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/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Reporting @adderall
Alt of him @TheTrueClown
Made an insulting track called Gay baby Jail
Also made a square track
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
I meant to report this a long time ago, and I think it needs to be reported still:
@YeetusMC Reported for insulting
Edit: his username changed apparlently
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
FR_Senko wrote:
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Reporting @harvey20051 for saying "u like curry? <3" to IlluZhion.
Explain. NOW

Curry Is Food. He Was Just Asking Him If He Liked It

I don't think you understand what he meant...

He just asked IlluZhion if he likes curry, that's just weird, how is that inappropriate?

You know what, I'll let @VampireCatIlluZhion explian what
s going on.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Reporting @harvey20051 for saying "u like curry? <3" to IlluZhion.
Explain. NOW

Curry Is Food. He Was Just Asking Him If He Liked It

I don't think you understand what he meant...
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Reporting @harvey20051 for saying "u like curry? <3" to IlluZhion.
Explain. NOW
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
StayC wrote:
I agree with Ralsei, if they are behaving like that to a new player, they at least deserve to be seen as so. Spreading awareness isn't bad

Yeah, btw, I do wonder on your profile if you foumd that image via google or a website, or did you actually take a picture of a random area in Europe?

It’s not really appropiate on the report topic
Yeah but I'm too lazy to copy the quote message thingy, and the fact that I can't since I'm on my switch.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
StayC wrote:
I agree with Ralsei, if they are behaving like that to a new player, they at least deserve to be seen as so. Spreading awareness isn't bad

Yeah, btw, I do wonder on your profile if you foumd that image via google or a website, or did you actually take a picture of a random area in Europe?
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Inappropriate username/Threatning to kill username

Oh yeah, Ik that these type of tracks get deleted under 15 minutes, but he also made a square track.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
xrunner48 wrote:
Reporting Sam12312 and wrld2star for insulting a new player
Explain yourselves.

Just toxic little children. It's the MKPC online chat, after all.

Little children that need to be reported. They need to learn not to be toxic, because it's the wrong thing to do. I don't want them banned, but rather warned, because every person deserves a 2nd chance. Including Sam and wrld2star.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Reporting Sam12312 and wrld2star for insulting a new player
Explain yourselves.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Inappropriate username/Threatning to kill username
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
The guy who threatned Fiery that he'd r*pe him.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Sonic300 wrote:
a square track

Max-Bros has already explained that Wargor created a custom code to delete square tracks within 15 minutes. So there is no need for this report. All though it's aparieciated
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Inappropriate username
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
FieryToad wrote:
@Adolfdripler back at it again with the n word

Who is he? Also, the username... :s
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Senko wrote:

Senko wrote:
Bon le petit pavé de texte que j'avais fait à ce sujet est perdu, donc autant le refaire :
Je considère un "square track" illégal seulement si c'est le layout de base (sans aucune modification) ainsi que la piste totalement vide ou presque (aucun boost, aucun item, aucun saut), un autre cas de figure serait des placements de décors/items/sauts totalement aléatoire de façon disproportionnée, si tu vois ce que je veux dire
Si un square track ne remplit pas ces 2 conditions alors je ne le considère pas comme illégal
En plus les square tracks avec ZERO modification (SNES MC + aucun décor/item/saut) sont automatiquement supprimés au bout de 15 minutes à l'aide d'un script fait par Wargor, donc les signaler est inutile vu que leur sort est déjà scellé :p
Well the little text I had done on this subject is lost, so I might as well do it again:
I consider a "square track" illegal only if it's the basic layout (without any modification) as well as the track completely empty or almost (no boost, no item, no jump), another case would be decors/items/jumps placements totally random and disproportionate, if you know what I mean
If a square track does not meet these 2 conditions then I do not consider it illegal
In addition, square tracks with ZERO modification (SNES MC + no decoration/item/jump) are automatically deleted after 15 minutes using a script made by Wargor, so reporting them is useless since their fate is already sealed :p

This makes me wonder how much stuff I missed whilst I was banned :p
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
inappropriate username:
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
FieryToad wrote:

his account is deleted

Unfortunately Not anymore.
Messages 2176 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17614 pts ★ Master
battle8812 pts ★ Expert
Indian Ocean
This username is offensive

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