Let's talk about...

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On 2024-08-12 at 12:00:18
Bonjour, bonsoir,
J'ai eu une idée de topic il y a à peu près un mois, qui consistait à parler d'un jeu vidéo ou d'une série de jeux vidéo, en changeant le thème une fois toutes les 2 ou 3 semaines. Ici, vous pouvez poster un peu tout ce que vous voulez tant que ça a du rapport avec le thème.
Vous pouvez poster des tier lists (des personnage jouables s'il y en a plusieurs, des outils/armes, des circuits s'il s'agit d'un jeu de course, des attaques/sorts s'il s'agit d'un jeu de combat/RPG...), des FanArts que vous avez créé (ou non, d'ailleurs), vous pouvez même faire des résumés, parler d'un moment du jeu qui vous a marqué, mais je précise, attention à bien tout mettre ce spoil une partie du jeu entre spoiler.
Vous pourrez choisir le thème en me proposant des jeux en messages privés.
Le premier thème sera Mother, connu en Europe sous le nom de Earthbound Beginnings, grâce à la console virtuelle de la Wii U.
J'ai eu une idée de topic il y a à peu près un mois, qui consistait à parler d'un jeu vidéo ou d'une série de jeux vidéo, en changeant le thème une fois toutes les 2 ou 3 semaines. Ici, vous pouvez poster un peu tout ce que vous voulez tant que ça a du rapport avec le thème.
Vous pouvez poster des tier lists (des personnage jouables s'il y en a plusieurs, des outils/armes, des circuits s'il s'agit d'un jeu de course, des attaques/sorts s'il s'agit d'un jeu de combat/RPG...), des FanArts que vous avez créé (ou non, d'ailleurs), vous pouvez même faire des résumés, parler d'un moment du jeu qui vous a marqué, mais je précise, attention à bien tout mettre ce spoil une partie du jeu entre spoiler.
Vous pourrez choisir le thème en me proposant des jeux en messages privés.
Le premier thème sera Mother, connu en Europe sous le nom de Earthbound Beginnings, grâce à la console virtuelle de la Wii U.
I had a topic idea about one month ago, in which you can talk about a video game or a series of video game, and the theme will change every 2 or 3 weeks. Here, you can post anything you want, as long as it is related to the current theme.
You can post tier lists (about playable characters if there's more than one, of course, about weapons, tracks if it's a karting/racing game, attacks/spell if it's a fighting game/RPG, or even music...), FanArts you've made (or not) you can even make summaries, talk about a moment in the game that you liked, but I would like to point out, be careful to put something that spoils a part of the game between spoilers. You can choose the theme by sending my PM (and, who knows, maybe your idea will be used !
The first theme will be Mother, known in Europe as Earthbound Beginnings, thanks to the Wii U Virtual Console.
I had a topic idea about one month ago, in which you can talk about a video game or a series of video game, and the theme will change every 2 or 3 weeks. Here, you can post anything you want, as long as it is related to the current theme.
You can post tier lists (about playable characters if there's more than one, of course, about weapons, tracks if it's a karting/racing game, attacks/spell if it's a fighting game/RPG, or even music...), FanArts you've made (or not) you can even make summaries, talk about a moment in the game that you liked, but I would like to point out, be careful to put something that spoils a part of the game between spoilers. You can choose the theme by sending my PM (and, who knows, maybe your idea will be used !

The first theme will be Mother, known in Europe as Earthbound Beginnings, thanks to the Wii U Virtual Console.
(I added some details in the English version)
My party members tier list :
/!\ Warning : Long text ahead

• Ana is honestly the most useful character, since she starts with powerful attacks (like PK Freeze α), and she can one shot every enemy that doesn't have a resistance agasint PSI attacks (like Nancy, Energy Robot...) with PK Beam γ (you can get this spell in mid-game, if you're like me, you unlock Ana and you farm EXP points before going to the Yucca Desert, or the Rosemary Mansion) she can even do massive damages to a group of enemy with PK Freeze Ω and PK Beam Ω kinda late in the game, and, at level 35, if you farmed enough, you can even one shot every single enemy, Energy Robot or Nancy too, with PK Fire Ω. Ik Ana has low HP, but if you have PK Fire Ω for Ana, you have for sure Super Healing for Ninten. And, Ana is the only character who has Brain Cyclone, PSI Magnet, PSI Block, and more useful defensive moves.
For the other characters, it seems pretty logic ;
• EVE in S tier since she (or should I say "it" ?) can one shot every enemy (not at once if there's a group of enemies, but still), but sadly, she leaves the party like 7 minutes after getting her
• Ninten in A rank since he is the only permanent party member who can do great damages with basic attacks, and he has good PSI moves (but he doesn't have any offensive PSI moves)
• Pippi and Teddy in A rank since they have the same stats, they're heavy-hitters with 0 PP, but they leave the party after certain events
• Lloyd is in B because he sucks, the only good weapon he has is the Flame Thrower, which can be farmed thanks to the B.B. Gang people in Ellay, and this weapon isn't even infinitely reusable. Honestly, when I fight, I always put Lloyd on guard.
On 2024-08-12 at 15:58:26
the MOTHER Series (Specifically MOTHER 3 and EarthBound) Has the Best Soundfonts for Any Game In Any Series In My Opinion
EDIT: Wait Is This Only the First Game (Referring to the Topic)
EDIT: Wait Is This Only the First Game (Referring to the Topic)

