/| Mario Kart PC |\



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Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
In the next few hours (EST) it will be my birthday, I'll tell you everything I did on it!
Messages 306 - Peach Peach
vs6727 pts ★ Racer
battle5701 pts ★ Novice
Trinidad and Tobago
tendokiddo wrote:
In the next few hours (EST) it will be my birthday, I'll tell you everything I did on it!

Happy early birthday
Messages 2866 - King Mario King Mario
vs58040 pts ★ Titan
battle11492 pts ★ Champion
I was going to make a topic about this, but...last time, that ended up being complete nonsense, & what was supposed to be serious ended up being insanely jokey, which I neither planned nor appreciated(the antithesis of what got me banned). This time, I'm taking a different approach.

Basically, I appreciate the unban, but I'll be honest with you, I haven't changed. Not in a literal sense, but only enough to understand that I was wrong for saying what I said. Beyond that, I haven't been making much progress. TLDR: I'm still a problem, to you all, & to myself. And since I've been...watching you guys, I know that that's the last thing this website needs right now. So I've preemptively decided to not be active until I get things right. Maybe post a track or 2, or a message here & there. Maybe I'll cave around my bday(dad is right, I'm a wuss), or something. I don't know. Point is, if I can't rely on myself to not say nonsense(which is my entire online personality, I just throw shit at the wall & see what sticks), I'll just say nothing at all. It's a half-assed way out, but it's far safer than risking a repeat of whatever the hell I was cooking back in April.

Finally, I need to actually apologize, which I know is not gonna be taken seriously because of how the previous apology turned out, and even if you don't accept it(fair enough, I've proven to be untrustworthy), it'd be really weird of me to not do this, so:

I'm sorry for:

-Being overly racist to specific nationalities(Ireland, Thailand(I think? That was a while ago))for personal reasons.

-Being overly transphobic on multiple occasions.

-Writing incest & ero fanfiction about a lot of the website members(which have since been deleted) without your consent. It was also pretty poorly written, for what it's worth.

-Constantly "looking down" on others, and trying to invalidate them for petty, selfish reasons.

-Pretty much being a dick intentionally for the sake of having some antagonistic force, purely for dramatics & personal enjoyment(because I don't think any of you were enjoying it).

-Saying random shit without forethought, instead of micromanaging every message I send online.

-Being rude to the moderators(well, moderator, I guess. I think it was only really Max. Don't see much of the other mods) on multiple occasions.

-Lying for attention, posting random crap for attention, pretty much doing everything for attention. Not"notice me senpai" attention, just, normal attention. Being an attention whore.

-Not having realized how wrong I was, & for not trying to mellow out sooner.

A long ass list of offences, for which I served a comparatively short punishment.

Either way, I know that you all think that is probably a load of shit. And I don't blame you. Which is why I'm dipping. Whenever I 100% come back, it won't be a load of shit, & I'll have genuinely changed. But 4 months wasn't enough time. Heck, I was enjoying the break. Not having this crutch to rely meant I had to interact with people who I never had to face with it. On one hand, I'm now seriously down bad for some of my extended family members, & I'm repeating the same mistakes that led me to be like how I was in the first place. On the other hand, I'm actually making friends, & now I'm able to hold conversations with others. Forced interaction has been really good for me. Not for my grades though, now they're worse. Not sure what's happened there.

Anyway, I realized that the longer I make this, the more likely people are to skip the information(or maybe it's drivel) held within. I think this is what happened last time. I have no grounds for thinking so, but I do.

TLDR, I'm thankful to have another opportunity, but I haven't leveled up to the point where I think I actually deserve said opportunity, and so I won't really be active until I reach that point.

Until then, stay frosty.
Messages 927 - Mario Mario
vs15367 pts ★ Master
battle8324 pts ★ Expert
United States
I was going to make a topic about this, but...last time, that ended up being complete nonsense, & what was supposed to be serious ended up being insanely jokey, which I neither planned nor appreciated(the antithesis of what got me banned). This time, I'm taking a different approach.

Basically, I appreciate the unban, but I'll be honest with you, I haven't changed. Not in a literal sense, but only enough to understand that I was wrong for saying what I said. Beyond that, I haven't been making much progress. TLDR: I'm still a problem, to you all, & to myself. And since I've been...watching you guys, I know that that's the last thing this website needs right now. So I've preemptively decided to not be active until I get things right. Maybe post a track or 2, or a message here & there. Maybe I'll cave around my bday(dad is right, I'm a wuss), or something. I don't know. Point is, if I can't rely on myself to not say nonsense(which is my entire online personality, I just throw shit at the wall & see what sticks), I'll just say nothing at all. It's a half-assed way out, but it's far safer than risking a repeat of whatever the hell I was cooking back in April.

