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(FANFIC) MKPC University

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Everlynn wrote:
Everlynn wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
It's been a while since I have made a Fan Fiction of MKPC, and now I feel like I could make actual Fanfics (that don't suck)
If you wanna join, list your:
What you are learning in the University
and Skill.
We need at least 12 members to join the fanfic!
it will be in French for the french members :D

Members so far:

Color: Red
Personality: Annoying, but tries to be better
What I am learning at the University: Cabinetry
Skill: Coding

Name: Joshy
Color: Cyan green
Learning: Proeid (a brazilian anti-drugs program teached in schools)
Personality: energetic, calm(when not energetic) and nice
talks everthing without thinking

light blue
Slow-learning and sort of introverted (doesn't really like to talk much)
Learning: Programming
Skill: Technology
Ça fait un moment que je n'ai pas fait de Fan Fiction de MKPC, et maintenant j'ai l'impression que je pourrais faire de vraies Fanfics (qui ne sont pas nulles)
Si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre, indiquez votre :
Nom d'utilisateur
Ce que vous apprenez à l'université
et Compétence.
Nous avons besoin d'au moins 12 membres pour rejoindre la fanfic !
ce sera en français pour les membres français :D
Membres jusqu'à présent :

Couleur : Rouge
Personnalité : Ennuyeux, mais essaie d'être meilleur
Ce que j'apprends à l'Université : l'ébénisterie
Compétence : Codage

Nom : Joshy
Couleur: vert cyan
Apprentissage : Proeid (un programme brésilien de lutte contre la drogue enseigné dans les écoles)
Personnalité : énergique, calme (quand il n’est pas énergique) et gentil
parle de tout sans réfléchir

bleu clair
Apprentissage lent et plutôt introverti (n'aime pas vraiment parler)
Apprentissage : Programmation
Compétence : Technologie

Name: Everlynn
Color: Green
Personality: every single personality on earth,(i call it omnipersonality)
What I am learning at the University: Programming
Skill: Programming

Aparently people really like programming (just saynin, it is actually cool)

i once coded a terminal for windows, it's going to be released soon!

I can't wait to see it!
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
It's been a while since I have made a Fan Fiction of MKPC, and now I feel like I could make actual Fanfics (that don't suck)
If you wanna join, list your:
What you are learning in the University
and Skill.
We need at least 12 members to join the fanfic!
it will be in French for the french members :D

Members so far:

Color: Red
Personality: Annoying, but tries to be better
What I am learning at the University: Cabinetry
Skill: Coding

Name: Joshy
Color: Cyan green
Learning: Proeid (a brazilian anti-drugs program teached in schools)
Personality: energetic, calm(when not energetic) and nice
talks everthing without thinking

light blue
Slow-learning and sort of introverted (doesn't really like to talk much)
Learning: Programming
Skill: Technology

Calm but questioning.
Taking geography (more specifically mapping) and filming, plus field hockey

Name: Everlynn
Color: Green
Personality: every single personality on earth,(i call it omnipersonality)
What I am learning at the University: Programming
Skill: Programming

Kind and shy
Name: Marido
Backstory: A clone of Mario that E-Gadd experiemented in his lab before eventually escaping in at midnight in the middle of a dark forest.
Personality: Has traumatic moments. Is a cyborg (one side is robot, the other is cloned human)
E-Gadd (formerly)
Dr. Eggman (in his universe, the Sonic TV series and games exist, but not Sonic and his friends theirselves.)
all of Bowser's friends or minions
All of Mario's friends
Looks the same as Mario, BUT...
· Has two mouse like ears
· Hat says "MD" instead of "M"
· Has the classic 1995 Mario design
Might make more info on him soon.
Skill: Smart in Science and Robotic abilities

so for me its hexcode=#ab3095
math and coding
Game Developer
and also i like cacti

Name: BigBabyM64

Color: Blue

Personality: Introvert, Funny, Scared of people who seem stronger than me.

Learning: How to reverse drift, and acomplimish purple spark

Skill: Jumping
Ça fait un moment que je n'ai pas fait de Fan Fiction de MKPC, et maintenant j'ai l'impression que je pourrais faire de vraies Fanfics (qui ne sont pas nulles)
Si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre, indiquez votre :
Nom d'utilisateur
Ce que vous apprenez à l'université
et Compétence.
Nous avons besoin d'au moins 12 membres pour rejoindre la fanfic !
ce sera en français pour les membres français :D
Membres jusqu'à présent :

Couleur : Rouge
Personnalité : Ennuyeux, mais essaie d'être meilleur
Ce que j'apprends à l'Université : l'ébénisterie
Compétence : Codage

Nom : Joshy
Couleur: vert cyan
Apprentissage : Proeid (un programme brésilien de lutte contre la drogue enseigné dans les écoles)
Personnalité : énergique, calme (quand il n’est pas énergique) et gentil
parle de tout sans réfléchir

bleu clair
Apprentissage lent et plutôt introverti (n'aime pas vraiment parler)
Apprentissage : Programmation
Compétence : Technologie

Nom : Everlynn
La couleur: verte
Personnalité : chaque personnalité sur terre (j'appelle cela l'omnipersonnalité)
Ce que j'apprends à l'université : la programmation
Compétence : Programmation

Calme mais interrogateur.
Prendre de la géographie (plus précisément de la cartographie) et du tournage, ainsi que du hockey sur gazon
Gentil et timide
La programmation
Nom : Marido
Histoire : Un clone de Mario qu'E-Gadd a expérimenté dans son laboratoire avant de finalement s'enfuir à minuit au milieu d'une forêt sombre.
Personnalité : A des moments traumatisants.  Est un cyborg (un côté est un robot, l'autre est un humain cloné)
E-Gadd (anciennement)
Dr Eggman (dans son univers, la série télévisée et les jeux Sonic existent, mais pas Sonic et ses amis eux-mêmes.)
tous les amis ou serviteurs de Bowser
Déteste :
Tous les amis de Mario
Il ressemble à Mario, MAIS...
· A deux oreilles de souris
· Le chapeau indique "MD" au lieu de "M".
· A le design classique de Mario de 1995
Je pourrais bientôt donner plus d'informations sur lui.
Compétence : Intelligent en sciences et capacités robotiques

donc pour moi c'est hexcode=#ab3095
mathématiques et codage
Développeur de jeu
et aussi j'aime les cactus

Nom : BigBabyM64

Couleur bleue

Personnalité : Introverti, drôle, effrayé par les gens qui semblent plus forts que moi.

Apprentissage : Comment inverser la dérive et réaliser une étincelle violette

Compétence : Sauter

The letter E isn't allowed

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
There is too much topics related to this, I'm locking the topic
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
fuck you, i am still going to use the letter e

lmao ok then I can use it too
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
BMKRacer wrote:

Caution about posting useless messages please
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Həllo! This is probably thə bəst əxpəriəncə I havə əvər səən. You know what? I hatə to confəss but THIS FUCKING challəngə IS SO FUCKING əasy! Just rəplace all the əs with a schwa (ə). səə? MAGIC TRICK. vəry əasy MAGIC TRICK!!!

