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I will answer any questions you ask

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Messages 607 - Mario Mario
A person's partner is starving. They see food in the corner of a shop window but they're broke. They know that their parents are wealthy but they also know they will not lend them money as they hate their partner. Eventually the person decides to steal money from their parents to feed their partner. Is the person wrong or justified?

I mean karma's a bitch but the parents are being bitchier so I'd say it's justified.

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I've got a question for you :p
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In court, you see conjoined twins (that cannot be separated from eachother) being accused of assault. The judge finds that only one of the twins is guilty, but the other is innocent. How do you punish the guilty twin without punishing the other?
Messages 2012 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
A person's partner is starving. They see food in the corner of a shop window but they're broke. They know that their parents are wealthy but they also know they will not lend them money as they hate their partner. Eventually the person decides to steal money from their parents to feed their partner. Is the person wrong or justified?

I mean karma's a bitch but the parents are being bitchier so I'd say it's justified.

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I've got a question for you :p
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In court, you see conjoined twins (that cannot be separated from eachother) being accused of assault. The judge finds that only one of the twins is guilty, but the other is innocent. How do you punish the guilty twin without punishing the other?

Finally someone who answered without taking the federal law system into account
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Also to answer your question:
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Easy, just assault the guilty twin back, an eye for an eye after all :p
Messages 2193 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs5325 pts ★ Novice
battle5601 pts ★ Novice
United States
In court, you see conjoined twins (that cannot be separated from eachother) being accused of assault. The judge finds that only one of the twins is guilty, but the other is innocent. How do you punish the guilty twin without punishing the other?

Put one in a minature, hovering jail cell that can easily be moved around by the other twin
Messages 11378 - King Mario King Mario
vs35065 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Teon5072 wrote:
A person's partner is starving. They see food in the corner of a shop window but they're broke. They know that their parents are wealthy but they also know they will not lend them money as they hate their partner. Eventually the person decides to steal money from their parents to feed their partner. Is the person wrong or justified?

I mean karma's a bitch but the parents are being bitchier so I'd say it's justified.

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I've got a question for you :p
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In court, you see conjoined twins (that cannot be separated from eachother) being accused of assault. The judge finds that only one of the twins is guilty, but the other is innocent. How do you punish the guilty twin without punishing the other?

Simple, kill everyone involved. Genocide is ALWAYS the answer!

I really don't think this is the best thing to say with all that is happening right now...
Messages 1056 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11662 pts ★ Champion
battle5563 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Lely wrote:
Teon5072 wrote:
A person's partner is starving. They see food in the corner of a shop window but they're broke. They know that their parents are wealthy but they also know they will not lend them money as they hate their partner. Eventually the person decides to steal money from their parents to feed their partner. Is the person wrong or justified?

I mean karma's a bitch but the parents are being bitchier so I'd say it's justified.

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I've got a question for you :p
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In court, you see conjoined twins (that cannot be separated from eachother) being accused of assault. The judge finds that only one of the twins is guilty, but the other is innocent. How do you punish the guilty twin without punishing the other?

Simple, kill everyone involved. Genocide is ALWAYS the answer!

I really don't think this is the best thing to say with all that is happening right now...

Understood, message removed (IK it's actually pointless, but at least I learned)
Messages 719 - Mario Mario
vs28104 pts ★ Legend
battle9743 pts ★ Expert
United States
Ok very dark question coming right up

Your best friend is tied to a railroad, and a train is racing toward him/her. You can throw a switch, redirect the train, and save your friend, but if you do the five people tied to the other railroad will be, uh, ended. Will you save your friend or the five strangers?

One of my atheist friends asked me this once I wanna see what you say :$
Messages 4680 - King Mario King Mario
vs13876 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
Ok very dark question coming right up

Your best friend is tied to a railroad, and a train is racing toward him/her. You can throw a switch, redirect the train, and save your friend, but if you do the five people tied to the other railroad will be, uh, ended. Will you save your friend or the five strangers?

One of my atheist friends asked me this once I wanna see what you say :$

So basically it’s the Trolley Problem reworded
Messages 2012 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
Ok very dark question coming right up

Your best friend is tied to a railroad, and a train is racing toward him/her. You can throw a switch, redirect the train, and save your friend, but if you do the five people tied to the other railroad will be, uh, ended. Will you save your friend or the five strangers?

One of my atheist friends asked me this once I wanna see what you say :$

My best friend in any scenario would lead to one of my poly lovers (Pixel or my irl crush) so I'd have to pick them to save rather than the 5, problem with this trolley problem is it's entirely individualistic and not generalizable in any way
Messages 607 - Mario Mario
Ok very dark question coming right up

Your best friend is tied to a railroad, and a train is racing toward him/her. You can throw a switch, redirect the train, and save your friend, but if you do the five people tied to the other railroad will be, uh, ended. Will you save your friend or the five strangers?

One of my atheist friends asked me this once I wanna see what you say :$

It would be very easy for me to decide to save my best friend in a simulation like this, however, in real life I believe most won't end up pulling the switch as they would be under shock by the scenario and begin to question themselves whether the train has sensors to make it stop, if they will go to prison for pulling the switch etc.
Messages 2497 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
Yoshi649 wrote:
lightyear is much better than metal gear

Guilty Gear is obviously better (I'm joking the only thing I even know about it is the existence of bridget)

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Of course right after making this post I did a bunch more research into Guilty Gear fuck me
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8 hours later and I'm suddenly super obsessed with The Town Inside Me that was interesting
Messages 2497 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs26689 pts ★ Legend
battle10076 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
wrong-omb wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
lightyear is much better than metal gear

Guilty Gear is obviously better (I'm joking the only thing I even know about it is the existence of bridget)

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Of course right after making this post I did a bunch more research into Guilty Gear fuck me
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8 hours later and I'm suddenly super obsessed with The Town Inside Me that was interesting

I made this post like 10 hours ago and now I have a playstation emulator set up with guilty gear 1 wtf was that 💀
Messages 1 - Goomba Goomba
vs6198 pts ★ Racer
battle4972 pts ★ Budding pilot
United Kingdom
I must know, how the heck is a human being supposed to consume the snack collectively known as a candy cane? Keep in mind not only the Candy Cane's shape, but the fact it melts easily.
Messages 2012 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
Taiphonix wrote:
I must know, how the heck is a human being supposed to consume the snack collectively known as a candy cane? Keep in mind not only the Candy Cane's shape, but the fact it melts easily.

By eating it
Messages 406 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs6367 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Can a tin can?
Messages 607 - Mario Mario
ROBtheBOT wrote:
Can a tin can?

Yes, but a match can't box
Messages 607 - Mario Mario
Taiphonix wrote:
I must know, how the heck is a human being supposed to consume the snack collectively known as a candy cane? Keep in mind not only the Candy Cane's shape, but the fact it melts easily.

Suck on the candy cane
Messages 4680 - King Mario King Mario
vs13876 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
ROBtheBOT wrote:
Can a tin can?

Is this from The Impossible Quiz
Messages 406 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs6367 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Fiery wrote:
ROBtheBOT wrote:
Can a tin can?

Is this from The Impossible Quiz

Yes            No
Maybe        Mustache
Messages 607 - Mario Mario
ROBtheBOT wrote:
Can a tin can?

Is this from The Impossible Quiz

Messages 4680 - King Mario King Mario
vs13876 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
Am I currently living with my biological parents

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