Finally, I need to actually apologize, which I know is not gonna be taken seriously because of how the previous apology turned out, and even if you don't accept it(fair enough, I've proven to be untrustworthy), it'd be really weird of me to not do this, so:

I'm sorry for:

-Being overly racist to specific nationalities(Ireland, Thailand(I think? That was a while ago))for personal reasons.

-Being overly transphobic on multiple occasions.

-Writing incest & ero fanfiction about a lot of the website members(which have since been deleted) without your consent. It was also pretty poorly written, for what it's worth.

-Constantly "looking down" on others, and trying to invalidate them for petty, selfish reasons.

-Pretty much being a dick intentionally for the sake of having some antagonistic force, purely for dramatics & personal enjoyment(because I don't think any of you were enjoying it).

-Saying random shit without forethought, instead of micromanaging every message I send online.

-Being rude to the moderators(well, moderator, I guess. I think it was only really Max. Don't see much of the other mods) on multiple occasions.

-Lying for attention, posting random crap for attention, pretty much doing everything for attention. Not"notice me senpai" attention, just, normal attention. Being an attention whore.

-Not having realized how wrong I was, & for not trying to mellow out sooner.

A long ass list of offences, for which I served a comparatively short punishment.

Either way, I know that you all think that is probably a load of shit. And I don't blame you. Which is why I'm dipping. Whenever I 100% come back, it won't be a load of shit, & I'll have genuinely changed. But 4 months wasn't enough time. Heck, I was enjoying the break. Not having this crutch to rely meant I had to interact with people who I never had to face with it. On one hand, I'm now seriously down bad for some of my extended family members, & I'm repeating the same mistakes that led me to be like how I was in the first place. On the other hand, I'm actually making friends, & now I'm able to hold conversations with others. Forced interaction has been really good for me. Not for my grades though, now they're worse. Not sure what's happened there.

Anyway, I realized that the longer I make this, the more likely people are to skip the information(or maybe it's drivel) held within. I think this is what happened last time. I have no grounds for thinking so, but I do.

TLDR, I'm thankful to have another opportunity, but I haven't leveled up to the point where I think I actually deserve said opportunity, and so I won't really be active until I reach that point.

Until then, stay frosty.

oh, uh, hi.

we, erm, appreciate your apology
Messages 2866 - King Mario King Mario
vs58040 pts ★ Titan
battle11492 pts ★ Champion
Also @RedPikmin95 I wanted to tell you that your flicks were really good for sticks in that Decav clip, as carried by Decav glitch as the ending was. Good clip!
Messages 927 - Mario Mario
vs15367 pts ★ Master
battle8324 pts ★ Expert
United States
Also @RedPikmin95 I wanted to tell you that your flicks were really good for sticks in that Decav clip, as carried by Decav glitch as the ending was. Good clip!


I didn't think someone would respond to that, but thanks!
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
2 hours to go...
Messages 547 - Mario Mario
vs19219 pts ★ Master
battle8371 pts ★ Expert
United States
tendokiddo wrote:
2 hours to go...

For what? The fourth of July?
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
tendokiddo wrote:
2 hours to go...

For what? The fourth of July?

That and My birthday
Messages 627 - Mario Mario
vs27834 pts ★ Legend
battle9632 pts ★ Expert
United States
Spoiler [ShowHide]
I was going to make a topic about this, but...last time, that ended up being complete nonsense, & what was supposed to be serious ended up being insanely jokey, which I neither planned nor appreciated(the antithesis of what got me banned). This time, I'm taking a different approach.

Basically, I appreciate the unban, but I'll be honest with you, I haven't changed. Not in a literal sense, but only enough to understand that I was wrong for saying what I said. Beyond that, I haven't been making much progress. TLDR: I'm still a problem, to you all, & to myself. And since I've been...watching you guys, I know that that's the last thing this website needs right now. So I've preemptively decided to not be active until I get things right. Maybe post a track or 2, or a message here & there. Maybe I'll cave around my bday(dad is right, I'm a wuss), or something. I don't know. Point is, if I can't rely on myself to not say nonsense(which is my entire online personality, I just throw shit at the wall & see what sticks), I'll just say nothing at all. It's a half-assed way out, but it's far safer than risking a repeat of whatever the hell I was cooking back in April.

