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Suggestions For MKPC

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Fiery wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
MKPC_ wrote:
Lely wrote:
MKPC_ wrote:
MKPC_ wrote:


I definitively won't hit my face for someone as stupid as you

Just Joking I don't care



The law says I can't forcefully give them the pills :} so all I can do is just shout at them to swallow the pills

Dang, well do you have some to force it in his mouth
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
MKPC_ wrote:
Lely wrote:
MKPC_ wrote:
MKPC_ wrote:


I definitively won't hit my face for someone as stupid as you

Just Joking I don't care


Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
MKPC_ wrote:
Thanks For Stoping

tg ^^
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Jey78 wrote:
Stop asking Wargor for updates. These previous ideas are unlikely to be added. Adding voices to the characters would be long and totally useless because it would be less "SNES". The N64 and GCN tracks are for the most part not found and in poor quality + the circuits of the other members exist. And no need to add them in play in doubles especially given the ton of circuits that would have to be added in these cases.

Just stop asking Wargor for useless things all the time.

Are you dumb? These are suggestions, Not commands.facepalm

This person has been gone for quite some time now, no point in making the message I guess
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Maybe add new track pieces? (I think somebody said that)

I agree with the QM titles thing if that's what you are talking about but other than that if you are talking about Wii, 3DS, switch tracks there is a reason why Wargor created custom tracks cuz he is lazy so people could make them ^^
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Add gliders. It would be like canons but slower and you can move in mid air.

The game wouldn't feel retro if they did that, I think it's fine with the cannons. but then again...
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Lely wrote:
New Idea: People should be awarded for contributing to the site. For example: reporting Mistranslations on the Report a wrong Translation topic more than 5 times. (with the reports getting accepted)

For the translations you do, or anything you do that helps MKPC at all, you should be given a badge called "Contributor to the site".
Like the achievements on Lely's profile.
This would get more people to report Mistranslations, and help out with the site!

What achievements?

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Kommisar_K wrote:
New Idea: People should be awarded for contributing to the site. For example: reporting Mistranslations on the Report a wrong Translation topic more than 5 times. (with the reports getting accepted)

For the translations you do, or anything you do that helps MKPC at all, you should be given a badge called "Contributor to the site".
Like the achievements on Lely's profile.
This would get more people to report Mistranslations, and help out with the site!

Or we'd have even more minimodding and the admins would get a backlog of messages from people desperately trying to be seen as useful just so they can get a badge.

Good idea tho! Honestly! It's good, I just have a bad habit of always playing devil's advocate :p:$

If they minimod just don't give it to them. There is a report message button, right?
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
New Idea: People should be awarded for contributing to the site. For example: reporting Mistranslations on the Report a wrong Translation topic more than 5 times. (with the reports getting accepted)

For the translations you do, or anything you do that helps MKPC at all, you should be given a badge called "Contributor to the site".
Like the achievements on Lely's profile.
This would get more people to report Mistranslations, and help out with the site!
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
tendokiddo wrote:
TwilightGD wrote:
if i was wargor, i would add an option to (unoriginal idea incoming) make your own qm tilesets because tbh the ones we currently have get a bit boring to use after a while

Now that's what I call an awesome idea! But what does qm stand for

Quick mode

Oh, well I change my mind then. That's the best idea I ever heard
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
TwilightGD wrote:
if i was wargor, i would add an option to (unoriginal idea incoming) make your own qm tilesets because tbh the ones we currently have get a bit boring to use after a while

Now that's what I call an awesome idea! But what does qm stand for
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
I wasn't here for no reason. I am gonna post my own idea once again! What if there was a tournament option in MKPC where mods make tournaments and people try to defeat them? Such as the MKWii Tournaments back then.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
everyone calm down
the degenerate fuck is now banned
nature is healing once again...

MkFeetC sounds like a good sit- Jk.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Legopego wrote:
What if instead of Mario kart pc, it was Mario kart freaky. Instead of racing others online, we posted pictures of our feet online.;)

how dare you curse my topic with this message.
you must be exterminated you peasant. THIS IS HERESY.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Nintendo Advertising Bomb (locks you from using the game until you refresh it or buy a subscription)
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
-BTS- wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
Coopa2-64 wrote:
This Topic Is War Certified 👍👍👍👍👍

Shut the hell up, nobody needs your certification on the situation. @-BTS- Because I was trolling you. Did you really think I cared about you ? Truth is, I don't. At all. You could get banned forever for all that I could care. Actually, let me rephrase this. Disappear from this website.

So this whole time… you faked being my friend? Can I trust any of my friends not to betray me, all of my friends I put a lot of trust into? Is Max even my friend? Who can I trust? 😭😭😭😭😭

Yeah, I never liked you, is it that hard to understand---
Sike... I really do care about you. I was just doing this to see if you were going to be mean to me, but you weren't. It really shows that you're an admirable person for staying kind even when I tear you down. I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me.

I’m not sure whether to trust this… You could be honest, but you could be lying… Please be honest when you answer this question: do you truly care about me?

Ofc I do. In fact, about my friends, you probably come 2nd after my boyfriend... Please trust me...

Why is everybody in my friend circle either gay, diabetic or austitsic? Eh it doesn't matter, at least, you're telling the truth about you liking Lely

It's just Osc, don't worry lmfao

so THIS is where Osc X Nudge came from

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Sorry for reviving this, but I have a great idea!

What if we had group PM's? Like, 5 people talking to each other on one PM? What do y'all guys think?
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Huen1er wrote:
Coopa2-64 wrote:
StayC wrote:
Coopa2-64 wrote:
I'm Hungry... I Would Add A Cheeseburger To This Game Because Why Not

Completely irrelevant. What would it even represent

It Would Just Be A Cheeseburger. There Is Nothing It Would Do. It Would Just Be A Cheeseburger

Absolutely NO point then

I don't think you understand that it's a joke.  Also, I feel something wet... Lke a blanket..
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
xrunner48 wrote:
I think a language filter for public online games could help with the online chat situation, with it being optional for private games.

I disagree on that.
If there is, more people will start doing private matches, and not the Un-private matches. Which will make the Online services inactive. Best thing we could do is just ban the guys who spam or say inappropriate stuff.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Lekky wrote:
I would add GCN, MK7, and MK8 tracks because the tracks are outdated.

Stop asking for those. Just use the Custom tracks, sillies!

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