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Comments list of BFDI_Ahmad17 (283)

Alright guys, my track is 100% finished. I did the remaining collisions and added so many decors so you should try the updated version and let me know if there's any bugs. Feel free to give your opinions and feedback for this track.
comments In CTGP-7 Miku's Birthday Spectacular on 2021-09-01 at 02:06:00
Yes it's Hatsune Miku's birthday today at least in your time which is why I decided to publish this track unfinished which I normally don't do.
comments In CTGP-7 Miku's Birthday Spectacular on 2021-08-31 at 22:08:31
This track is currently under development. It is not finished yet, I wanted to post it so I don't miss Miku's birthday so yeah. If you plan on playing this track, you'll see why it's unfinished and Lely, thanks and don't worry. I'll add the decors soon.
comments In CTGP-7 Miku's Birthday Spectacular on 2021-08-31 at 22:03:25
You're welcome, I will speak with the staff about this to see if the rating can be removed.
Edit: I talked with one of the mods and yeah, 2/5 doesn't count as troll star. I'm really sorry that this happened to you.
comments In Toad's Turnpike on 2021-08-29 at 00:03:03
I'm gonna give my review for this track later but I don't see why this deserved a 2/5. I played the track and it plays very good so I don't see why it should have got 2/5. I'll give 5/5 to make up for what happened. I'll give a review for this track soon.
comments In Toad's Turnpike on 2021-08-28 at 23:00:27
I like this remake a lot. It did so many things to improve the original version. The theming is phenomenal. I love that you used the Luigi's Mansion theme in the beginning and then the garden and then the Banshee Boardwalk theme. It's honestly amazing that it actually works well with these themes combined. The decor is very nice, I'm not sure about the moving boo at the end since it could just screw someone up but it's a nice addition to the track. The gameplay is just amazing, it plays nothing like the original version and I just like it so much. Oh and this is one of the only tracks that uses the moving trees properly and not in an annoying spot. The one issue I have is at the end where if you are small and you hit the ending boost ramp, you will just fall off with no chance of making it but despite that, overall this is just a very fantastic remake.
5/5 for this remake. Great job ToxTurtle101. :)
comments In Mario Kart 1 (O) - Ghost Valley (Remake) on 2021-08-27 at 16:21:54
You're welcome and I think otherwise but hey, it's your opinion even tho I think it's a very fantastic remake. ^^
comments In Mario Kart 2 (O) - Chomp Autumn (Remake) on 2021-08-27 at 03:35:28
This remake is really amazing. I love the visuals, it looks so beautiful. I like the maple road and the wood roads. Even the trees itself is very beautiful. For me personally I prefer RHcks's visuals but this is just as good as his version. Ah yes, the gameplay. This is where I think this remakes does the best at. The gameplay is so fantastic, the obstacles is very moderate which is not too little and not too much and with places where there isn't obstacles, it is still fantastic regardless. All in all, this remake does an outstanding job in every way and this remake only got 17.8/20 in the TBC? I think it deserved like 19 points and above because this is certainly better than Kirio's remake at least in my opinion. While I prefer RHcks's remake over this, it's incredibly close and sometimes I prefer this lol, it just depends. I have to say, Well done ToxTurtle101. This remake is honestly just really amazing and beautiful. One of the easiest 5/5s I've given for sure.
comments In Mario Kart 2 (O) - Chomp Autumn (Remake) on 2021-08-27 at 03:24:30
This is probably the easiest 5/5 I have ever given. This remake is amazing. The aesthetics looks just like the original, the textures are very good and the gameplay is just amazing. I can't even describe how amazing is this. The only issue is I guess the ship where the ramp has almost the same color as the shadowing but this is barely any issue at all. This is getting an easy 5/5. Outstanding job Toad64. Very incredible remake. :)
comments In Cloudtop Cruise on 2021-08-21 at 15:45:48
This track get's a 3/5. I can say it in just 2 words but I'll explain why this track get's 3/5. Now for minor reasons. I think the theming is good with having pathways although you can add more paths to be honest (1 or 2 more pathways is recommended). I also like that you can fall off to continue track, it's a nice idea but now to my issues.
1. There is no purpose to have item boxes in the beginning since you are just gonna fall off and lose your item. I suggest you put it after you fall.
2 and the most major reason why I don't like the track. Moving trees, you literally can get stuck on it and that is so annoying. The amount of times I get stuck is insane. Please remove them cuz this track is much better without them. I know boos in front of a boost panel can be annoying but it's really very minor compared to the moving trees. 3/5 because the moving trees is so annoying, if you remove them, this would have been 5/5 to be honest.
comments In Mario Kart 2 (O) - King Boo's Pathway on 2021-08-20 at 16:34:22
There is only 2 people that makes pixel tracks (Me and M26G) but thank you. ^^
comments In CTGP-Revolution Kartwood Creek on 2021-08-17 at 21:05:43
Isana made it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDarzzMenNg
comments In CTGP-Revolution Kartwood Creek on 2021-08-14 at 23:25:13
Credits to RHcks for the tree decor and circuit111 for the sign posting. If there's any problem and bugs, let me know. ^^
Edit: Credits to MyNintendoGhost for the Wii Mario Circuit. Yes I know it's this house that is supposed to me in a Mario Circuit track but that's the best I can find to be honest so don't blame me.
comments In CTGP-Revolution Kartwood Creek on 2021-08-14 at 21:30:22
The character can be rated separately?
comments In Mario Kart 4 (O) on 2021-08-12 at 20:46:19
This track is certainly very good, nice design, nice gameplay and nice obstacles. 5/5 Just kidding. This is getting a 1/5. Everything is wrong with this track I can't explain.
comments In Bois Vermeil 2 on 2021-08-12 at 18:52:32
Yeah but Fways is always updating plus personally, I like it the way it is. We get to play all amazing MK5(O) maps in one multicup so I'll give it a 5/5 even if this is just one cup. ^^
comments In Mario Kart 5 (O) on 2021-08-10 at 16:42:22
Credits to Fways for the Lamppost decor and to RHcks for the Blue Galaxy Daisy and also, credits to Fways for the original track.
Here is the link: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=37773
comments In MK4(O) Peach Road on 2021-08-08 at 17:02:54
Thank you William and this took like a month including my laziness time so if it wasn't for my laziness, I would have completed this in less than 2 weeks, also I may replace this image in the future with a better one because this laptop screenshots my tracks really meh and it messes up the visuals of the track.
comments In MK4(O) Peach Road on 2021-08-08 at 03:44:43
Fantastic track Patrik_Laine. I love that you used the Sky Garden theme. Even tho it's similar to the original Sky Garden, this one has a completely different layout which I really like, amazing shortcuts whether it's with a shroom or shroomless, split paths which I like a lot and the gameplay is just outstanding. The only minor thing about the track is the image is a little blurry but it's okay. Also the width is just perfect at least in my opinion. Overall, this track just fantastic and it's getting a 5/5 for this track. Awesome job Patrik_Laine. ^^
comments In Jardin Volant on 2021-08-04 at 01:35:23
WR is now officially 4.911 seconds.
Edit: Well now it's 3.813 seconds.
comments In Jump Challenges #1 on 2021-08-03 at 00:24:01

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