LABGames's profile
General stats
9 following
14557 pts - Champion[?] - 1053rd
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10043rd
136 pts - 83 challenges won - 264th
150cc: 31 pts - 6 records - 727th
58 messages - Boo[?]
24 created circuits - 6 cups
0 shared characters
3 comments on circuits
0 topics followed
United States
15 years old
(Born on 15/05/2009)
Registered since 27/06/2023
Last connection: 29/10/2024
Last messages on the forum:
On 2024-05-16 at 02:05:06 in Fêtez les anniversaires des autr...
On 2024-04-03 at 22:25:18 in Sorry I've been gone
kcab emocleW
On 2024-04-03 at 20:08:45 in Sorry I've been gone
Hey guys, so I've been gone for a long time, but that is because of school and the lack of motivation to build tracks. Before the end of the year, I'll try to complete N64 Tracks and maybe GBA. So stay tuned for what there is to come
See all their messages
Best created circuits:
Super Mario Kart 1 | Mario Highway 0 | Mushroom Cup 0 | Special Cup 0 | Star Cup 0 |
See all their circuits
Last circuit comments:
In 1 Circuit on 2023-09-24 at 05:44:35
Mario Kart: Into The MK Verse
In Circuit multicolore on 2023-08-10 at 16:50:03
better with the checkpoints, but you know you can put mushroom bridge music by using the youtube feature and placing the music link in there, otherwise keep it up
In GCN Mushroom Bridge on 2023-07-24 at 17:58:09
See all their comments
Last completed challenges:
Amongus Circuit : Complete the track in less than 21:21
Jump on the track
100 voitures teste(train ou autres) : Trouve le Jump.
Take the Ultra Shortcut
Cloudy Stadium : Ultra Shortcut in VS mode, in 150cc class
With 8 participants, no teams
See all completed challenges
Best scores in time trial:
Rank | Class | Circuit | Character | Time |
248th | 150cc | Koopa Beach 1 |
0:39:065 |
281st | 150cc | Ghost Valley 1 |
0:46:204 |
300th | 150cc | Vanilla Lake 1 |
0:38:220 |