On 2024-08-12 at 20:42:16

On 2024-08-14 at 10:50:32
Fun fact : (not that fun)
Mother/EarthBound Beginnings was supposed to be released in Europe and America with an English version, but it was never released due to the lack of time and the low popularity of RPG games outside of Japan. The developers called this translated version "EarthBound", but when Mother 2 came out in 1994-1995, the developers eventually gave the name "EarthBound" to Mother 2 in America, because since Mother didn't release in Japan, they could not call it "EarthBound 2".
Nintendo finally gave Mother the name "EarthBound Beginnings" when it arrived in Europe and America with the Wii U Virtual Console. On the title screen, "EarthBound" was still written (in fact, they published the translated version of Mother)
Here is a picture of the title screen, in the 1989-1990 translation and the Wii U virtual console :

Edit :
I was talking about the first game only, but we will talk about Mother 2 and 3 later, don't worry
Mother/EarthBound Beginnings was supposed to be released in Europe and America with an English version, but it was never released due to the lack of time and the low popularity of RPG games outside of Japan. The developers called this translated version "EarthBound", but when Mother 2 came out in 1994-1995, the developers eventually gave the name "EarthBound" to Mother 2 in America, because since Mother didn't release in Japan, they could not call it "EarthBound 2".
Nintendo finally gave Mother the name "EarthBound Beginnings" when it arrived in Europe and America with the Wii U Virtual Console. On the title screen, "EarthBound" was still written (in fact, they published the translated version of Mother)
Here is a picture of the title screen, in the 1989-1990 translation and the Wii U virtual console :

Edit :
I was talking about the first game only, but we will talk about Mother 2 and 3 later, don't worry

On 2024-08-25 at 11:39:09
The topic is inactive (and the time limit is almost done), so let's switch to the next game :
Super Smash Bros. (1999)

Yeah, the first Smash game ever, created for the N64.
Super Smash Bros. (1999)

Yeah, the first Smash game ever, created for the N64.
On 2024-09-16 at 18:09:23
I'm a bit late this time, but since nobody cares about this topic, it doesn't matter lol
Bayonetta (2009) :

Ik it's a weirdo game but whatever
There is sooooo much thing to say about this game. The cutscenes are very well made, the facial expressions look realistic, the music sounds really great (Mysterious Destiny, Fly Me To The Moon (♾️ Climax mix), Summoning The Infernal Demon, Let's Dance, Boys !, Red & Black, Let's Hit The Climax, Riders of the Light and even more), and fights are really enjoyable. The game is smooth (except in certain chapters when there are too many enemies), the combos look great, Bayonetta's and Jeanne's voices are great, and everything they say is soooo hilarious. The Climax is also amazing, and even Torture Attacks
The game is also very complex and difficult to 100%, but at least there is a Starter mode to start with lol
/!\ Warning : Spoilers
Now you know that I absolutely LOVE this game
And I love the second game even more lol
Bayonetta (2009) :

Ik it's a weirdo game but whatever

There is sooooo much thing to say about this game. The cutscenes are very well made, the facial expressions look realistic, the music sounds really great (Mysterious Destiny, Fly Me To The Moon (♾️ Climax mix), Summoning The Infernal Demon, Let's Dance, Boys !, Red & Black, Let's Hit The Climax, Riders of the Light and even more), and fights are really enjoyable. The game is smooth (except in certain chapters when there are too many enemies), the combos look great, Bayonetta's and Jeanne's voices are great, and everything they say is soooo hilarious. The Climax is also amazing, and even Torture Attacks

The game is also very complex and difficult to 100%, but at least there is a Starter mode to start with lol
/!\ Warning : Spoilers
There is so much things to unlock ; a Hard mode, some playable characters, outfits, weapons, accessories (idk why they call it like that), etc...
Now you know that I absolutely LOVE this game

And I love the second game even more lol

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