Finally, I need to actually apologize, which I know is not gonna be taken seriously because of how the previous apology turned out, and even if you don't accept it(fair enough, I've proven to be untrustworthy), it'd be really weird of me to not do this, so:

I'm sorry for:

-Being overly racist to specific nationalities(Ireland, Thailand(I think? That was a while ago))for personal reasons.

-Being overly transphobic on multiple occasions.

-Writing incest & ero fanfiction about a lot of the website members(which have since been deleted) without your consent. It was also pretty poorly written, for what it's worth.

-Constantly "looking down" on others, and trying to invalidate them for petty, selfish reasons.

-Pretty much being a dick intentionally for the sake of having some antagonistic force, purely for dramatics & personal enjoyment(because I don't think any of you were enjoying it).

-Saying random shit without forethought, instead of micromanaging every message I send online.

-Being rude to the moderators(well, moderator, I guess. I think it was only really Max. Don't see much of the other mods) on multiple occasions.

-Lying for attention, posting random crap for attention, pretty much doing everything for attention. Not"notice me senpai" attention, just, normal attention. Being an attention whore.

-Not having realized how wrong I was, & for not trying to mellow out sooner.

A long ass list of offences, for which I served a comparatively short punishment.

Either way, I know that you all think that is probably a load of shit. And I don't blame you. Which is why I'm dipping. Whenever I 100% come back, it won't be a load of shit, & I'll have genuinely changed. But 4 months wasn't enough time. Heck, I was enjoying the break. Not having this crutch to rely meant I had to interact with people who I never had to face with it. On one hand, I'm now seriously down bad for some of my extended family members, & I'm repeating the same mistakes that led me to be like how I was in the first place. On the other hand, I'm actually making friends, & now I'm able to hold conversations with others. Forced interaction has been really good for me. Not for my grades though, now they're worse. Not sure what's happened there.

Anyway, I realized that the longer I make this, the more likely people are to skip the information(or maybe it's drivel) held within. I think this is what happened last time. I have no grounds for thinking so, but I do.

TLDR, I'm thankful to have another opportunity, but I haven't leveled up to the point where I think I actually deserve said opportunity, and so I won't really be active until I reach that point.

Until then, stay frosty.

Hey welcome back! fete

On that whole essay . . .
Spoiler [ShowHide]

Glad to see you've acknowledged your mistakes (and acknowledge that, apparently, you haven't entirely improved). I'm sure you can reform. You seem tough enough to do that, and acknowledging your mistakes is the first step. You've done that. Don't let the rest get you down man.

Good to have you back here. Good luck! ;)
Messages 927 - Mario Mario
vs15367 pts ★ Master
battle8324 pts ★ Expert
United States
so we now have THREE people from the old days of MKPC coming back after their ban
Messages 1705 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20229 pts ★ Legend
battle6349 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
I was going to make a topic about this, but...last time, that ended up being complete nonsense, & what was supposed to be serious ended up being insanely jokey, which I neither planned nor appreciated(the antithesis of what got me banned). This time, I'm taking a different approach.

Basically, I appreciate the unban, but I'll be honest with you, I haven't changed. Not in a literal sense, but only enough to understand that I was wrong for saying what I said. Beyond that, I haven't been making much progress. TLDR: I'm still a problem, to you all, & to myself. And since I've been...watching you guys, I know that that's the last thing this website needs right now. So I've preemptively decided to not be active until I get things right. Maybe post a track or 2, or a message here & there. Maybe I'll cave around my bday(dad is right, I'm a wuss), or something. I don't know. Point is, if I can't rely on myself to not say nonsense(which is my entire online personality, I just throw shit at the wall & see what sticks), I'll just say nothing at all. It's a half-assed way out, but it's far safer than risking a repeat of whatever the hell I was cooking back in April.

Finally, I need to actually apologize, which I know is not gonna be taken seriously because of how the previous apology turned out, and even if you don't accept it(fair enough, I've proven to be untrustworthy), it'd be really weird of me to not do this, so:

I'm sorry for:

-Being overly racist to specific nationalities(Ireland, Thailand(I think? That was a while ago))for personal reasons.

-Being overly transphobic on multiple occasions.

-Writing incest & ero fanfiction about a lot of the website members(which have since been deleted) without your consent. It was also pretty poorly written, for what it's worth.

-Constantly "looking down" on others, and trying to invalidate them for petty, selfish reasons.

-Pretty much being a dick intentionally for the sake of having some antagonistic force, purely for dramatics & personal enjoyment(because I don't think any of you were enjoying it).