I can do that, әpik!
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
i guess I am called tndokddo now?
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Does it look like I give a shit?super

I do :( /j
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
mjay111-_ wrote:

I hvent thought bout doing that. Thx for the ida.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Good Luck trying to find a word without... Uhh said word with stæfræw

Fanseries: Regular Show MKPC Edition

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
S1 E2: Just Set Up The Chairs
(In front of Jeys' House, Coolio  stands with a clipboard where he reads the itinerary of the day to Illu, Tendo, (placeholder), (placeholder) and Ryubix)

Coolio: Alright, listen up. We've got this birthday party today, so...lots to do...lots to do. Muscle Man, Hi Five Ghost, you're in charge of picking up the special entertainment.

Muscle Man & Hi Five Ghost: Yes! Uh!

(Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost high-five each other)

Benson: Skips, you set up the bouncy castle.

Skips: Hm.

(Skips skips away and jumps into a bush).

Benson: Let's see, I'm picking up the kids, so...Mordecai and Rigby, you set up the chairs.

Mordecai & Rigby: Agh!

(Mordecai slides down the stairs and onto the ground. Pops calls from above)

Pops: Oh, what about me? Surely, I'm invited to my own birthday party!

Benson: Um, your birthday was last week, remember? It's a kid's party today.

(Pops pulls out a bundle of balloons)

Pops: I still have balloons!

Benson: We got it covered, Pops!

(Pops looks at Benson sadly)

Pops: Oh. I see.

(Pops floats out of the window and flies away with his balloons)

Mordecai: Dude, how come we always get stuck with the lame jobs? Setting up the chairs!?

Rigby: Lame!

Benson: I can't trust you guys with something actually important. You're always slacking off!

Mordecai: You calling us slackers?

Rigby: Did he? Did you?

Mordecai: He's calling us slackers. Look dude, we can totally set up all those chairs without slacking off.

Benson: Good. Do it then.

Mordecai: We will.

Rigby: Yeah, and then next time you'll get someone else to set up the chairs?

(Mordecai shrugs sarcastically).

Benson: Fine.

Mordecai & Rigby: OOHHH! Not settin' up the chairs next time! Not settin' up the chairs next time! Uh!

Benson: Just set up the chairs.

(Later, Mordecai and Rigby are by a circus tent with a trolley containing chairs)

Rigby: Benson's gonna drop his balls when he sees how good we set up these chairs! He's gonna be all like "Oh no, my gumballs!"

Mordecai: (laughs) Yeah-yuh, we rule at setting up the chairs! (hands Rigby a chair) One.

(Rigby opens up the chair)

Rigby: One!

(Rigby throws the chair and it falls on the ground)

Rigby: Yeah, dude. This sucks.

Mordecai: I agree dude, and normally I'd be all "let's quit", but we have to prove to Benson we can set up these chairs.

Rigby: Alright. Gah! Must be nice to be the boss. Benson never has to do chores.

(Meanwhile, Benson is stuck in traffic on the highway driving a school bus full of loud children. The birthday kid, Jimmy, is sat alone at the front drinking a soda. Benson turns around)

Benson: Happy birthday, Ji—

Jimmy: Just drive the bus, you crazy slop jockey!

(Benson turns around at his wits end. Meanwhile, Mordecai is attempting to set up the chairs while Rigby messes around, wearing chairs and pretending to be a robot shooting around the place. He knocks over some of the chairs

Mordecai: What the H, dude?

Rigby: (laughs hysterically)

Mordecai: Can we please just focus?

(Rigby takes off the chairs)

Rigby: Ugh, when you say that, it makes me tired.

Mordecai: Dude.

(Rigby sits back on one of the chairs)

Rigby: Ugh, you sound like Benson.

Mordecai: Dude! Listen, if we pound through this, we'll never have to do this lame chair stuff again.

(Rigby gasps)

Rigby: Next time, it could be us picking up -

Mordecai & Rigby: The special entertainment!

(Meanwhile, Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost arrive at a suburban apartment complex called "Luxury Apartments". Muscle Man knocks on the door of Apartment 6B. The door opens with the chain on and two eyes appear in the darkness)

Muscle Man: We are here to pick you up.

(The door shuts and the chain is undone. The door then reopens and a bunch of cans fall out. A pony walks outside)

Pony: Just a second.

Clown: Agh, who's at the door?

(The pony points outside and the clown walks to the door, before shielding his eyes)

Clown: Whoa, it's bright!

(The clown puts on a pair of sunglasses, then gags but swallows. Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost just stare at them)

Muscle Man: You know who likes special entertainment like that? My mom!

(Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost high-five each other)

Special Entertainment Clown: Can I borrow five bucks?

(Meanwhile, back at the circus tent, Mordecai and Rigby are progressing with the chairs)

Mordecai: Thirty-seven...

(Rigby throws a chair towards Mordecai, who catches it and puts it down)

Mordecai: Thirty eight...

(Nothing happens)

Mordecai: Thirty eight?

(Mordecai turns to see Rigby laying on the trolley with no chairs around him)

Mordecai: Rigby!

Rigby: That's all the chairs, dude.

Mordecai: There's supposed to be fifty.

Rigby: That's Benson's problem.

Mordecai: No, dude. That's our problem.

Rigby: Hmm!

Mordecai: Come on, we gotta find the rest.

(Mordecai walks off to find the rest of the chairs and Rigby reluctantly follows)

Rigby: Fine. Let's find your stupid chairs.

(Rigby approaches a door, and pushes it, but it doesn't open)

Rigby: It won't open, let's get out of here.

Mordecai: Did you try the actual doorknob?

Rigby: Agh, you're killing me!

(Rigby slides his hand over the door knob effortlessly, not opening the door)

Rigby: It's locked, let's do something else.

Mordecai: Come on, dude. Take this seriously.

(Mordecai tries the doorknob for himself, but the door won't open)

Mordecai: Oh, it is locked.

Rigby: Hmph, hmph.

Mordecai: We gotta get those chairs.

(Mordecai runs towards the door)

Rigby: Hey!

(Mordecai slams into the door, breaking it open with his arm. He falls to the ground, groaning in pain while rubbing his shoulder. Rigby enters the room)

Rigby: Whoa!

Mordecai: Ugh, you see the chairs?

Rigby: Even better...

Mordecai: What do you me- (gasps)

(Mordecai turns around to see a collection of retro arcade machines)

Rigby: It's like old school heaven!

Mordecai: Yeah, look at these things!

(Mordecai and Rigby examine the arcade machines from left to right)

Mordecai: Ball of Yarn, Lemonade Stand, Hats 4 Sale, Clap Like This, Candle Maker, Deli Dude, Staring Contest!? Why are these even here!?

Rigby: Who cares? Let's play!

(Rigby runs up to an arcade game, but Mordecai grabs him and turns him around)

Mordecai: No, dude! Dude, no. You want Benson to think we're slackers forever?

