonisation innit

I liked my flag there but i think you forgot something


It is literaly below my flag wut

Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Messages 446 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs19907 pts ★ Master
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
can you use my flag
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Coolmonkey wrote:
can you use my flag

used it, tis in cornwall
Messages 37 - Koopa Koopa
vs14877 pts ★ Champion
battle5110 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
dutch of gods shall expand taking so much more of germany and some of france
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
God_Squad wrote:
dutch of gods shall expand taking so much more of germany and some of france

damnn that's a bit...too fast, but i will make you expand but not half of western europe
Messages 812 - Mario Mario
vs10628 pts ★ Champion
battle5436 pts ★ Novice
God_Squad wrote:
dutch of gods shall expand taking so much more of germany and some of france

Make peace with Nitro or i shall stop your expansion!
Messages 37 - Koopa Koopa
vs14877 pts ★ Champion
battle5110 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
if you try stop me i will get my ally coolmonkey and we would go to war!!!
Messages 446 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs19907 pts ★ Master
battle7475 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 812 - Mario Mario
vs10628 pts ★ Champion
battle5436 pts ★ Novice
God_Squad wrote:
if you try stop me i will get my ally coolmonkey and we would go to war!!!

You arent even in the power list
I am so much stronger still, and i have Dudzi too!!!
Messages 812 - Mario Mario
vs10628 pts ★ Champion
battle5436 pts ★ Novice
Coolmonkey wrote:

I suggest you dont try to enter what you have nothing about unless you also want to become a vassal!
Messages 37 - Koopa Koopa
vs14877 pts ★ Champion
battle5110 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
then i e=will still destroy nitro with him and well mak ea really powerful country taking u as well and i will then ,=make  the 4th reich
Messages 812 - Mario Mario
vs10628 pts ★ Champion
battle5436 pts ★ Novice
God_Squad wrote:
then i e=will still destroy nitro with him and well mak ea really powerful country taking u as well and i will then ,=make  the 4th reich

Ahhahaha dont make me laught, you cant defeat me wathever!

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