-Saying random shit without forethought, instead of micromanaging every message I send online.

-Being rude to the moderators(well, moderator, I guess. I think it was only really Max. Don't see much of the other mods) on multiple occasions.

-Lying for attention, posting random crap for attention, pretty much doing everything for attention. Not"notice me senpai" attention, just, normal attention. Being an attention whore.

-Not having realized how wrong I was, & for not trying to mellow out sooner.

A long ass list of offences, for which I served a comparatively short punishment.

Either way, I know that you all think that is probably a load of shit. And I don't blame you. Which is why I'm dipping. Whenever I 100% come back, it won't be a load of shit, & I'll have genuinely changed. But 4 months wasn't enough time. Heck, I was enjoying the break. Not having this crutch to rely meant I had to interact with people who I never had to face with it. On one hand, I'm now seriously down bad for some of my extended family members, & I'm repeating the same mistakes that led me to be like how I was in the first place. On the other hand, I'm actually making friends, & now I'm able to hold conversations with others. Forced interaction has been really good for me. Not for my grades though, now they're worse. Not sure what's happened there.

Anyway, I realized that the longer I make this, the more likely people are to skip the information(or maybe it's drivel) held within. I think this is what happened last time. I have no grounds for thinking so, but I do.

TLDR, I'm thankful to have another opportunity, but I haven't leveled up to the point where I think I actually deserve said opportunity, and so I won't really be active until I reach that point.

Until then, stay frosty.

welcome back krazey!
Messages 893 - Mario Mario
vs8171 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Messages 927 - Mario Mario
vs15367 pts ★ Master
battle8324 pts ★ Expert
United States

I already heard not one, but two fireworks BEFORE the clock went to 12:00
Messages 1705 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20229 pts ★ Legend
battle6349 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
of course discord just has to shove nitro in to my face as soon as i wake up
Messages 4019 - King Mario King Mario
vs14133 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
Lely wrote:
Senko wrote:
What are you guys planning for the fourth of July?

nothing since I don't use guns and I know what a kilometer is ^^

You are OBSESSED with these stereotypes

Mate if you wanna talk about American stereotypes go to me
Messages 11200 - King Mario King Mario
vs35065 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
I was going to make a topic about this, but...last time, that ended up being complete nonsense, & what was supposed to be serious ended up being insanely jokey, which I neither planned nor appreciated(the antithesis of what got me banned). This time, I'm taking a different approach.

Basically, I appreciate the unban, but I'll be honest with you, I haven't changed. Not in a literal sense, but only enough to understand that I was wrong for saying what I said. Beyond that, I haven't been making much progress. TLDR: I'm still a problem, to you all, & to myself. And since I've been...watching you guys, I know that that's the last thing this website needs right now. So I've preemptively decided to not be active until I get things right. Maybe post a track or 2, or a message here & there. Maybe I'll cave around my bday(dad is right, I'm a wuss), or something. I don't know. Point is, if I can't rely on myself to not say nonsense(which is my entire online personality, I just throw shit at the wall & see what sticks), I'll just say nothing at all. It's a half-assed way out, but it's far safer than risking a repeat of whatever the hell I was cooking back in April.

Finally, I need to actually apologize, which I know is not gonna be taken seriously because of how the previous apology turned out, and even if you don't accept it(fair enough, I've proven to be untrustworthy), it'd be really weird of me to not do this, so:

I'm sorry for:

-Being overly racist to specific nationalities(Ireland, Thailand(I think? That was a while ago))for personal reasons.

-Being overly transphobic on multiple occasions.

-Writing incest & ero fanfiction about a lot of the website members(which have since been deleted) without your consent. It was also pretty poorly written, for what it's worth.

-Constantly "looking down" on others, and trying to invalidate them for petty, selfish reasons.

-Pretty much being a dick intentionally for the sake of having some antagonistic force, purely for dramatics & personal enjoyment(because I don't think any of you were enjoying it).

-Saying random shit without forethought, instead of micromanaging every message I send online.

-Being rude to the moderators(well, moderator, I guess. I think it was only really Max. Don't see much of the other mods) on multiple occasions.

-Lying for attention, posting random crap for attention, pretty much doing everything for attention. Not"notice me senpai" attention, just, normal attention. Being an attention whore.

-Not having realized how wrong I was, & for not trying to mellow out sooner.

A long ass list of offences, for which I served a comparatively short punishment.

