BeachBear44's profile
General stats
5 following
14176 pts - Champion[?] - 1222nd
6509 pts - Racer[?] - 500th
124 pts - 35 challenges won - 280th
28 messages - Koopa[?]
15 created circuits - 2 cups
4 challenges created
0 shared characters
18 comments on circuits
0 topics followed
United States
20 years old
(Born on 04/06/2004)
Registered since 07/03/2019
Last connection: 17/08/2019
Last messages on the forum:
On 2019-06-07 at 17:36:16 in Who's your favorote robot master
There are so many good ones, but I have to go with my gut (not a hint) and say Skull Man
On 2019-06-05 at 16:30:38 in Merry Birthday BeachBear44!
Thanks guys! I did have a great birthday!
because there is no thank you in english i have to use the french one. i do not speak french at all, outside of a few basic words.
because there is no thank you in english i have to use the french one. i do not speak french at all, outside of a few basic words.
On 2019-06-04 at 22:51:49 in The yoshijefrain2010 and Helloje...
Why isn't anybody making a birthday thing for me?
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Best created circuits:
PLANT 17 | SPOOK 0 | P L A N T G A N G 0 | Cheesy Jumping 2 | Highway To Heaven 4 |
See all their circuits
Best created challenges:
Shy Guy Falls... NOT!
SPOOK : Complete the track in Time Trial mode, without falling, with Shy Guy
Easy As Heck
PLANT : Finish the game in the 1st position
King Boo meets the Plant Gang
P L A N T G A N G : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, by starting with 5s delay, with 2 participants, with King Boo, in medium mode
See all their challenges
Last circuit comments:
In PLANT on 2019-05-10 at 18:02:09
In PLANT on 2019-05-10 at 18:02:07
In PLANT on 2019-05-10 at 18:02:05
See all their comments
Last completed challenges:
I'm not a Turtle
Begabojo Circuit : Use the shortcut in less than 20s
Going down a specific endless void.
Ghost Road : Fall near the bridge in less than 10s
Risk Taker
Piranha Desert : Go through the first wall of Piranha Plants in less than 30s