MKPC Forum Simulates Civilization
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On 2025-03-08 at 01:25:02
I build a skyscraper that goes to the moon
On 2025-03-08 at 01:25:15
I build a yoshi-shaped second story on my house
I explode your house.
I rewind time to when my house was still there
I explode it and delete previous save data so you cant time travel.
I rebuild my entire house from memory
On 2025-03-08 at 01:28:03
I build a yoshi-shaped second story on my house
I explode your house.
I rewind time to when my house was still there
I explode it and delete previous save data so you cant time travel.
I rebuild my entire house from memory
I put a giant sinkhole where it is.
On 2025-03-08 at 01:29:51
I build a yoshi-shaped second story on my house
I explode your house.
I rewind time to when my house was still there
I explode it and delete previous save data so you cant time travel.
I rebuild my entire house from memory
I put a giant sinkhole where it is.
I steal your house, demolish it, and build my house where yours was.
On 2025-03-08 at 01:31:02
I build a yoshi-shaped second story on my house
I explode your house.
I rewind time to when my house was still there
I explode it and delete previous save data so you cant time travel.
I rebuild my entire house from memory
I put a giant sinkhole where it is.
I steal your house, demolish it, and build my house where yours was.
I will stop attacking you if you join my military.
On 2025-03-08 at 01:31:19
I build a yoshi-shaped second story on my house
I explode your house.
I rewind time to when my house was still there
I explode it and delete previous save data so you cant time travel.
I rebuild my entire house from memory
I put a giant sinkhole where it is.
I steal your house, demolish it, and build my house where yours was.
I build a power plant on top of your house
On 2025-03-08 at 01:34:10
I throw all of @TheTruePro100 's power plant materials in lava.
On 2025-03-08 at 01:35:06
@TheTruePro100 's power plant materials in lava.
I throw all of I rewind time and cover the flatlands with power plants
On 2025-03-08 at 01:39:06
@TheTruePro100 's power plant materials in lava.
I throw all of I rewind time and cover the flatlands with power plants
I fast forward time and delete previous save data. The power plants are gone and you cant go back in time
On 2025-03-08 at 01:39:46
@TheTruePro100 's power plant materials in lava.
I throw all of I rewind time and cover the flatlands with power plants
I fast forward time and delete previous save data. The power plants are gone and you cant go back in time
I build more power plants in creative mode
On 2025-03-08 at 05:54:46
@Glitched and @TheTruePro100. The war is now over. The conflict is forgotten
I cast Obliviate on idk if these guys even know what harry potter spells do

On 2025-03-08 at 06:07:36
I build a statue of spongebob in front of my house
On 2025-03-08 at 06:17:33

On 2025-03-08 at 07:50:13
how are we on page 23 we were on page 18 last night

On 2025-03-08 at 08:17:35
how are we on page 23 we were on page 18 last night
cuz some guy kept building power plants around people without their permission or without the governments permission and others werent okay with it
On 2025-03-08 at 11:35:09
can i have permission to make a burger power plant, its my idea to handle overpopulation leaving fewer resources for food
On 2025-03-08 at 12:26:22
can i have permission to make a burger power plant, its my idea to handle overpopulation leaving fewer resources for food
If it does beef and puts on ketchup and mayonnaise as well as some lettuce i'm fine with it
On 2025-03-08 at 13:08:50
If you want join my military react with :check:
you also get a free burger if you do.
you also get a free burger if you do.

On 2025-03-08 at 13:23:06
can i have permission to make a burger power plant, its my idea to handle overpopulation leaving fewer resources for food
If it does beef and puts on ketchup and mayonnaise as well as some lettuce i'm fine with it
On 2025-03-08 at 13:26:08
can i have permission to make a burger power plant, its my idea to handle overpopulation leaving fewer resources for food
If it does beef and puts on ketchup and mayonnaise as well as some lettuce i'm fine with it
Does that mean there will be pickles or no pickles on every single burger