Rigby: I don't know. Do you want to be boring forever?

Mordecai: Not cool, dude.

(Rigby jumps onto the Lemonade Stand arcade machine)

Rigby: Whatever, I'm taking my break.

(Rigby starts the game and instantly starts mashing the buttons)

Mordecai: Dude, you're not even doing it right. You're just mashing the buttons.

Rigby: Whatever, why don't you go back to work?

Mordecai: I know, how about I take my break too?

(Mordecai knocks Rigby out of the way and beats the game for him)

Mordecai: Bam!

(The game screen displays "YOU WIN";)

Mordecai: OOHHH!!

Rigby: Man, that was just luck.

Mordecai: Hmph, hmph.

(A brief montage plays as Mordecai and Rigby battle each other for the high score in each game. Rigby mashes the buttons each time, but Mordecai plays properly. He wins each time while yelling "OOHHH!!". The montage ends with Mordecai beating "Hats 4 Sale";)

Mordecai: OOHHH! Ten in a row! Alright, let's finish those chairs.

(Mordecai walks off as Rigby looks ahead to see another game hidden in the corner)

Rigby: Wait, man. What about that one?

(Rigby runs to the machine, which is covered in a sheet with a sign reading "OUT OF ORDER". Rigby turns to smile at Mordecai)

Mordecai: Didn't they teach you how to read? "Out of order".

(Rigby turns back around and pulls the sheet off the machine, revealing a game called "DESTROYER OF WORLDS";)

Rigby: Whoa! This...looks...awesome!

Mordecai: Yeah. Whatever, it's broken.

Rigby: Probably 'cause people couldn't stop playing it, 'cause it's so awesome!

(Rigby gets onto his knees and starts banging his fist against the machine)

Mordecai: Pfft, how are you gonna fix that with your third grade education?

(Rigby stops banging)

Rigby: Hey! Why don't you go ask Benson to tell you what to do?

Mordecai: Move over, Rigby.

(Mordecai walks over to the machine and opens up the front panel. Inside is a note attached to a wire. Mordecai takes the note and reads it aloud with Rigby)

Mordecai & Rigby: "In the name of all that is holy, don't connect the red wire to the blue wire"?

(They look at the mechanism inside the machine to see a red wire and a blue wire, disconnected)

Mordecai: I don't think we should do this.

(Rigby grabs the note and chucks it away. He runs to the machine and attempts to connect the two wires. Each time he does, an electric spark surrounds the wires)

Rigby: Come on, come on!

(Rigby successfully connects the wires. A ghostly devil-like face then drifts out of the machine, laughing, then disappears. Mordecai and Rigby look at each other, then the lights go out)

Mordecai: Dude, what just happened?

Rigby: I don't know!

(The arcade machine's screen turns on, lighting up the room, and then blasts Mordecai and Rigby back. The machine then spawns the Destroyer of Worlds, a pixelated floating devil head. It floats past Mordecai and Rigby)

Mordecai: That can't be good.

Rigby: I don't know, he could be cool.

(The Destroyer fires flames from his eyes and blows a massive hole in the side of the room. It floats outside)

Mordecai: Oh man, we're so dead.

Rigby: Maybe no one will notice.

(The Destroyer starts firing flames across the Park, causing mass destruction. Pops floats by with his balloons)

Pops: Oh, who unleashed the Destroyer of Worlds? Good show!

(Mordecai and Rigby watch on in disbelief)

Mordecai: We better go find Skips.

(Skips is setting up a bouncy castle. Mordecai and Rigby run up to him, panting)

Mordecai: Skips! Uh, dude.

Skips: What did you guys do?

Mordecai: What? Nothing!

(The Destroyer fires at the playground's slide, which is next to the bouncy castle. Skips looks up and sees the Destroyer floating by, laughing)

Skips: You ignored my note, didn't you?

Mordecai: A note? What note?

Rigby: You mean like a musical note?

(The Destroyer fires at the bouncy castle, setting it ablaze)

Skips: You fools! Destroyer of Worlds will kill us all!

(The Destroyer approaches the trio and laughs)

Skips: I have an idea, but I need time. Distract it!

(Skips skips away)

Mordecai: Wait, what? Distract it how?

(Rigby picks up a rock)

Rigby: Get outta here!

(Rigby throws a rock and the Destroyer's chin. Its smile suddenly turns into a frown)

Rigby: Uh oh.

(Mordecai and Rigby get chased by the Destroyer while screaming. Meanwhile, Benson pulls into the parking lot in the school bus.)

Benson: We're here...

(Benson screams as Mordecai and Rigby run in front of the bus. The Destroyer floats up to the bus)

Kids: It's the special entertainment! Yay!

(The Destroyer blasts off the roof of the bus. All the kids, plus Benson, scream and run out of the bus and across the park. Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost then pull up next to them in a golf cart, with the real special entertainment)

Muscle Man: Hey kids! Get ready for our very special entertainment!

(The special entertainment leave the cart and begin their act. They are then blasted by the Destroyer and become a pile of ashes. The kids scream again and run across the park. Mordecai and Rigby watch on as the chaos ensues)

Mordecai: We're screwed.

(Behind them, Skips pulls up in a cart with three arcade machines tied up on it)

Skips: Get in!

(Mordecai and Rigby run into the cart as Skips drives towards the Destroyer)

Skips: Climb on top, but don't press start until I say.

(Mordecai and Rigby climb onto the top of the cart, taking two arcade machines each. Pops, still flying with his balloons, gets hit and loses his balloons. Holding tight to the top of the cart, Pops looks down to greet Skips at the wheel).

Pops: Skips, my good man! I lost my balloons.

Skips: Take the wheel.

(Skips climbs around to the back of the cart to the third arcade machine as Pops flips around and sits in the driver's seat, taking control of the cart)

Pops: Oh, it must be my birthday!

(The Destroyer is stationary, and the cart parks up behind it)

Skips: Okay everyone, press your start buttons on three. One, two, three!

(Everyone presses start on their arcade machines, spawning a giant hodgepodge monster based on elements from the abandoned arcade games, known as the Lemon Chef)

Mordecai and Rigby: Whoa!

(The Destroyer fires at the Lemon Chef. Everybody starts playing the game, although Rigby just mashes the buttons)

Skips: Mordecai and I got the arms, Rigby, you got the legs.

Rigby: Aw, what!? Legs? Legs suck! Man, this is worse than the chairs!

(Due to Rigby's button mashing, the Lemon Chef spins around in a circle, firing pixelated burgers around randomly, rather than at the Destroyer)

Mordecai: Dude! Quit mashing the buttons, you're messing up the legs!

Rigby: Shut up!

(Rigby gains a small understanding of how to control the legs, and makes the Lemon Chef run away. The Destroyer chases after it)

Skips: Drive, Pops, drive!

Pops: This is so much fun! Woohoo!

(Pops steps on the accelerator and chases after the two battling characters as Mordecai, Rigby and Skips control the Lemon Chef. The Destroyer then fires at the cart, causing Skips to get knocked off his machine and fall to the ground)

Mordecai: Skips!

