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goodbye forever


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Messages 8 - Goomba Goomba
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
I'm leaving forever because I only do bad things and I can't stand being banned so both accounts will be deactivated and I'll give up on tracks so bye
Messages 29 - Koopa Koopa
vs23968 pts ★ Legend
battle7991 pts ★ Racer
Just keep the account open Incase people still wanna play your tracks
Messages 736 - Mario Mario
vs28746 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
See you soon! ☺️
Messages 3063 - King Mario King Mario
vs60797 pts ★ Titan
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Well, see ya
Messages 691 - Mario Mario
vs20840 pts ★ Legend
battle8285 pts ★ Expert
United States
Well then. Goodbye.
Messages 1501 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
ok bye bye
Messages 383 - Luigi Luigi
vs41379 pts ★ Titan
battle7865 pts ★ Racer
United States
Bye, now
Messages 363 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Today was a strangely happy day for me, I was not expecting it to get any better, but oh boi, how those foolish expectations got exceeded. I just took a lil nap and first thing I see after waking up is this, and honestly, best day ever (maybe I'm overrating it a bit), goodbye :)

I'm totally fine with facepalms and mario_deads, this is not an edit
Messages 4756 - King Mario King Mario
vs13803 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
@UraniumMan so you belittle me for random ass messages on SFA that are old as fuck and say I’m the bad guy then proceed to fucking react with a party face to a guy saying he’s leaving for the time being because he feels shit about himself. As Lely said, imagine being Yoshi649, imagine saying you’re going to leave and the first reaction from you as well as the other 3 fuckers is a partying face. That just makes you feel bloody worse mate

Thanks for giving us more proof you’re a dickhead
Messages 691 - Mario Mario
vs20840 pts ★ Legend
battle8285 pts ★ Expert
United States
Fiery wrote:
@UraniumMan so you belittle me for random ass messages on SFA that are old as fuck and say I’m the bad guy then proceed to fucking react with a party face to a guy saying he’s leaving for the time being because he feels shit about himself. As Lely said, imagine being Yoshi649, imagine saying you’re going to leave and the first reaction from you as well as the other 3 fuckers is a partying face. That just makes you feel bloody worse mate

Thanks for giving us more proof you’re a dickhead

I agree with this. The fact that people are celebrating that he is gone is just straight up cruel.
Messages 523 - Mario Mario
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Fiery wrote:
@UraniumMan so you belittle me for random ass messages on SFA that are old as fuck and say I’m the bad guy then proceed to fucking react with a party face to a guy saying he’s leaving for the time being because he feels shit about himself. As Lely said, imagine being Yoshi649, imagine saying you’re going to leave and the first reaction from you as well as the other 3 fuckers is a partying face. That just makes you feel bloody worse mate

Thanks for giving us more proof you’re a dickhead

Thanks for giving us more proof all you've done is the same: looked for random things I do that you don't like and proceed to call me, and specifically me out about it, when you could've talked to the three other people

Like you've picked a fight with me all three times, and it just gets more and more sad every time. Reconsider your own actions before calling out someone for doing the same thing as you.

And as I said, I couldn't care less, but it's getting harder to not care since you're probably an asshole to everyone irl too and you're going to have a horrible life if I don't at least try to help
Messages 3063 - King Mario King Mario
vs60797 pts ★ Titan
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
UraniumMan wrote:
Fiery wrote:
@UraniumMan so you belittle me for random ass messages on SFA that are old as fuck and say I’m the bad guy then proceed to fucking react with a party face to a guy saying he’s leaving for the time being because he feels shit about himself. As Lely said, imagine being Yoshi649, imagine saying you’re going to leave and the first reaction from you as well as the other 3 fuckers is a partying face. That just makes you feel bloody worse mate

Thanks for giving us more proof you’re a dickhead

Thanks for giving us more proof all you've done is the same: looked for random things I do that you don't like and proceed to call me, and specifically me out about it, when you could've talked to the three other people

Like you've picked a fight with me all three times, and it just gets more and more sad every time. Reconsider your own actions before calling out someone for doing the same thing as you.

And as I said, I couldn't care less, but it's getting harder to not care since you're probably an asshole to everyone irl too and you're going to have a horrible life if I don't at least try to help

