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Messages 660 - Mario Mario
vs19596 pts ★ Master
battle8285 pts ★ Expert
United States
im bored so  can we play gartic phone


i know this probably wont get a lot of players

Bruh. What did I just witness?


Okay then. For my first time playing gartic phone, it was a lot of fun.
Messages 280 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs99280 pts ★ Titan
battle18141 pts ★ Master
Me discoverd this https://i.postimg.cc/SKWK4qRG/Screenshot-2024-02-08-11-37-34-AM.png
How the fuck did i follow myself.:s

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Me discoverd this https://i.postimg.cc/SKWK4qRG/Screenshot-2024-02-08-11-37-34-AM.png
How the fuck did i follow myself.:s

the real question is how the hell do you have 510 notifs (kind of a stupid question, i know)
Messages 280 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs99280 pts ★ Titan
battle18141 pts ★ Master
ChocoGD wrote:
Me discoverd this https://i.postimg.cc/SKWK4qRG/Screenshot-2024-02-08-11-37-34-AM.png
How the fuck did i follow myself.:s

the real question is how the hell do you have 510 notifs (kind of a stupid question, i know)

I never check them.
Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs11531 pts ★ Champion
battle6426 pts ★ Racer
ChocoGD wrote:
Me discoverd this https://i.postimg.cc/SKWK4qRG/Screenshot-2024-02-08-11-37-34-AM.png
How the  did i follow myself.:s

the real question is how the  do you have 510 notifs (kind of a stupid question, i know)
Umm I have 1477 notifs
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
MemeGuy wrote:
ChocoGD wrote:
Me discoverd this https://i.postimg.cc/SKWK4qRG/Screenshot-2024-02-08-11-37-34-AM.png
How the  did i follow myself.:s

the real question is how the  do you have 510 notifs (kind of a stupid question, i know)
Umm I have 1477 notifs

send an image, otherwise you're lying
Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs11531 pts ★ Champion
battle6426 pts ★ Racer
ChocoGD wrote:
MemeGuy wrote:
ChocoGD wrote:
Me discoverd this https://i.postimg.cc/SKWK4qRG/Screenshot-2024-02-08-11-37-34-AM.png
How the  did i follow myself.:s

the real question is how the  do you have 510 notifs (kind of a stupid question, i know)
Umm I have 1477 notifs

send an image, otherwise you're lying
i don't know how to send a image like that but here a some of the notifs 1477 notificationsSettings
ChocoGD quoted you in the topic [Fanfic] SuperMega7's MKPC Life
ChocoGD answered to the topic [Fanfic] SuperMega7's MKPC Life
dog44 published the cup Peach cup
dog44 published the circuit RMX Vanilla Lake 2
dog44 published the circuit Lakeside Park
dog44 published the circuit Yoshi's jungle
dog44 published the circuit Daisy Hills
Sebastian_Valdez published the cup N64 Star Cup
patrickmaster published the circuit Koopa beach but easy
Sebastian_Valdez published the circuit Box Gap
Tech_Toast published the character Koopa
Sebastian_Valdez published the circuit Rush Hour City
Sebastian_Valdez published the circuit Paratroopa Mineshaft
KirbyBoy published the circuit Lake
Sebastian_Valdez_2 published the topic Complete Mode Tracks In Quick Mode
ChocoGD published the arena Turquoise Fort
Sebastian_Valdez published the multicup BCP Wave 6
Sebastian_Valdez published the cup Spiny Cup
Sebastian_Valdez published the cup Acorn Cup
Sebastian_Valdez published the cup Star Cup
Sebastian_Valdez published the circuit SNES Bowser Castle 3
Messages 267 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs5709 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
-LelyTeal- wrote:
It has been a while since my last essay of this type. Well guess what ?

The community has gone back to its exact old state. The topics are an utter mess, they hardly make sense anymore. "Who is Matpat" nobody cares much though, a lot of people here including me don't even know who he is. The topic itself is stupid asf, it is desperately trying to be funny but it uses the wrong references of the word "funny". It literally got everyone laughing with a straight face, without the laughter.

Also it seems that there is a new wave of users on the forum, and some of them are part of the problem. I'm sorry but I am going to have to quote names.

Might as well put them together, since the reproaches I have to address are the same. Both are too active, Choco's messages are slightly better though.

As an example, I remember that Nudge screenshot where three messages of Mike were literally "tru" or "oop", literally 1-word messages that brought nothing to the conversation, and that's actually against the rules even if they are highly outdated. As I used to say, this is the Internet. You don't just say some random crap you just thought about. Now the counter has gone down, but you were at 67 messages at the beginning of the third day...

Overall, not too problematic, but sometimes your messages are useless, and Nudge already warned you verbally.

Very toxic behavior overall. I don't know if Cario and him are the same person, because Cario seems much more toned down. But lance... I remember him causing quite a lot of arguments, and overall having an immature behavior, sometimes randomly being a bitch to other for no reason. A kid.

The drama with him is done but his case was still interesting, always demanding when it came to track making, trying to use the content and the creations of other people without properly crediting them, and always labeling everything as "Spheal Kart" as if it was his own shit.