(The cart drives away from Skips)

Mordecai: Pops, stop! We lost Skips!

(Pops steps on the break as Mordecai looks back)

Mordecai: Skips!

(The Destroyer blasts off the roof of a shed nearby. Mordecai notices and spots that inside are the thirteen missing chairs. He gasps)

Mordecai: The extra chairs!

(Mordecai turns to Rigby)

Mordecai: Dude, you kill the Destroyer of Worlds! I'm gonna go get the chairs!

(Mordecai jumps off the top of the cart and runs to the shed)

Rigby: It's too dangerous, just leave them!

Mordecai: I don't care! We're not slackers!

(The Destroyer rapidly fires at the shed, which terrifies Rigby)

Rigby: (gasps) Mordecai!

(Inside the shed, Mordecai is holding onto a chair while screaming. Suddenly, the Destroyer gets hit in the head by a pixelated burger. Rigby mashes the buttons on Mordecai and Skips' abandoned machines, causing the Lemon Chef to rapidly fire at the Destroyer. He then takes a break to stop)

Destroyer: What the...?

(Mordecai is safely outside of the shed, watching the battle)

Mordecai: The button mashing's working! Finish him off dude!

(Rigby stretches his arms and his tail to take control of all three arcade machines at once. He mashes the buttons rapidly while screaming, causing the Lemon Chef to fire even more pixelated burgers at an even faster rate, killing the Destroyer of Worlds. Once the Destroyer is defeated, it turns into a pixelated cherry. The Lemon Chef walks over to the cherry and eats it, gaining 100 points. Mordecai approaches Rigby, who is now on a small lava-surrounded island within the park)

Mordecai: That was some pretty sweet button mashing.

(Mordecai and Rigby high-five)

Rigby: I told you I got skills!

(Behind them, Benson climbs onto the island. He is red)

Benson: You!

(Mordecai and Rigby turn around)

Mordecai: Whoa! Hey, Benson. Before you freak out, we totally set up those chairs!

(Mordecai signals to his right, where the kids are sat on their chairs, but surrounded by nothing but flames for a concerning distance. They all cheer, accompanied by Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost. Muscle Man swings his shirt)

Muscle Man: Woo! This birthday party's hot!

(Back on the other island, Benson is still red)

Rigby: So we're cool, right?

Benson: You idiots! That's the last time I entrust you with something important, like the chairs!

(Mordecai and Rigby are silent for a moment)

Mordecai & Rigby: OOHHH! Not settin' up the chairs next time! Not settin' up the chairs next time!

Benson: But you are gonna clean up this mess, and you can start by sweeping up the special entertainment!

(Benson points at a pile of ashes, then walks off)

Mordecai: Yeah, no problem.

Rigby: We got it.

Mordecai: Don't worry about us.

(Benson is out of hearing range)

Rigby: We're gonna take a break first, right?