Either way, I know that you all think that is probably a load of shit. And I don't blame you. Which is why I'm dipping. Whenever I 100% come back, it won't be a load of shit, & I'll have genuinely changed. But 4 months wasn't enough time. Heck, I was enjoying the break. Not having this crutch to rely meant I had to interact with people who I never had to face with it. On one hand, I'm now seriously down bad for some of my extended family members, & I'm repeating the same mistakes that led me to be like how I was in the first place. On the other hand, I'm actually making friends, & now I'm able to hold conversations with others. Forced interaction has been really good for me. Not for my grades though, now they're worse. Not sure what's happened there.

Anyway, I realized that the longer I make this, the more likely people are to skip the information(or maybe it's drivel) held within. I think this is what happened last time. I have no grounds for thinking so, but I do.

TLDR, I'm thankful to have another opportunity, but I haven't leveled up to the point where I think I actually deserve said opportunity, and so I won't really be active until I reach that point.

Until then, stay frosty.

1. Apology accepted because, despite doing and saying a lot of shit, you weren't necessarily a permanent nuisance to the community.

2. I feel so ridiculous right now because I literally fought to get your ban reduced
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean

Happy independence day
Messages 306 - Peach Peach
vs6727 pts ★ Racer
battle5701 pts ★ Novice
Trinidad and Tobago
tendokiddo wrote:

Happy independence day

Messages 43 - Koopa Koopa
vs19709 pts ★ Master
battle6325 pts ★ Racer
I was going to make a topic about this, but...last time, that ended up being complete nonsense, & what was supposed to be serious ended up being insanely jokey, which I neither planned nor appreciated(the antithesis of what got me banned). This time, I'm taking a different approach.

Basically, I appreciate the unban, but I'll be honest with you, I haven't changed. Not in a literal sense, but only enough to understand that I was wrong for saying what I said. Beyond that, I haven't been making much progress. TLDR: I'm still a problem, to you all, & to myself. And since I've been...watching you guys, I know that that's the last thing this website needs right now. So I've preemptively decided to not be active until I get things right. Maybe post a track or 2, or a message here & there. Maybe I'll cave around my bday(dad is right, I'm a wuss), or something. I don't know. Point is, if I can't rely on myself to not say nonsense(which is my entire online personality, I just throw shit at the wall & see what sticks), I'll just say nothing at all. It's a half-assed way out, but it's far safer than risking a repeat of whatever the hell I was cooking back in April.

Finally, I need to actually apologize, which I know is not gonna be taken seriously because of how the previous apology turned out, and even if you don't accept it(fair enough, I've proven to be untrustworthy), it'd be really weird of me to not do this, so:

I'm sorry for:

-Being overly racist to specific nationalities(Ireland, Thailand(I think? That was a while ago))for personal reasons.

-Being overly transphobic on multiple occasions.

-Writing incest & ero fanfiction about a lot of the website members(which have since been deleted) without your consent. It was also pretty poorly written, for what it's worth.

-Constantly "looking down" on others, and trying to invalidate them for petty, selfish reasons.

-Pretty much being a dick intentionally for the sake of having some antagonistic force, purely for dramatics & personal enjoyment(because I don't think any of you were enjoying it).

-Saying random shit without forethought, instead of micromanaging every message I send online.

-Being rude to the moderators(well, moderator, I guess. I think it was only really Max. Don't see much of the other mods) on multiple occasions.

-Lying for attention, posting random crap for attention, pretty much doing everything for attention. Not"notice me senpai" attention, just, normal attention. Being an attention whore.

-Not having realized how wrong I was, & for not trying to mellow out sooner.

A long ass list of offences, for which I served a comparatively short punishment.

Either way, I know that you all think that is probably a load of shit. And I don't blame you. Which is why I'm dipping. Whenever I 100% come back, it won't be a load of shit, & I'll have genuinely changed. But 4 months wasn't enough time. Heck, I was enjoying the break. Not having this crutch to rely meant I had to interact with people who I never had to face with it. On one hand, I'm now seriously down bad for some of my extended family members, & I'm repeating the same mistakes that led me to be like how I was in the first place. On the other hand, I'm actually making friends, & now I'm able to hold conversations with others. Forced interaction has been really good for me. Not for my grades though, now they're worse. Not sure what's happened there.

Anyway, I realized that the longer I make this, the more likely people are to skip the information(or maybe it's drivel) held within. I think this is what happened last time. I have no grounds for thinking so, but I do.

TLDR, I'm thankful to have another opportunity, but I haven't leveled up to the point where I think I actually deserve said opportunity, and so I won't really be active until I reach that point.

Until then, stay frosty.

I hope that on someday youre finally back :)

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