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A warning

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
KrazeyKay wrote:
Ralsei wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Ralsei wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Ralsei wrote:

1. Why did you tell him
2. How did even encounter this guy
3. He's not gonna be able to know anyone's skin color irl unless he knows someone personally, or jumps to conclysions based on the country flag we have up.

there two diffrent people. the perv is Salam. And I found him on the laziest moderation site ever... Skribbl.io.

The racist whoever still can't tell what colour our skin is, unless your flag is a dead give away, like mine.

He says he is from philly, and he is white. Oh great, Who knows he may be a Cracke*


Also most onlines games have a bunch of toxic players. You should be more careful in the future.

good point. And skribbl.io has bad moderation anyways. Yeah. This is why I only play in private servers with friends...
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
KrazeyKay wrote:
Ralsei wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Ralsei wrote:

1. Why did you tell him
2. How did even encounter this guy
3. He's not gonna be able to know anyone's skin color irl unless he knows someone personally, or jumps to conclysions based on the country flag we have up.

there two diffrent people. the perv is Salam. And I found him on the laziest moderation site ever... Skribbl.io.

The racist whoever still can't tell what colour our skin is, unless your flag is a dead give away, like mine.

He says he is from philly, and he is white. Oh great, Who knows he may be a Cracke*
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
KrazeyKay wrote:
Ralsei wrote:

1. Why did you tell him
2. How did even encounter this guy
3. He's not gonna be able to know anyone's skin color irl unless he knows someone personally, or jumps to conclysions based on the country flag we have up.

there two diffrent people. the perv is Salam. And I found him on the laziest moderation site ever... Skribbl.io.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
and this is why I'm mentioning @VC.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Oh god... What have I done.... I should'nt mentioned that to him...
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Max-Bros wrote:
Ralsei wrote:
So I've mentioned this game to... how do you say this... A curser that hates black dudes.... so I'm giving you a warning. Expect a lot a of cuss words. Or not. Depends of what skin color you are.

Either way, that person will end up being banned if they don't follow the rules.

I warned him. He says he won't make his Username PenisLover1. or he not say curse word.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
But hey, he might not join here.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Lely wrote:
Ralsei wrote:
So I've mentioned this game to... how do you say this... A curser that hates black dudes.... so I'm giving you a warning. Expect a lot a of cuss words. Or not. Depends of what skin color you are.

tf are you talking about ???

I don't want to say the word he normally says.... But he're is a hint. it starts with a N. and is a very bad word. and this guy says it alot.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
So I've mentioned this game to... how do you say this... A curser that hates black dudes.... so I'm giving you a warning. Expect a lot a of cuss words. Or not. Depends of what skin color you are.

this is why I don't go into public skribbl.io servers....

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Ralsei wrote:
Its not choongoose ! it was some random dude on Skribbl.io.

Ok but that doesn’t explain why you did the same thing you described being victim of to choongoose

Eh he did the same, although I should've tryed to be nice to him, because pushing him down to my level was bad. I shou;d
ve made him annoyed at the fact that I was not getting annoyed. The he would stop and leave.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Its not choongoose ! it was some random dude on Skribbl.io.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Today, I Out-Blacked someone! although, the guy hurt me feelings.... He called me a puta, a nigger, a cracker and many more words that I doin't want to explain.... This is why I don't go into public servers..... Scotland.... if you see this... Why so rude ?

Les élections d'élu divin (saison 2)

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
sorry I'm still trying to learn french, just I suck at how I put the puns..
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
The English translation:

Hello !
So I took a wrong turn in one of the fanfic reboots...
Anyway, enjoy!
For those who don't know, there will be 9 characters from the Mario series, plus me, Max and Jey (these have given consent, Jey, I remind you that it's the same fanfic), who will compete on different challenges.
Nothing more difficult.
Good reading ! ;)