"if I don't at least try to help" okay, cut the arrogance out buddy. As someone who's been there & done that, it is not a good look on anyone.
Messages 363 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
If you are wondering, portuguese is now France's language
Not really an apology, by Dudzi
After that comment, I again slept, I was feeling like the right thing was done, I thought that I "speaked my mind" for a second, I overall slept with a smile. "foolish expectations" more like "foolish myself" gawd damn, so, to get things straight, we need to remember the words I said on the already deleted last comment I made here: EGO, SELFISHNESS, LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE and MISUNDERSTANDING, and now I'll explain why I chose those words by telling the actual truth. Yesterday was not an actual good day, not even close to the best, I got bad grades at school and everything else I did was in a rush, now, do you remember the triple L (quadruple if you count mine) said before? Well, I kinda suffer from extreme optimism, meaning that my day could've been trash, but I would still feel like everything's alright, I said kinda because it's not everyday that this happens, but yesterday was one of these days, the thing is that with extreme optimism sometimes extreme ego comes along, filling you with the pride of a lion and making you the biggest asshole ever. All of this together with the fact that I couldn't stand Yoshi649 anymore, and that him leaving in a normal day would give me a little bit of joy (not enough to say what I said, I would have probably said what I will say here at the end), turned that tiny joy into a extremely big happiness, so big that I did not thought about mental issues that the guy could have had. Little time has passed since that comment was posted and being honest, I still think I was at least a little right, that's why the tiltle of this "apology" was made that way, I don't know if that's really an apology. Now that my mind is calmer I will say what I really want to say to you @Yoshi649 (I don't even know if you are reading this, maybe it was too much until it got here, maybe you just said "TL;DR" ), to start it all, good luck, I wish you a great life, this may seem strange coming from the guy that hours ago said how his day got much better just because you leaved, but, honest, I was dumb and now I wish you well with my heart. I also want to give you some advice for your next time on an internet community, first, don't reference brazilian media all the time on a non-brazilian community, that was making me want to stop being brazilian, second, every human being makes mistakes, but if people are pointing errors commonly, something may be wrong, or maybe the community you are in doesn't deserve you, the latter is kinda rare, and with too many errors, people may start to despise you, in some circumstances people will say worst things than what I said, third and final, don't change your personality just because a content creator you enjoy is going through a new phase, better saying, don't call people crazy out of nowhere. You had quite a controversial run, wish you the total best on the grasslands you can now touch out of here. For anyone else who read thus far, peace ;)
Não é bem um pedido de desculpas, por Dudzi
Depois daquele comentário, eu dormi novamente, eu estava sentindo que a coisa certa foi feita, eu pensei que eu "falei o que penso" por um segundo, eu dormi com um sorriso no geral. "expectativas tolas" seria mais "eu tolo" caramba, então, para deixar as coisas claras, precisamos lembrar das palavras que eu disse no último comentário que eu fiz aqui que já foi deletado: EGO, EGOÍSMO, OTIMISMO e MAL-ENTENDIMENTO, e agora eu vou explicar por que eu escolhi essas palavras contando a verdade real. Ontem não foi um dia realmente bom, nem perto do melhor, eu tirei notas ruins na escola e tudo o mais que eu fiz foi com pressa, agora, você se lembra do otimismo dito antes? Bom, eu meio que sofro de otimismo extremo, o que significa que meu dia poderia ter sido um lixo, mas eu ainda sentiria que está tudo bem, eu disse meio porque não é todo dia que isso acontece, mas ontem foi um desses dias, o problema é que com otimismo extremo às vezes vem o ego extremo, te enchendo de orgulho como o de um leão e com isso te tornando o maior babaca do mundo. Tudo isso junto com o fato de que eu não aguentava mais o Yoshi649, e que ele indo embora em um dia normal me daria um pouco de alegria (não o suficiente para dizer o que eu disse, eu provavelmente teria dito o que direi aqui no final), transformou essa pequena alegria em uma felicidade extremamente grande, tão grande que eu não pensei nos problemas mentais que o cara poderia ter. Pouco tempo se passou desde que esse comentário foi postado e sendo honesto, eu ainda acho que eu estava pelo menos um pouco certo, é por isso que o título desse "pedido de desculpas" foi feito dessa forma, eu não sei se isso é realmente um pedido de desculpas. Agora que minha mente está mais calma, vou dizer o que realmente quero te dizer @Yoshi649 (nem sei se você está lendo isso, talvez tenha sido demais até chegar aqui, talvez você tenha dito apenas "mucho texto, hermanito" ), para começar, boa sorte, desejo-lhe uma ótima vida, isso pode parecer estranho vindo do cara que horas atrás disse que seu dia melhorou muito só porque você foi embora, mas, sinceramente, eu fui burro e agora te desejo tudo de bom do fundo do meu coração. Também quero dar alguns conselhos para sua próxima vez em uma comunidade da internet, primeiro, não faça referência à mídia brasileira o tempo todo em uma comunidade não brasileira, isso estava me fazendo querer parar de ser brasileiro, segundo, todo ser humano comete erros, mas se as pessoas estão apontando erros comumente, algo pode estar errado, ou talvez a comunidade em que você está não o mereça, o último é meio raro, e com muitos erros, as pessoas podem começar a desprezá-lo, em algumas circunstâncias as pessoas dirão coisas piores do que o que eu disse, terceiro e último, não mude sua personalidade só porque um criador de conteúdo que você gosta está passando por uma nova fase, melhor dizendo, não chame as pessoas de loucas do nada. Você teve uma carreira bastante controversa, desejo-lhe o melhor nas pastagens que você pode tocar agora fora daqui. Para qualquer outra pessoa que leu até aqui, paz ;)
(a maioria do texto foi passado do inglês para português por google tradutor, só mudei o que seria estranho em português)
I'm not deleting that message, I don't want to deny it.
I take full responsability for everything.
Again, peace.

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