/| Mario Kart PC |\

Comments list of BFDI_Ahmad17 (283)

Thanks guys and also, Moo Moo Farm.
comments In N64 Moo Moo Farm on 2021-09-26 at 18:19:29
Update: This track has a major decor overhaul. It is no longer a bland track with little to no decors at all. It isn't fully finished yet but I added most of the decors.
Edit: Credits to Onesome for the Toads and Toad64 for the Yoshis.
comments In MK4(O) Peach Road on 2021-09-26 at 17:26:07
comments In MKT New York Minute 4 on 2021-09-24 at 22:58:08
Thank you and there is a game that is called SMK Pro Edition so it's not only for pros.
comments In SMK Pro Edition Ghost Valley 3 on 2021-09-24 at 11:31:44
It works for me so it's not striked. :)
comments In SNES Vanilla Lake 1 on 2021-09-23 at 20:30:51
3/5 This track has the same problems as Mario's Valley (Bad design, annoying obstacles, bad gameplay etc etc etc). I don't like the shortcuts, they are inconsistent and it's not fun at all, it's just design flaw. Another thing I don't like is the cannons, you can get shot down because you land in front of the trees in every cannon and you lose so much time from that. The checkpoints is also quite bad. You can miss checkpoints by going off the track just by little bit. That's bad checkpoints. I like the layout, it is very unique but other than that, I don't like the track. I think it should use better designs, gameplay and less annoying obstacles. Oh and it could have more variety instead of driving the same section 3 laps. Yeah 3/5 for this track. It's better than Mario's Valley but still quite bad.
comments In Mario Kart 1 (P) - DK Jungle on 2021-09-21 at 15:51:25
Congratulations Lely. :)
comments In SNES Ghost Valley 3 on 2021-09-20 at 20:36:12
Nice. Great job lorriee!
comments In SNES Ghost Valley 3 on 2021-09-20 at 15:29:14
3/5 Sorry but this is my least favorite track of MK1(P). There is a lot of flaws with this track which I'll get to in a moment. The only good thing I can say about this track is the graphics but that's the only good thing I can say. Now, on to the flaws. This track is quite confusing to navigate especially the water section so some sign-posting would be appreciated but not a big problem. Another thing is that this track has a lot of design flaws. For example: The first cannon can almost just shot you down the track but luckily there is no walls there. Off road before the last cannon, I think this is not a good design at all, you already have a lot of obstacles to deal with and this just adds up the obstacles to the track. Speaking of the obstacles, I think they are very annoying. The crabs is okay in the water section but the buses and goombas man. They are on the same section and you almost can't dodge them sometimes. It's very annoying especially when you land after the cannon, you immediately hit a bus. Yeah sorry but I think this track has a lot of flaws that makes it a bad track in my opinion. Oh and the layout is also not good at all. Yeah 3/5 for this one, at least it's not worst thing I've played but it could be better in so many ways. Also I suggest you to remove the buses here because they are very annoying in this track compared to Fast Lane in my opinion.
comments In Mario Kart 1 (P) - Mario's Valley on 2021-09-18 at 15:45:06
1/5 You can't reach the small island, the track looks very ugly and the collisions is bad. Sorry. Okay I'm kidding with what I just said. This remake is fantastic. It has everything you want. Beautiful visuals, great textures, the decor is very good and the gameplay is very good and not annoying. I can't think of any complaints for this track. It's just like the MK8D version but on MKPC. Easily 5/5, well done RHcks. It's a very fantastic remake. :)
comments In Toad Harbor on 2021-09-17 at 21:28:03
5/5 This cup is amazing. All the remakes is fantastic. None of them is bad. Mario Circuit 1 uses a construction theme and it surprisingly works well. Donut Plains 1 is like an MK8 remake and again, fantastic. Koopa Beach 1 uses a sunset beach theme which I like but colors can be better. Choco Island 1 is kinda a port but much better. Overall an amazing cup RHcks. Great job and I'm looking forward to your future remakes. Also circuit111, no it's not too short. It's much longer than the original version.