Prologue: Back?
Dear viewers... hello!
Screams rose from the agitated crowd. As soon as Season 1 viewers heard of a Season 2, they flocked and all the tickets were sold out in no more than three hours.
I hope you are happy to be here! :) *clears his throat* Season 2 is going to be quite different from what you have known... already, the place is different... I remind you that we are now on an island!
Spectator: Maybe it will catch up with the big failure of MKPC Archipel: p
Exact :D In short, a lot of things have changed! But hey, I'll let you discover them throughout the season! With that, here are our 12 candidates!
Mario: Hello 😎 I'm Matchmaker, the one who will impress you all!
Waluigi: Uh you're serious sucks lol
Yoshi: Uh because you're getting married? :s Ah miin, it's true that it does
5 years you talk about it...
Peach: Ah but it's out of the question, as much as I like almost everyone, as much as it's out of the question that I carry around this idiot, he's going to take advantage of my success generated by my fashion career to brag even more ! Rid me of this leech!
Mario: It proves your low intelligence 😎 Matchmaker means I'm the best! 🙄 bunch of idiots!
Daisy: You're in a very bad position to say that...
Max: Uh, hello?
Jey: What an atmosphere here...
Lely: It goes without saying...
Bowser: Who are these three minuses?
Mario: Extras 😝🤪🤣😂
Luigi: Uh Mr presenter, I think it's better to cancel the presentations... they'll find out about us later! There is anarchy...
Well... Alright... 😐
Crowd: Booooooooooooo! ☹😡🤬👎
Jey: Remind me why we came here again?
Max: For fun, but this is badly crossed, it's very very badly crossed
Lely: Indeed, the atmosphere is rotten... it has nothing to do with season 1...
Wario: Shut it up! You are breaking our pasta with your screams! It looks like a show for kids! :}:}
Harmony: But what is this horror? 😑
Luigi: What a shitty atmosphere...
Waluigi: A big BOO for the crowd! Three my friends! 😁
Mario: Oh, yes! Insult the crowd!
Mario, Waluigi, and Bowser: *censored* *censored*
Crowd: But what are these c*******s?! ☹ let's go to Mushroom TV Reality, it's much better!
Within seconds, the three idiots had scared the entire crowd away. We heard a pin drop...
You ruined everything! EVERYTHING !
Mario: Well, it's not our fault that they're all--
Go to your cabins! We'll discuss it... 😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😤🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
also, is it ok if I make the english translation for the season 2 thingy?
reaction: nice
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Lely wrote:
Ralsei wrote:
Lely wrote:
Hello !
Alors j'avais pris une mauvaise direction dans l'un des reboots de la fanfic...
Bref peu importe, profitez !
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, il y aura 9 personnages de la série Mario, plus moi, Max et Jey (ceux ci ont donnés consentement, Jey je te rappelle que c'est la même fanfic), qui vont s'affronter sur des défis différents.
Rien de plus difficile.
Bonne lecture ! ;)

Prologue : De retour ?
Chers spectateurs... bonjour !
Des cris s'élevaient de la foule en émoi. Dès que les spectateurs de la saison 1 avaient entendu parler d'une saison 2, ils avaient accouru et tous les tickets avaient été vendus en l'espace de pas plus de trois heures.
J'espère que vous êtes contents d'être ici ! :) *s'éclaircit la voix* La saison 2 va être assez différente de ce que vous avez connu... déjà, l'endroit est différent... je vous rappelle que nous sommes maintenant sur une île !
Spectateur : Ça va peut être rattraper le gros fail de MKPC Archipel :p
Exact :D Bref, beaucoup de choses ont changé ! Mais bon, je vous laisserai les découvrir au long de la saison ! Sur ce, voici nos 12 candidats !
Mario : Bonjour 😎 Je suis Marieur, celui qui va tous vous impressionner !
Waluigi : Euh t'es grave relou mdr
Yoshi : Euh parce que tu vas te marier ? :s Ah miin, c'est vrai que ça fait
5 ans que tu en parles...

Peach : Ah mais il en est hors de question, autant j'aime à peu près tout le monde, autant hors de question que je me trimballe cet idiot, il va profiter de mon succès engendré par ma carrière de mode pour se vanter encore plus ! Débarrassez moi de cette sangsue !
Mario : Ça prouve votre faible intelligence 😎 Marieur veut dire que je suis le meilleur ! 🙄 bande d'idiots !
Daisy : T'es très mal placé pour dire ça...
Max : Euh, bonjour ?
Jey : Quelle ambiance ici...
Lely : Ça va sans dire...
Bowser : C'est qui ces trois minus ?
Mario : Des figurants 😝🤪🤣😂
Luigi : Euh monsieur le présentateur,  je crois qu'il vaut mieux annuler les présentations... ils nous découvriront après ! Là, c'est l'anarchie...
Bon... D'accord... 😐
Foule : Booooooooooooo ! ☹😡🤬👎
Jey : Rappelle moi pourquoi on est venus ici, déjà ?
Max : Pour s'amuser, mais là c'est mal barré, c'est très très mal barré
Lely : En effet, l'ambiance est pourrie... ça n'a rien à voir avec la saison 1...
Wario : Bouclez-la ! Vous nous brisez les pâtes avec vos hurlements ! On se croirait dans un spectacle pour les gosses ! :}:}
Harmonie : Mais c'est quoi cette horreur ? 😑
Luigi : Quelle ambiance de m*rde...
Waluigi : Un gros BOO pour la foule ! A trois mes amis ! 😁
Mario : Oh, oui ! Insultons la foule !
Mario, Waluigi, et Bowser :*censuré* *censuré*
La foule : Mais c'est quoi ces c******* ?! ☹ allons à Mushroom TV Reality, c'est beaucoup mieux !
En l'espace de quelques secondes, les trois idiots avaient fait fuir l'intégralité de la foule. On entendait une mouche voler...
Vous avez tout ruiné ! TOUT !

