Starlite's profile
General stats
2 following
3577 pts - Unlicensed[?] - 93792nd
4930 pts - Budding pilot[?] - 13285th
1162 messages - Golden Mario[?]
3 news published
10 created circuits - 1 cup
0 shared characters
30 comments on circuits
23 topics followed
Description :
also called PopStar
Used to be called Antonio3000 and Mister L
also called PopStar
Used to be called Antonio3000 and Mister L
18 years old
(Born on 28/09/2006)
Last connection: 15/11/2023
Last messages on the forum:
On 2023-06-08 at 23:06:01 in [Game] I have an object./J'ai l'...
With that said i eat the duct tape and spit it out, i now have a ball of chewed duct tape (and the kidnappers were grossed out and went away)
On 2023-06-08 at 23:04:12 in [Game] I have an object./J'ai l'...
I take apart the mechanical clock and make it the world's biggest spring.
je te vole ce ressort puis je l'implante dans une usine de champis ressorts de Super Mario Galaxy
J'ai des tonnes de champi ressorts
J'utilise tous les ressorts pour créer Spring Yard Zone
I Destroy Spring Yard Zone And Use The Springs And Metal To Make Atomic Power Robot
The Atomic Power Robot destroys itself and I turn the hunk of junk it became into ChatGPT
I ask ChatGPT how to turn it into a car and I use the instructions to make the CarGPT.
GPT, more like "J'ai pété", which means i farted in french, and i turned your CarGPT into French Fries
Well I ate them so now there is nothing
I have nothing to do and to feel and nothing in my life so I commit su*cide.
I have blood. Lots of blood.
Your blood is donated to some peeps at a hospital
A vampire comes along and drinks the blood
You're blood is secretly tomato soup.
I am at the hospital and I go to therapy because one of the patients drink it and they vomit. I have several nightmares
Dw, I ended them but now have your sleep paralysis demon
I got him out with the Poltergeist 5000. Now I have an useless vacuum.
I crank up the power so much that the suction causes a black hole to appear.
I have a black hole.
je fais une révélation au trou noir
J'ai le 4ème album du groupe Muse (Black Holes and Revelations)
Je chante Starlight, je me détruis les cordes vocales.
J'ai une tasse de camomille et de sirop pour la toux
Je vide la tasse et je met du chocolat chaud.
Jai une tasse de chocolat chaud
I Turn The Hot Chocolate And It's Cup Into a Statue Of Garfield
Please don't do this! The modification has to be at least somewhat related to the previous object, or make the transformation process be smooth; simply using a vague "turning the object into this" is lame!
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Best created circuits:
LaCoupeUnPeuNulleD'Antonio2 2 | Mon premier "vrai" circuit 6 | VirageLand 0 | l'arene la plus nulle DE TO... 48 | LaCoupeUnPeuNulleD'Antonio3 0 |
See all their circuits
Last circuit comments:
J'imagine que les règles étaient différentes avant
In l'arene la plus nulle DE TOUT LES TEMPS on 2022-09-29 at 02:48:22
In l'arene la plus nulle DE TOUT LES TEMPS on 2018-09-15 at 14:31:57
That's not like the title is "The worst arena OF ALL Times"
In l'arene la plus nulle DE TOUT LES TEMPS on 2018-09-15 at 11:03:46
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No time trial score
Last followed topics:
recette du patate oignon !
Last message by Invu on 10-09
Votre Combattant de Rêve de Super Sma...
Last message by Axel_X on 07-30
BFDI(A) Trivia #1:All Blocky's funny ...
Last message by Lolo64 on 12-27
[RPG]Odyssey Under the Dark Sky
Last message by Flamarix on 09-14
[Proposition] Refaire le style du Forum
Last message by Fways on 02-23
Last message by PatateBoss on 08-28
See all followed topics
Last published news:
Smash Direct du premier novembre !
In Switch on 11-02
Sortie de Wario Ware Gold !
In 3DS on 07-30
Nintendo Direct Mini
In Switch on 01-12