comments In SMKDX - Mushroom Cup on 2021-09-17 at 13:19:05
4/5 for this cup. It contains 2 of my least favorite tracks in the whole MK1(P). Mario's Valley is a bit annoying to play. 3/5 DK Jungle. Same as Mario's Valley but only slightly less. 3.5/5 Sherbet Land is pretty good but has some issues. 4/5 Generation Retro, easily 5/5 for sure. Add all these ratings up and you get 15.5/20 which is equal to 3.875/5, round that up to 4/5 and there you go. My recommendations is to make sure these tracks I mentioned are less annoying and have better design and gameplay which I'll go in-depth in the track themselves. Overall, a decent multi-cup but I don't like the 2 tracks I mentioned which holds back from getting 5/5.
comments In Mario Kart 1 (P) - Mushroom Cup on 2021-09-15 at 18:35:43
Yes it can be interesting but the problem is the pipes themselves in MKPC. You have to literally make that cut pixel perfect and if you hit a pipe or touch the wall for too long, you'll just stay in the off road for a bit.
comments In Toad Circuit on 2021-09-10 at 19:53:17
This track is great. I like the theming, the textures look nice, the decor is fantastic, the obstacles is very fair and not annoying and the gameplay is just outstanding. 5/5 for this remake. Well done Angel. Everything is fantastic. I can't find anything wrong with the track so far. :O
comments In Cocoa Cliffs on 2021-09-10 at 19:34:44
Yes but if the original version of the pipe placements is bad/annoying then it's better to change it slightly to make the gameplay better. Yes it won't look exactly like the original version of the pipes but at least the gameplay would be better. :)
comments In Toad Circuit on 2021-09-09 at 22:31:08
You're welcome and about the pipes you mentioned, if it's like that in MK7. You can have better pipe placement. It's not that hard. ^^
comments In Toad Circuit on 2021-09-09 at 18:25:06
Amazing remak for this remake. Welle Fways. The visuals looks soooo beautiful, the textures is just wow, amazing and the gameplay is fantastic but the pipes at the ending shortcut is very annoying since you can hit them for no reason and you can't take it tight so 5/5 done Fways. :)
comments In Toad Circuit on 2021-09-09 at 13:45:37
This remake is good.....at porting this track. Okay jokes aside, I think this is a good remake. It's overrated at least back in Fways's TBC in my opinion. 3rd for this track and 5th for Tox's remake? I think not. The visuals looks a bit worse and the textures for the wood section is a bit meh. The pipe change at the end is another change I don't like. It's no longer consistent to get the boost panel anymore. The first shortcut is worse because you can easily shoot yourself into the wall. The gameplay, while it's similar to the original version, it's very good in this remake especially after the first cannon, the chomps is not as annoying as the original version and I like how before the 2nd cannon, you have spacing to dodge the chomps unlike the original version. Overall a good remake with great gameplay but it's far too overrated. I think Tox's version is much better but this is still getting a 5/5 for great gameplay in majority of the track. Oh and as for how much I give a score of the track. Around 14 to 16/20 points. It really didn't innovate a lot and it almost looks like a port so try to innovate more for your next remakes Kirio. ^^
comments In RMX Automne Chomp on 2021-09-02 at 22:54:15
Thank you so much Lely. I worked hard for this remake. Oh and by the way, credits to these people for the decors.
RHcks for the star bits.
ToxTurle101 for the stars in this remake and all my other tracks.
A person who made the Miku banners.
comments In CTGP-7 Miku's Birthday Spectacular on 2021-09-02 at 14:18:19
Thank you and yes, it's a Google image track and probably my last track that uses Google images.
comments In SMK Pro Edition Ghost Valley 3 on 2021-09-01 at 21:54:53

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