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Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
CalaChettings Je ne sais pas si tu te souviens de moi mais je me souviens de toi et bon retour


Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
luq wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
luq ça fait si longtemps que je ne t'ai pas vu, est-ce que ça fait depuis 2022 ?

Ouaip je pense. Je pense que c'est vers cette periode que j'ai commencé le cned niveau 1ere. J'ai donc eu moins le temps pour etre dans ce site. De plus, j'ai reporté les epreuves à dans quelque mois à cause d'une maladie que j'ai prise, donc je m'entraine encore. Je pourrais pas etre très actif même maintenant.

Mais content de te revoir
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
luq ça fait si longtemps que je ne t'ai pas vu, est-ce que ça fait depuis 2022 ?  en tout cas, je suis content de te revoir

Indian Ocean Clan: THE REVOLUTION

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
I'm not chancing it. Topic locked
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Fiery wrote:
What's the point of this because that one was on the 1st of April so it made sense

It's a clan now. It's just a funny joke but I can lock the topic if it is bad
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
UraniumMan wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
Hello Everyone! Such as the Antartica Revolution (@Senko you remember that right?)
So now there is an Indian Ocean Clan! Everyone such as me with the Indian ocean flag below their profile is part of the clan. Enjoy the topic!

OK but why is that a feature? Like what's the point, no one is from the Indian Ocean

It's a sequel from this topic:
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Hello Everyone! Such as the Antartica Revolution (@Senko you remember that right?)
So now there is an Indian Ocean Clan! Everyone such as me with the Indian ocean flag below their profile is part of the clan. Enjoy the topic!

Why I Have Been Not Online Pretty Much.

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Welcome back

Content creation tips for this site

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Kernell wrote:
If you want to create characters, I reccommend heavily editing a character from the base roster instead of starting from scratch as characters made from scratch usually don't look that good in my opinion. If you are making a custom character, it would be smart to first make the front, back and side sprites, and then making all the inbetweens after that. If you're struggling with drawing, you just have to keep practising as there is no quick way to make good art sadly. You're also going to need patience as creating characters can be a tedious process. The sprite of King Boo is also a super useful tool as he is always anchored in the center of every frame.

tendokiddo wrote:
U should look up MKPC videos on YouTube to help you ;)

Idk about you but I have not found a single tutorial about MKPC on Youtube, maybe I'll make some tutorials myself later if I feel like it.

There is one made by that one guy from Spain who knows how to Rd. I forgot his name though.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
hello. i find this game very fun but as i'm a newcomer im not so good. but i like the creation very much. track creation is very easy and fun even complete mode. but i find the hardest is making sprites for the characters. Those are so hard!! can you guys share tips? also just discussing in general.

U should look up MKPC videos on YouTube to help you ;)

Obscure Games You Have Played

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Kernell wrote:
I've been playing 'Fire 'N Ice' on the NES lately. Gotta say, it's a super polished NES puzzle game that feels ahead of its time, and alot of puzzles are pretty cleverly designed as well. I haven't finished it yet (currently in world 7 - 9) but I definitely reccomend it if you have NSO or another emulator genial

I have a physical copy of the game and an actual nes and I agree, it's very hard!
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Y'know what, I should also share some obscure game I play

DreamWorks Superstar Kartz (PS3 edition)

I love racing games, especially ones with drift mechani. This one has it. If you played the PS3 version of the game you probably seen me on the leaderbaords.
I even found a few glitches on the game, and a technique called Rampdrifting! I have videos on YouTube about it.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Dudzi wrote:
I remember having an El Chavo Mario Party-esque game on my Wii. It was strange, to say the least.

Any images of the logo? I might know the game!
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
tendokiddo wrote:
I played a game called "Pajama Sam" when I was little, it was pretty cool

Tell us more about this game!

It's like a puzzle adventure game where you get lost in a forest and have to find your stuff that got stolen.
For more information:

Thanks for the link!
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
I played a game called "Pajama Sam" when I was little, it was pretty cool

Tell us more about this game!
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Just thought of a fun game I used to play as a young'n, thought I'd drop a place to talk about Monster Tale, probably my favorite game of all time that no one has ever heard of.
The game combines Metroidvania, Pet Sim and Pokemon style genres to create a really cool experience that used the DS dual screens quite effectively.
Main gimmick of the game was that the top screen was used for overworld exploration / combat, and the bottom screen was a remote portal location where your monster pet chilled out and stored it's items. You could also freely switch your pet from one location to the other, with it being able to use offensive and defensive skills by using some of it's mana.

There were also a few fights that incorporated both screens into the fight, usually having your pet monster hitting part of the enemy in the bottom side while you'd physically fight it out with the top side.
[PokeCommunity.com] Obscure Games You Have Played

It also had a pretty expansive evolution tree, with your pet monster turning from a child, to a teenager and finally an adult as you progressed through the game, with each stage having 10 different forms that unlocked unique skills.

The game got a ton of good reviews from game journalists, but ultimately didn't really reach a wide audience with the game only being released within the United States. It's also one of the very few games of the time that had a non sexualised female lead, supposedly a controversial decision for the publishers.

That's my blurb, wanted to talk about a game that I had a ton of fun playing and replaying, would highly suggest people try it out.

Now I'd love to hear other games that are generally unknown to the public!

An idea about new rules (Not me making new rules)

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Senko wrote:
among us trailer must be talked about on 2 different topics per week

okay just shut up if you talk about this again you will win a 2 weeks vacations to the shadow realm is that clear ?

Anyways this topic could legit help us to finally get back on that rules update project, it's not perfect but it still can help tbh

Epik I will always help :D
If these rules get into the project plz credit me @Senko
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
among us trailer must be talked about on 2 different topics per week

as someone who used to be a among us fanatic, no
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
NO, this is not me making new rules. I already learned my lesson with the contributor rules topic I made. This is simply just an idea of new rules to be implemented or to change things up.
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I hope y'all guys like it! What do y'all guys think about my idea?

Yoshious Presents: The U.Y.K.E (United Yoshi Kingdom Empire)

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
The topic is pretty useless anyway, and we have the Yoshi empire in our hearts. I lock da topic

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