Mordecai: Yeah
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
It's time I bring this fanfic back, an episode might come today
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
There is 2 more characters you can join as:
Muscle Man
Hi-Five Ghost
Join while you can, because Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost are coming next episode!
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
S1 E1: The Power
On the TV, there was this wrestler named Beef Burrito getting ready to Elbow this other Wrestler Guy, right next to the TV...
Yvetial: All right, Beef Burrito. Ima give you one more chance to take back what you said about my mom!
Yvetial: I'LL KILL YOU!
Just like the TV, he elbowed Beef Burrito. So many times. I mean it.
Then The Beef Burrito Doll was punching him a
lot. Yvetial almost blacked out.
IlluZhion: Tag up, Tag up!
Yvetial: [Tags]
So then, Yvetial keeps on drinking a bunch of soda, until he's refreshed.
IlluZhion: lol
A bit later...
Yvetial: What?
Yvetial: Oh, you want us to put the hurt on you? I think he wants me to put the hurt on
IlluZhion: I think he wants you to put the hurt on him.
Yvetial: You think he wants me to put the hurt on him?
IlluZhion: YES, I DO!
Then they both started to scream, then IlluZhion throws Yvetial on the trampoline, where it accidentally hit the wall, which made it crumble a bit.
Yvetial: ugh..... Yeah-yuh! Did you see how awesome it was when I hit the trampoline?
IlluZhion: [Laughs] Yeah, I did. But it wasn't as awesome as when you punched a hole in the wall.
Both: [Laughs]
But thats when they looked at the crumbling wall, then looked at eachother. Then, they realized their mistake.
Both: Oh, shit!
So then Yvetial looks to see if their boss, Coolio is around. He wasn't, luckily.
So then he shuts the door.
IlluZhion: I can't believe I listened to you. I knew I should've gone out to do some work, But no - "let's wrestle this stupid doll. It'll be fun."
Yvetial: But it was fun.
IlluZhion: Well, yeah, but now there's a big hole in the wall. Dude, I'm like 24 years old, you're getting older, too. We shouldn't be busting holes in walls. We're gonna get fired for this, man!
Yvetial: You mean, you're gonna get fired for this.
IlluZhion: What? How?
Yvetial: You're the one who threw me too hard, you hole.
IlluZhion: Don't call me a hole. You're the hole. You're the one who wanted to wrestle with a damn doll.
Yvetial: Okay, okay. Let's not blame anyone. Now, how in the heck are we gonna fix this stuff?
IlluZhion: I don't know, man. We can't fix it, and we definitely can't pay for it, 'cause we don't have any money. Unless you have some money.
Yvetial: Sadly, no. Besides, I don't even know how much it costs to fix a hole like this. Probably a TON.
IlluZhion: Exactly. Which leaves us with only one possible solution. We convince Benson to give us raises so we can afford to pay someone else to fix it.
Yvetial: Dude... You are a genius! Of course - raises.
IlluZhion: Okay, dude-
Yvetial: Lemme stop you there, because I already know what you're gonna say. Hamboning.
IlluZhion: Whaaa?
Yvetial: Yeah, dude - hamboning. We just go up to Benson and we'll be all like, "we both want raises."
So what he does it slap his body rhythmically but more softly.
IlluZhion: NO, man! Stop it! We just need to ask him for a raise and just explain all the-
Yvetial: No, no, no! That's not gonna work! What are you, 65? (In a old person's voice) "Excuse me, sir, can I have a raise?" COME ON, BRO! I'm telling you, dude - hamboningggg!
IlluZhion: Nooo.
Yvetial: Hamboning'll save your life someday. It'll be all like, "what? You trying to mug me?"
So he did that hamboning thing I told you about. But IlluZhion stops him.
IlluZhion: NO! We're not doing that, okay? OKAY?!
Yvetial: Fine...
But then, he remembers something that could help him get raises.
Yvetial: I know what to do!
So he digs in his trash, until he finds a keyboard.
Yvetial: Are you ready for raises?
IlluZhion: [Laughing] Whoa! How did you get that?
Yvetial: I have my methods.
CUT TO: Flashback
There was this wizard guy, that put his Magic Keyboard down, then he took a piss in a nearby bush, that's when Yvetial decided to steal it.
Yvetial: [Chuckles]
IlluZhion: I don't know, dude. How's that gonna get us raises?
Yvetial: Look, just check it out.
So then, Yvetial makes a funky tune with the keyboard.
IlluZhion: Woooow. Dats crazy. This is the awnser to all out problems. Have you named her yet?
Yvetial: I actually thought you'd do the honors.
IlluZhion: Really
Yvetial Nods.
IlluZhion: You know, I always wanted to date a girl named "The Power."
Yvetial: The Power?
IlluZhion Nods.
Yvetial: I like it.
So then, by a magical force, it spread out light, spelling it The Power. Then it went on the keyboard.
Both: Cooooool.
So they went outside the park to try it out.
IlluZhion: Alright, this time with feeling.
Yvetial: You ready?
IlluZhion: Yeah.
Both: 5, 6, 7, 8.
So then the music played, then they made a walk then pointed out, then said:
Both: Give us a raise, loser.
They both laugh.
Yvetial: Hey, it's Jey!
Jey: [Laughs] Hello!
Yvetial: Hey, Jey. Wazzup?
Jey: Is that the sound of music I hear?
Yvetial: [Whispering] Dude, let's use The Power on Jey.
IlluZhion: I don't know. I don't want to hurt his feelings and say he's a loser. I don't want him to cry, I just want him to give us a raise. Let's just not call him a loser.
Yvetial: Okay.
Yvetial: Hey, Jey. Check it.
Both: 5, 6, 7, 8.
Then the music plays.
Both: Give us a raise, Jey.
Jey: [Laughs] Good Show! Jolly Good Show! A pay increase - Yes, yes, of course! Just let me get my billfold.
So then he instead gives him butterschotch ripples.
Jey: Ta-Ta!
Then he leaves.
IlluZhion: Dude, I think that just worked. If Jey had real money, we could've probably had enough to fix the hole!
Yvetial: Totally.
So they try it on their boss, Coolio.
IlluZhion: Hey, Coolio.
Both: 5, 6, 7, 8.
Benson: What the hell are you doing?
So yeah, they did the walk thing, then said:
Both: Give us a raise, loser!
Coolio: Y'know, you guys have been working harder.
Coolio: I think you deserve a raise.
So he gives them Half the money they need to fix the hole.
Coolio: Keep up the good work.
So then, he left.
Yvetial: Do you realize what this means?
IlluZhion: We are close to fixing the hole?
Yvetial: No! We can do anything we ever wanted!
So I want y'all to picture your own montage on this one. I'd love to hear what your ideas are!
Both: [Laughing]
So then, when they weren't looking, they accidentally bumped into Ryubix.
Ryubix: You guys should'nt be doing what you just did.
Yvetial: What? The flying or the hole?
Ryubix: What hole ?
Yvetial: Dude, get to The Power. He knows.
Ryubix: Knows what ?
Yvetial: Uh, Nothing, Skips. Uh.. We was just getting back to work.
IlluZhion: [Whispering] Dude, kick it to max power.
Both: 5, 6, 7, 8.
Both: Using the power in yo face, sending you back to your place. Don't look at our crotches, while we synchronize our watches. Beep beep bwopp bweep bwoop bweep bweep! Synchronized!
IlluZhion: Go away, Ryubix. It's time for you to go away. It's time for you to go to your room.
Yvetial: Yeah, Ryubix, it's time for you to go to the Moon!
So then, Ryubix, magically got sent to the moon.
IlluZhion: [Gasps] Where did he go?
Yvetial: Uh...
IlluZhion: Did you just send Ryubix to the moon?Yvetial: Isn't that what you said?...
IlluZhion: No - I said "room."
IlluZhion: I sent him to his room, not the moon, you idiot! Dude, wish him back.
Yvetial: But it doesn't work that way.
IlluZhion: What do you mean?
Yvetial: I can't see him, now can I?
IlluZhion: Then we have to go get him.
Yvetial: But Ryubix's gonna be ticked!
IlluZhion: Better than him being dead!
Coolio: Hey, have you two seen Ryubix?
IlluZhion: Y-Yvetial sent him to the moon.
Then Yvetial punched him, then he punched back.
Yvetial: Owwww!
Coolio: Wait. What?
IlluZhion: We accidentally sent Ryubix to the moon with this keyboard, and we have to get him back.
Jey: I love the Moon!
Coolio: [Laughs] Come on. Where's Ryubix?
IlluZhion: [Sighs] Look, we'll show you.
Yvetial: Come on, let's go! Geez, you take forever!
IlluZhion: Sorry, Jey had to go to the bathroom.
Jey: Twice.