There are some people who kindly helped him but it seems like he was never satisfied. To the point he always asked to modify the tracks, because he needed to have full control and he needed to add silly decors that were unneeded in the context of the said track.

Literally used the n word, also I remember him creating chain arguments with Lance, where they'd yell at each other like complete toddlers, going like "yo mama's fat" "yours is a hoe" "you are the dumber one" "your hairline fell" "you are bald" "your mom should get a tax for making a hoe like you", using gen alpha youtube type of slang, thinking they look cool, badass bitches, and thinking that they were roasting each other hard, while in reality, they were as impactful as a disfunctioning AC. Thinking they ate but the plate is full, the food is cold, there is world hunger out there, the meat is spoiled and the vegetables rotten.

The forum kid by excellence. Creates arguments, preferably in chains because why not, Gen Alpha, insults that have the impact of a toddler hitting you, and generally loud.

You know what I'm not even going to address his case because I am not as dumb as I look, and I just know that this is a source of huge drama. We all know he's implicated in drama, we don't need to repeat it.

Overall there we have it. This community is drowned in unnecessary topics that make no sense. Or topics that are overdramatic. Like the one Maxxie created to "raise awareness" about a stealer. And this showed a point I talked about a while ago.

-LelyTeal- wrote:
3. I love how this forum loves to yap, scream and run around like headless sheeps who heard a wolf pursuing them whenever there is an "issue".

Whenever there is an issue, like track stealing in both of these cases, people never think rationally.
No one ever thinks "it might be good to just report it to the moderator in DMs so that we can solve it quickly and easily". No. Everybody thinks "I am gonna yell at the person who did it because they're such a wicked big evil meanie!!!!" It reminds me of myself in 2021 when I used to yell about square tracks and how uncreative and spamy they were and felt. That's just stupid. "It was too upsetting for me to stay silent" well you should have stayed silent, at least on the community. Upsetting ? There is message, DM report, Discord report, a ton of ways that are easier, quicker and most important : that avoid unwanted attention.

Most of these times, everyone goes "how is he still around ? We need to ban him ! He is so problematic ! This community is doomed ! I had a vision last night and it told me that track stealing will be our demise !!" Screaming does not get you anywhere. it makes you spin around in circles in what you call a bog of stupidity. And it is a waste of energy.

Aside from that, it generates more drama, or at least more problems. Because there is a difference between sitting on a chair, watching something and yelling "BOO HOO ! THIS IS SCANDALOUS ! I WANT TO SPEAK TOT THE MANAGER !" And getting your ass up to try to fix the situation as fast and as good as you can. One is loud, pisses off everyone, is ridiculous, vocal, useless and you are just making a show out of yourself. The other is silent, quick, avoids a big fuss on the forums even if I know some of y'all love to do that. The only thing holding us back from falling into April 2023 over again are the new mods. We can thank them. Because it's not easy, especially on such a website.

Think rationally.

Sit there.

And choose your battles.


Mine ? I will be trying to fight to make this community better. I won't be advocating for it because that's 2023 bullshit, but some essays to address a situation and actually make some people realize that there is a problem.

Invu out, outvu.

whos the worst besides yellowkoopa
Messages 267 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs5709 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
new name!
Messages 589 - Mario Mario
vs6872 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Ive Had This Thought For A While Now, So Does Anyone Want To Help Me Make "A Full-Speed Farewell From The New World" From KANFL Into A Track?
Messages 280 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs99280 pts ★ Titan
battle18141 pts ★ Master
This is really disturbing.:s:(
Messages 589 - Mario Mario
vs6872 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
This is really disturbing.:s:(

GUYS DONT CLICK THE LINK ITS A RICK ROLL OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Messages 999 - Mario Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
This is really disturbing.:s:(

jokes aside, it’s a good song
Messages 11383 - King Mario King Mario
vs35065 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
I just appeared on a Switjar video 😄
Messages 267 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs5709 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
someone make a sound mp3 that would fit in a cardboard cutout of crafty corn, possibly explaining how she died or if she's still alive like dog day had been
Messages 267 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs5709 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
-LelyTeal- wrote:
I just appeared on a Switjar video 😄

hold up WHAT
Messages 11383 - King Mario King Mario
vs35065 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
-LelyTeal- wrote:
I just appeared on a Switjar video 😄

hold up WHAT

Suggested a change for Toad's Factory that I thought about when I was like, 9. He said he wasn't too keen on about that, but my post still appears in the video 😂
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
-LelyTeal- wrote:
I just appeared on a Switjar video 😄

i saw it too
"The platform section could be underwater" i agree
Messages 2193 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs5325 pts ★ Novice
battle5601 pts ★ Novice
United States
-LelyTeal- wrote:
I just appeared on a Switjar video 😄

Me who was on the news once and in a YouTube video three times:
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Chilli3564 wrote:
-LelyTeal- wrote:
I just appeared on a Switjar video 😄

Me who was on the news once and in a YouTube video three times:

wow being in a YT video three times?! that's very cool

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