How should dogs wear pants?
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Yesterday at 00:52:49
Let's settle the internet's most important question; how should dogs wear pants fr? (obviously the first one right?)
Yesterday at 01:08:55
ive never heard of someone who makes pants that long, i prefer the second
Yesterday at 01:12:00
Let's settle the internet's most important question; how should dogs wear pants fr? (obviously the first one right?)
I'm Pretty Sure That Most Costumes Made for Dogs Do the Second One... the First One Doesn't Even Make Sense...
Also Wasn't the Internet's Most Important Question If Donkey Kong Is a Mario Character-
Yesterday at 01:30:09
Second one. Let's settle the internet's most important question; how should dogs wear pants fr? (obviously the first one right?)
First is like a shirt-pant fusion
Yesterday at 01:32:16
Oh so I’m not the only one that goes like “these trousers are WIDE!!!” I pick 2nd one
Yesterday at 01:33:53
2nd one.
Yesterday at 01:44:57
Hol up did you get this from Neal fun?
BTW I say the 2nd one
BTW I say the 2nd one
Yesterday at 02:11:27
2nd one is for decortion, 2nd one is for utility.
Yesterday at 02:18:04
2nd one, it makes sense if you treat the front legs like arms.
Yesterday at 02:29:51
The first one is very impractical if they're tight since it can restrict movement and could cause pain while walking normally, it also looks very derpy. 2nd one for sure.
Yesterday at 08:34:52
2nd one is for decortion, 2nd one is for utility.
Yes so the 2nd one clearly
Yesterday at 10:06:57
Second option by far lol
Yesterday at 13:07:59
2nd one for sure
Yesterday at 20:16:15
Let's settle the internet's most important question; how should dogs wear pants fr? (obviously the first one right?)
Definitely the 2nd one.
Today at 04:14:57
id say the 2nd one, the 1st one is, um... questionable 🤨
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