Coolio: So, what do we do?
IlluZhion: Don't worry. We got it.
So they play The Power while singing:
Both: Take us to the moon, take us to the moon, Whoa-oh, Won't you take us to the moon?
Coolio: [Sarcastically] Ha Ha. Very fun-
Right when he was about to finish his sentence, they got magically transported to the moon, and it was not a fun ride.
[All Groaning]
Coolio: Ugh... What is all this junk?
Yvetial: Uh, don't get mad at me guys, but I kinda sent a bunch of stuff to the moon while you guys was gone.
A while ago...
Yvetial: A bunch of baby ducks, send them to the moon, Soda machine that doesn't work, send them to the moon.
And now...
IlluZhion: You drill bit! What else did you send!?Then, they seen a giant monster roaring, and it looked like Ryubix was trapped in his arm.
Jey: Look ! It's Ryubix !There he is !
IlluZhion: You had to send a monster on the moon, didn't you?
Coolio: What is that?
IlluZhion: You go get Ryubix, Yvetial. We'll pick you up once you get him.
Yvetial: [Nervous] Okay...
IlluZhion: Jey, help me flip the kart back.
Yvetial: Come on, Coolio, let's get Ryubix!
So the monster roars while holding Ryubix, while Ryubix was scared half to death.
So then, Yvetial put The Power in the ground of the Moon.
Coolio: Come on, already!!
Yvetial: Oh, give me a break! I have to come up with the words, dude!
So then he thinks of the words.
Yvetial: Okay, Okay, I got it.
Yvetial: G-g-go away, big monster, Go, go- NONONONONONONO!
Coolio: What?
The Power wasn't playing.
Yvetial: I-I think the batteries just died.
Coolio: What!?!?
Then the monster was running to Yvetial and Coolio.
IlluZhion: Hurry up, dude!
Yvetial: The batteries are dead!
IlluZhion: What!?
So he didn't know what to do, then, he had a flashback.
Yvetial: Hamboning will save your life someday.
It'll be all like "what? you trying to mug me?" I'm telling you, dude - Hamboningggg.
Yvetial: I know what to do. Hold The Power, Coolio.
So then, as the monster was about to eat Ryubix, Yvetial stopped him by doing Hamboning. Then, he stopped squeezing Ryubix, and Ryubix got out of his palm. Then, they both went into the kart.
IlluZhion: I can't believe you just did that. :s
So then, the monster was gonna get them, and The Power was uncharged, then Ryubix saved them by plugging The Power into the kart.
IlluZhion: Okay, Okay, USE THE KEYBOARD!!!
All: Take us home, take us home, take us all to our home!
So then, they got shot into IlluZhion and Yvetial's room. Which destroyed all the walls with the impact on the floor.
Yvetial: HAHAHA! We did it!!! Yeah!!
So then Coolio snatches the Keyboard from Yvetial.
Yvetial: Hey, that's mine!
Coolio: Nope, you sent him to the moon, so the least you could do is give him your keyboard. Ain't that right, Ryubix?
Ryubix: Yup !
Then Ryubix destroyed the keyboard before anything happens like that again. And IlluZhion and Rigby got sad.
Coolio: And let's have it.
Yvetial: What?
Both: Fine...
Coolio: *Sighs* Can you believe this?
Ryubix: Hell, no.
So then, Coolio slammed the door in fury.
Yvetial: Oh, dude, this sucks. The hole is still there. Do you think Coolio noticed it?
So then, IlluZhion covered the "hole" with a rock band wallpaper.
IlluZhion: He won't now.
Yvetial: Dude, you're a genius: *High fives him*
The End.
S1 E1 : Le pouvoir
À la télé, il y avait ce lutteur nommé Beef Burrito qui se préparait à donner un coup de coude à cet autre Wrestler Guy, juste à côté de la télé...
Yvetial : D'accord, Beef Burrito. Je vais te donner une chance de plus de retirer ce que tu as dit sur ma mère !
Yvetial : JE VAIS TE TUER !
Tout comme la télé, il a donné un coup de coude à Beef Burrito. Tellement de fois. Je suis sérieux.
Puis The Beef Burrito Doll lui a donné un coup de poing
parcelle. Yvetial a failli s'évanouir.
IlluZhion : taguez, taguez !
Yvétial : [Tags]
Alors, Yvetial continue de boire un tas de soda, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit rafraîchi.
IlluZhion : lol
Un peu plus tard...
Yvétial : Quoi ?
Yvetial : Oh, tu veux qu'on te fasse mal ? Je pense qu'il veut que je fasse mal
IlluZhion : Je pense qu'il veut que vous le blessiez.
Yvetial : Tu penses qu'il veut que je lui fasse mal ?
IlluZhion : OUI !
Puis ils se sont mis à crier tous les deux, puis IlluZhion a jeté Yvetial sur le trampoline, où il a accidentellement heurté le mur, ce qui l'a fait s'effondrer un peu.
Yvetial : euh... Ouais-ouais ! Avez-vous vu à quel point c'était génial quand j'ai sauté sur le trampoline ?
IlluZhion : [Rires] Oui, je l'ai fait. Mais ce n'était pas aussi génial que lorsque vous avez percé un trou dans le mur.
Les deux : [Rires]
Mais c'est alors qu'ils regardèrent le mur qui s'effondrait, puis se regardèrent. Puis, ils ont réalisé leur erreur.
Tous les deux : Oh, merde !
Alors Yvetial regarde pour voir si leur patron, Coolio est là. Il ne l'était pas, heureusement.
Alors il ferme la porte.
IlluZhion : Je n'arrive pas à croire que je t'ai écouté. Je savais que j'aurais dû sortir pour travailler, mais non - "luttons contre cette stupide poupée. Ce sera amusant."
Yvetial : Mais c'était amusant.
IlluZhion : Eh bien, oui, mais maintenant il y a un gros trou dans le mur. Mec, j'ai 24 ans, tu vieillis aussi. Nous ne devrions pas faire des trous dans les murs. On va se faire virer pour ça, mec !
Yvetial : Tu veux dire, [je]tu vas[/i] te faire virer pour ça.
IlluZhion : Quoi ? Comment?
Yvetial : C'est toi qui m'as jeté trop fort, espèce de trou.
IlluZhion : Ne me traite pas de trou. Tu es le trou. C'est toi qui voulais lutter avec une fichue poupée.
Yvétial : D'accord, d'accord. Ne blâmons personne. Maintenant, comment diable allons-nous réparer ce truc ?
IlluZhion : Je ne sais pas, mec. Nous ne pouvons pas le réparer, et nous ne pouvons certainement pas le payer, car nous n'avons pas d'argent. À moins que vous ayez de l'argent.
Yvetial : Malheureusement, non. En plus, je ne sais même pas combien ça coûte de réparer un trou comme ça. Probablement une tonne.
IlluZhion : Exactement. Ce qui nous laisse avec une seule solution possible. Nous convainquons Benson de nous donner des augmentations afin que nous puissions nous permettre de payer quelqu'un d'autre pour le réparer.
Yvetial : Mec... T'es un génie ! Bien sûr - soulève.
IlluZhion : Ok, mec-
Yvetial : Laisse-moi t'arrêter là, car je sais déjà ce que tu vas dire. Hamboning.
IlluZhion : Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Yvetial : Ouais, mec - hamboning. Nous montons juste à Benson et nous serons tous du genre "nous voulons tous les deux des augmentations".
Alors ce qu'il fait c'est gifler son corps en rythme mais plus doucement.
IlluZhion : NON, mec ! Arrête ça! Nous avons juste besoin de lui demander une augmentation et de lui expliquer tout le-
Yvétial : Non, non, non ! Ça ne marchera pas ! T'es quoi, 65 ans ? (Dans la voix d'une personne âgée) "Excusez-moi, monsieur, puis-je avoir une augmentation?" ALLEZ, FRÈRE ! Je te le dis, mec - hamboningggg !
IlluZhion : Non.
Yvetial : Hamboning te sauvera la vie un jour. Ce sera comme, "quoi? Tu essaies de m'agresser?"
Alors il a fait ce truc de hamboning dont je t'ai parlé. Mais IlluZhion l'arrête.
IlluZhion : NON ! On ne fait pas ça, d'accord ? D'ACCORD?!
Yvétial : Bien...
Mais ensuite, il se souvient de quelque chose qui pourrait l'aider à obtenir des augmentations.
Yvétial : Je sais quoi faire !
Alors il fouille dans sa poubelle, jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve un clavier.
Yvetial : Êtes-vous prêt pour les augmentations ?
IlluZhion : [Rire] Whoa ! Comment as-tu eu ça?
Yvetial : J'ai mes méthodes.
CUT TO : Flashback
Il y a eu ce type sorcier, qui a posé son clavier magique, puis il a pissé dans un buisson voisin, c'est là qu'Yvetial a décidé de le voler.
Yvétial : [Rires]
IlluZhion : Je ne sais pas, mec. Comment ça va-t-il nous faire augmenter ?
Yvetial : Écoutez, regardez-le.
Alors, Yvetial fait un air funky avec le clavier.
IlluZhion : Woooow. C'est fou. C'est la solution à tous les problèmes. L'avez-vous déjà nommée ?
Yvetial : En fait, je pensais que tu ferais les honneurs.
IlluZhion : Vraiment
Yvétial acquiesce.
IlluZhion : Vous savez, j'ai toujours voulu sortir avec une fille nommée "The Power".