Mario : Bah c'est pas de notre faute si ce sont tous des--
Allez dans vos cabanes ! On en discutera... 😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😤🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

can I join this?

Uh if you want.
You have to pick a color and a personnality.

my colour is light-green
and My personality is: Annoying, Passive
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Lely wrote:
Hello !
Alors j'avais pris une mauvaise direction dans l'un des reboots de la fanfic...
Bref peu importe, profitez !
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, il y aura 9 personnages de la série Mario, plus moi, Max et Jey (ceux ci ont donnés consentement, Jey je te rappelle que c'est la même fanfic), qui vont s'affronter sur des défis différents.
Rien de plus difficile.
Bonne lecture ! ;)

Prologue : De retour ?
Chers spectateurs... bonjour !
Des cris s'élevaient de la foule en émoi. Dès que les spectateurs de la saison 1 avaient entendu parler d'une saison 2, ils avaient accouru et tous les tickets avaient été vendus en l'espace de pas plus de trois heures.
J'espère que vous êtes contents d'être ici ! :) *s'éclaircit la voix* La saison 2 va être assez différente de ce que vous avez connu... déjà, l'endroit est différent... je vous rappelle que nous sommes maintenant sur une île !
Spectateur : Ça va peut être rattraper le gros fail de MKPC Archipel :p
Exact :D Bref, beaucoup de choses ont changé ! Mais bon, je vous laisserai les découvrir au long de la saison ! Sur ce, voici nos 12 candidats !
Mario : Bonjour 😎 Je suis Marieur, celui qui va tous vous impressionner !
Waluigi : Euh t'es grave relou mdr
Yoshi : Euh parce que tu vas te marier ? :s Ah miin, c'est vrai que ça fait
5 ans que tu en parles...

Peach : Ah mais il en est hors de question, autant j'aime à peu près tout le monde, autant hors de question que je me trimballe cet idiot, il va profiter de mon succès engendré par ma carrière de mode pour se vanter encore plus ! Débarrassez moi de cette sangsue !
Mario : Ça prouve votre faible intelligence 😎 Marieur veut dire que je suis le meilleur ! 🙄 bande d'idiots !
Daisy : T'es très mal placé pour dire ça...
Max : Euh, bonjour ?
Jey : Quelle ambiance ici...
Lely : Ça va sans dire...
Bowser : C'est qui ces trois minus ?
Mario : Des figurants 😝🤪🤣😂
Luigi : Euh monsieur le présentateur,  je crois qu'il vaut mieux annuler les présentations... ils nous découvriront après ! Là, c'est l'anarchie...
Bon... D'accord... 😐
Foule : Booooooooooooo ! ☹😡🤬👎
Jey : Rappelle moi pourquoi on est venus ici, déjà ?
Max : Pour s'amuser, mais là c'est mal barré, c'est très très mal barré
Lely : En effet, l'ambiance est pourrie... ça n'a rien à voir avec la saison 1...
Wario : Bouclez-la ! Vous nous brisez les pâtes avec vos hurlements ! On se croirait dans un spectacle pour les gosses ! :}:}
Harmonie : Mais c'est quoi cette horreur ? 😑
Luigi : Quelle ambiance de m*rde...
Waluigi : Un gros BOO pour la foule ! A trois mes amis ! 😁
Mario : Oh, oui ! Insultons la foule !
Mario, Waluigi, et Bowser :*censuré* *censuré*
La foule : Mais c'est quoi ces c******* ?! ☹ allons à Mushroom TV Reality, c'est beaucoup mieux !
En l'espace de quelques secondes, les trois idiots avaient fait fuir l'intégralité de la foule. On entendait une mouche voler...
Vous avez tout ruiné ! TOUT !