Yvetial : Le Pouvoir ?
IlluZhion hoche la tête.
Yvétial : J'aime bien.
Alors, par une force magique, il a répandu la lumière, l'épelant Le Pouvoir. Ensuite, il est allé sur le clavier.
Les deux : Cooooool.
Alors ils sont sortis du parc pour l'essayer.
IlluZhion : D'accord, cette fois avec des sentiments.
Yvétial : T'es prêt ?
IlluZhion : Ouais.
Les deux : 5, 6, 7, 8.
Alors la musique a joué, puis ils ont fait une promenade puis ont pointé du doigt, puis ont dit :
Les deux : Donnez-nous une augmentation, perdant.
Ils rient tous les deux.
Yvetial : Hé, c'est Jey !
Jey : [Rires] Bonjour !
Yvétial : Hé, Jey. Wazzup ?
Jey : C'est le son de la musique que j'entends ?
Yvetial : [Chuchotant] Mec, utilisons le Pouvoir sur Jey.
IlluZhion : Je ne sais pas. Je ne veux pas le blesser et dire qu'il est un loser. je ne veux pas qu'il pleurer, je veux juste qu'il nous donne une augmentation. Ne le traitons pas de perdant.
Yvétial : D'accord.
Yvétial : Hé, Jey. Vérifie ça.
Les deux : 5, 6, 7, 8.
Puis la musique joue.
Tous les deux : Donnez-nous une augmentation, Jey.
Jey : [Rires] Bon spectacle ! Bon spectacle ! Une augmentation de salaire - Oui, oui, bien sûr ! Laisse-moi juste récupérer mon portefeuille.
Alors il lui donne à la place des ondulations de caramel au beurre.
Jey : Ta-Ta !
Puis il part.
IlluZhion : Mec, je pense que ça a marché. Si Jey avait de l'argent réel, nous aurions probablement pu en avoir assez pour réparer le trou !
Yvétial : Totalement.
Alors ils l'essayent sur leur patron, Coolio.
IlluZhion : Salut, Coolio.
Les deux : 5, 6, 7, 8.
Benson : Qu'est-ce que tu fous ?
Alors oui, ils ont fait le truc de marcher, puis ils ont dit :
Tous les deux : donnez-nous une augmentation, perdant !
Coolio : Vous savez, vous avez travaillé plus dur.
Coolio : Je pense que tu mérites une augmentation.
Alors il leur donne la moitié de l'argent dont ils ont besoin pour réparer le trou.
Coolio : Continuez votre bon travail.
Alors, il est parti.
Yvetial : Vous vous rendez compte de ce que cela veut dire ?
IlluZhion : Nous sommes sur le point de réparer le trou ?
Yvétial : Non ! Nous pouvons faire tout ce que nous avons toujours voulu !
Je veux donc que vous imaginiez votre propre montage sur celui-ci. J'aimerais entendre quelles sont vos idées !
Tous les deux : [Rires]
Alors, alors qu'ils ne regardaient pas, ils sont tombés accidentellement sur Ryubix.
Ryubix : Vous ne devriez pas faire ce que vous venez de faire.
Yvétial : Quoi ? Le volant ou le trou ?
Ryubix : Quel trou ?
Yvetial : Mec, va au Pouvoir. Il sait.
Ryubix : Sait quoi ?
Yvetial : Euh, rien, saute. Euh... On venait juste de se remettre au travail.
IlluZhion : [Chuchotement] Mec, donne-lui un coup de pied à la puissance maximale.
Les deux : 5, 6, 7, 8.
Les deux : Utiliser le pouvoir de votre visage, vous renvoyer chez vous. Ne regardez pas nos entrejambes, pendant que nous synchronisons nos montres. Bip bip bwopp bweep bwoop bweep bweep ! Synchronisé !
IlluZhion : Va-t'en, Ryubix. Il est temps pour toi de t'en aller. Il est temps pour vous d'aller dans votre chambre.
Yvetial : Ouais, Ryubix, il est temps pour toi d'aller sur la Lune !
Alors, Ryubix, a été magiquement envoyé sur la lune.
IlluZhion : [Halètements] Où est-il allé ?
Yvétial : Euh...
IlluZhion : Vous venez d'envoyer Ryubix sur la lune ? Yvetial : C'est pas ce que vous avez dit ?...
IlluZhion : Non, j'ai dit "chambre".
IlluZhion : Je l'ai envoyé dans sa chambre, pas la lune, idiot ! Mec, souhaite-lui de revenir.
Yvetial : Mais ça ne marche pas comme ça.
IlluZhion : Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire ?
Yvetial : Je ne peux pas le voir, maintenant je peux ?
IlluZhion : Alors nous devons aller le chercher.
Yvetial : Mais Ryubix va être coché !
IlluZhion : Mieux que lui étant mort !
Coolio : Hey, vous avez vu Ryubix tous les deux ?
IlluZhion : Y-Yvetial l'a envoyé sur la lune.
Puis Yvetial lui a donné un coup de poing, puis il a riposté.
Yvétial : Owwwwww !
Coolio : Attendez. Quoi?
IlluZhion : Nous avons accidentellement envoyé Ryubix sur la lune avec ce clavier, et nous devons le récupérer.
Jey : J'adore la Lune !
Coolio : [Rires] Allez. Où est Ryubix ?
IlluZhion : [Soupirs] Écoutez, nous allons vous montrer.
Yvétial : Allez, on y va ! Décidément, tu prends une éternité !
IlluZhion : Désolé, Jey a dû aller aux toilettes.
Jey : Deux fois.
Coolio : Alors, on fait quoi ?
IlluZhion : Ne vous inquiétez pas. Nous avons compris.
Alors ils jouent The Power en chantant :
Tous les deux : Emmenez-nous sur la lune, emmenez-nous sur la lune, Whoa-oh, ne nous emmènerez-vous pas sur la lune ?
Coolio : [Sarcastiquement] Ha Ha. Très drôle-
Juste au moment où il était sur le point de terminer sa phrase, ils ont été transportés par magie sur la lune, et ce n'était pas une balade amusante.
[Tous gémissant]
Coolio : Ugh... Qu'est-ce que c'est que tout ce bazar ?
Yvetial : Euh, ne vous fâchez pas contre moi les gars, mais j'ai en quelque sorte envoyé un tas de trucs sur la lune pendant que vous étiez partis.
Il y a un moment...
Yvetial : Une bande de bébés canards, envoie-les sur la lune, Machine à soda qui ne marche pas, envoie-les sur la lune.
Et maintenant...
IlluZhion : Espèce de foret ! Qu'avez-vous envoyé d'autre !? Ensuite, ils ont vu un monstre géant rugir, et il semblait que Ryubix était piégé dans son bras.
Jey : Regarde ! C'est Ryubix ! Le voilà !
IlluZhion : Vous avez dû envoyer un monstre sur la lune, n'est-ce pas ?
Coolio : Qu'est-ce que c'est que ?
IlluZhion : Va chercher Ryubix, Yvetial. Nous viendrons vous chercher une fois que vous l'aurez.
Yvetial : [Nerveux] D'accord...
IlluZhion : Jey, aide-moi à retourner le kart.
Yvetial : Allez, Coolio, allons chercher Ryubix !
Ainsi, le monstre rugit en tenant Ryubix, tandis que Ryubix était mort de peur.
Alors, Yvetial a mis The Power dans le sol de la Lune.
Coolio : Allez, déjà !!
Yvetial : Oh, laisse-moi tranquille ! Je dois trouver les mots, mec !
Alors il pense aux mots.
Yvetial : D'accord, d'accord, j'ai compris.
Yvetial : G-g-va-t'en, gros monstre, Vas-y, va- NONONONONONONO !
Coolio : Quoi ?
Le Pouvoir ne jouait pas.
Yvetial : Je-je pense que les piles sont mortes.
Coolio : Quoi !?!?
Puis le monstre courait vers Yvetial et Coolio.
IlluZhion : Dépêche-toi, mec !
Yvetial : Les piles sont mortes !
IlluZhion : Quoi ! ?
Alors il ne savait pas quoi faire, alors, il a eu un flashback.
Yvetial : Hamboning te sauvera la vie un jour.
Ce sera comme "quoi? tu essaies de m'agresser?" Je te le dis, mec - Hamboningggg.
Yvétial : Je sais quoi faire. Tenez le pouvoir, Coolio.
Alors, alors que le monstre s'apprêtait à manger du Ryubix, Yvetial l'en empêcha en faisant du Hamboning. Puis, il a cessé de presser Ryubix, unnd Ryubix est sorti de sa paume. Ensuite, ils sont montés tous les deux dans le kart.
IlluZhion : Je n'arrive pas à croire que vous venez de faire ça. :s
Alors, le monstre allait les avoir, et The Power était déchargé, puis Ryubix les a sauvés en branchant The Power dans le kart.
Tous : Ramenez-nous à la maison, ramenez-nous à la maison, ramenez-nous tous chez nous !
Alors, ils se sont fait tirer dessus dans la chambre d'IlluZhion et d'Yvetial. Ce qui a détruit tous les murs avec l'impact sur le sol.
Yvétial : HAHAHA ! Nous l'avons fait!!! Ouais!!
Alors Coolio arrache le Clavier à Yvetial.
Yvetial : Hé, c'est à moi !
Coolio : Non, vous l'avez envoyé sur la lune, donc le moins que vous puissiez faire est de lui donner votre clavier. N'est-ce pas, Ryubix ?
Ryubix : Oui !
Puis Ryubix a détruit le clavier avant que quelque chose ne se reproduise comme ça. Et IlluZhion et Rigby sont devenus tristes.
Coolio : Et allons-y.
Yvétial : Quoi ?
Coolio : Les 40 $ que vous m'avez escroqués tous les deux avec cette stupide merde de clavier ! JE SAIS QUE VOUS L'AVEZ TOUJOURS, MAINTENANT RENDEZ-LE !!!
Les deux : Très bien...
Coolio : *soupirs* Pouvez-vous croire cela ?
Ryubix : Enfer, non.
Alors, Coolio a claqué la porte avec fureur.
Yvetial : Oh, mec, ça craint. Le trou est toujours là. Pensez-vous que Coolio l'a remarqué ?
Alors, IlluZhion a couvert le "trou" avec un papier peint de groupe de rock.
IlluZhion : Il ne le fera pas maintenant.
Yvetial : Mec, t'es un génie : *lui tape dans les mains*
La Fin.