Mario : Bah c'est pas de notre faute si ce sont tous des--
Allez dans vos cabanes ! On en discutera... 😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😤🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

can I join this?

/!\ Mon activité cette semaine

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Have A fun vacation. Speaking of vacation, I will be going to America this week for around 2 weeks, so I will be less active then

America!? Ok, are you going to New York, Because There is some things I got to tell you about it. 1. The Obvious. They Drive Fast There.
2. It's A Bad Area.
3. Watch out for thugs. There not what you think.


Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
-Kris- wrote:
heres the entire story for you if you dont know - Chapter 1
Chapter 1, titled The Beginning starts with the player creating a vessel that is abruptly discarded. Instead, they inhabit a vessel who they cannot choose: Kris. They are a quiet human teenager who lives with their mother Toriel and go to the local school in Hometown. After being assigned a tall reptilian student, Susie, as a partner for a school project, she threatens to eat their face. They are forced to team up and go to the school supply closet.

Upon opening it, the duo inadvertently discover the Dark World inside. There, they meet Ralsei, a kind hearted Boss Monster-like Dark Prince, who reveals that the three of them are the heroes of the Prophecy, destined to restore balance to light and dark. During their adventure, they meet Lancer, a goofy bad guy. Feeling undervalued, Susie leaves Kris and Ralsei for a time and teams up with Lancer. Susie's friendship with Lancer helps her become more compassionate. The whole cast ends up uniting into a single team of four. In the end, Lancer helps the trio overthrow his cruel father, King. Afterward, Kris and Susie say their goodbyes to the Dark World, and, using the power of Kris's human SOUL, they seal the Eastern Fountain.

Kris and Susie return to their world together, appearing in a room filled with toys and board games, representing the Dark World and the characters they met. Kris and Susie agree to return to the Dark World the next day. Kris can leave the school and explore Hometown.

Kris goes to sleep after exploring the town. In the middle of the night, Kris shambles out of bed, seemingly fighting just to walk. They rip out their SOUL and throw it into a birdcage, where it becomes trapped. A knife materializes in Kris's hand, and they look at the camera with a menacing smile. The screen then goes completely black for a few moments before the credits play.

Chapter 2
The second chapter, titled A Cyber's World, begins with Toriel calling out to Kris. She then discovers a knife and acts shocked. However, it is almost immediately revealed that this is because Kris ate all of the pie she had baked the day before.

Kris wakes up, goes to school and enters the Dark World again with Susie. They meet Ralsei and explore the Castle Town, which has been significantly expanded by the addition of NPCs from Chapter 1. Eventually, Susie mentions they have homework to do, prompting Ralsei to banish them from the Dark World until their homework is done.

They go to the Library, where they find another Dark World, the Cyber World, awaiting them, and jump into it, this time after Noelle and Berdly. They hear talk about a Queen, who acts as the main antagonist for this chapter, and meet her soon after. She captures Noelle, while Berdly switches to her side voluntarily. Eventually, Kris splits up with the other party members and teams up with Noelle. In Kris's company, Noelle starts to learn to be less fearful, accentuating one of the game's themes of personal development. Later, after the entire party gets thrown into Queen's dungeon, Berdly learns to be less arrogant after failing to solve multiple puzzles. The final boss fight begins with both parties turning into mechas, and then combat proceeds in the style of a Punch-Out!!-esque fighting game. Kris seals the Dark Fountain of this world, and the Lightners all return to the Light World.

After walking through town, Kris goes home and Toriel invites Susie to spend the night at her house. She sends the pair to wash their hands. When Kris goes to the bathroom, they rip out their SOUL again and escape through the window, leaving the player to listen to a chat between Toriel and Susie. Eventually, Kris returns to the bathroom and puts their SOUL back in their body.

After Susie and Kris fall asleep while watching TV, Toriel calls the police to inform them that she saw something outside the house and found her car tires slashed. After that, Toriel also falls asleep in the living room. Then, in the middle of the night, Kris wakes up, and, with their knife, creates a Dark Fountain that envelops the entire room in black mist. The last thing that can be seen is the static television screen and a ghoulish smile on it. Then, the screen goes completely black for a few moments before the credits play.

That last part... That's so odd. Why would the player recreate the enemy??? Possessed? Cliffhanger for a sequel?

I wonder if Kris is the knight or if he is Chara???
We have a new Theory!

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