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Can I be a guest star?

Yeah sure. You'll be in S1 E4
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
This is going to be my last Fan-something for a long time.
This fanseries is based on one of my favorite shows, Regular Show. Since I was done watching the whole series, I decided to live it again, but this time it'll be MKPC People. Here is the characters that you might want to be
IlluZhion: A sarcastic Blue-Jay
Yvetial: a somewhat-responsible Racoon
Muscle Man: A brash dude who Always says "My MoM!!"
Hi-Five Ghost: Muscle Mans best friend. He's very sussy with his mouth always smiling like a mask.
Coolio: A grumpy old manager that really hates IlluZhion and Yvetial. He has preformed 150-pieces of Percussion in a band called Hair to the Throne.
Ryubix: A very strong person, he is also immortal and has a lot of knowledge. He is also the guy who founded The Park, and has a interest in Soccer and Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh. He currently hosts Park Tri-Nations.
Thomas (He'll come in Season 4)
Jey78: He is a very important character, that loves catching butterflies. Idk what is his personality.
He will soon- Oops, I almost did spoilers!
These will be the starring characters. I'll also make other characters, if you wanna join as a guest star. Now, here are the dates that I WON'T be posting episodes.
January 1st
March 8th
June 21th
July 4th
August 7th
October 10th
December 23rd
I hope y'all enjoy the fanfic!
Ce sera mon dernier fan-quelque chose avant longtemps.
Cette fan-série est basée sur l'une de mes émissions préférées, Regular Show. Comme j'avais fini de regarder toute la série, j'ai décidé de la revivre, mais cette fois ce sera MKPC People. Voici les personnages que vous pourriez vouloir être
IlluZhion : un geai bleu sarcastique
Yvetial : un raton laveur un peu responsable
Muscle Man : Un mec impétueux qui dit toujours "Ma maman !!"
Hi-Five Ghost : le meilleur ami de Muscle Man. Il est très culotté avec sa bouche toujours souriante comme un masque.
Coolio : Un vieux manager grincheux qui déteste vraiment IlluZhion et Yvetial. Il a joué 150 pièces de percussion dans un groupe appelé Hair to the Throne.
Ryubix : Une personne très forte, il est aussi immortel et a beaucoup de connaissances. C'est aussi le gars qui a fondé The Park et qui s'intéresse au football, aux Pokémon et à Yu-Gi-Oh. Il héberge actuellement Park Tri-Nations.
Thomas (il viendra dans la saison 4)
Jey78 : C'est un personnage très important, qui adore attraper des papillons. Idk quelle est sa personnalité.
Il va bientôt- Oups, j'ai failli spoiler !
Ce seront les personnages principaux. Je créerai également d'autres personnages, si vous voulez vous joindre en tant qu'invité. Maintenant, voici les dates auxquelles je ne publierai PAS d'épisodes.
1er janvier
8 mars
21 juin
le 4 juillet
7 août
10 octobre
23 décembre
J'espère que vous apprécierez la fanfic !

The Bakery

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
croassung wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
y'all guys have Belgian waffles

sure here’s a belgian waffle (i tried)

Looks good, *eats*
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
y'all guys have Belgian waffles

BREAKING NEWS! Toad crashes his kart in his own circuit

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Fiery wrote:
jmeme125 wrote:
there's a mkpc nightly news topic

That is locked

That I will definitely make

with the reaction of waluigi never mind

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