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/!\ Report a Forum Kid here!

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
HiImAndrew wrote:
HiImAndrew wrote:
HiImAndrew wrote:
Here this place is to report forum kids who are causing trouble like the alt account of tendokiddo in UTTP in SFA today. We will send it to Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC
So they can study it! And find more information on these forum kids. Right now, there is a Forum Kid on the loose named @Yoshi649. Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC is planning to study him sooner or later!

useless topic


what did yoshi even do

Go to SFA in page 477, And maybe that'll explain.

what the fuck

Did it.....?
Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
HiImAndrew wrote:
HiImAndrew wrote:
Here this place is to report forum kids who are causing trouble like the alt account of tendokiddo in UTTP in SFA today. We will send it to Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC
So they can study it! And find more information on these forum kids. Right now, there is a Forum Kid on the loose named @Yoshi649. Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC is planning to study him sooner or later!

useless topic


what did yoshi even do

Go to SFA in page 477, And maybe that'll explain.
Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
HiImAndrew wrote:
Here this place is to report forum kids who are causing trouble like the alt account of tendokiddo in UTTP in SFA today. We will send it to Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC
So they can study it! And find more information on these forum kids. Right now, there is a Forum Kid on the loose named @Yoshi649. Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC is planning to study him sooner or later!

useless topic

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
Here this place is to report forum kids who are causing trouble like the alt account of tendokiddo in UTTP in SFA today. We will send it to Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC
So they can study it! And find more information on these forum kids. Right now, there is a Forum Kid on the loose named @Yoshi649. Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC is planning to study him sooner or later!

Meme of 2023

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
one must imagine Link happy


MKPC City: The Return

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
I will call for Government!!!
Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
On bro this city is a little bit too quiet
Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
Since this is a city, I will be opening up my new shop! Sign ups are today!

[OPEN] A Random Shop in MKPCwelcome

YOU GOT TO COME HERE!!!11!1!!1 WE HAVE WHAT U NEED!!!!1!!:D:D:D:D:Dwelcome

If you are willing to sign up, here's my google slide! If you're lucky then you'll be hired, or not. Just get lucky.

Or if you're not willing to sign up, Feel free to shop here! We have what you need! nah we dont

For payment i'll only take Golden Coins, Dollars, Your Booster Course Pass, or Koopas! So get hunting!

I will join
(i will make a food departament)


Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
Are you hired or not? Choose ONLY ONE. AND THERE IS NO PEAKING.

Are you hired or not?

They are both different. Choose one and just get lucky.

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
Since this is a city, I will be opening up my new shop! Sign ups are today!

[OPEN] A Random Shop in MKPCwelcome

YOU GOT TO COME HERE!!!11!1!!1 WE HAVE WHAT U NEED!!!!1!!:D:D:D:D:Dwelcome

If you are willing to sign up, here's my google slide! If you're lucky then you'll be hired, or not. Just get lucky.

Or if you're not willing to sign up, Feel free to shop here! We have what you need! nah we dont

For payment i'll only take Golden Coins, Dollars, Your Booster Course Pass, or Koopas! So get hunting!

school rules

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
Idk if this is really a rule, but when there is a tornado or somthing. We have to put our butts in the air, Like how tf is that gonna save us.

Fêtez les anniversaires des autres ici/Celebrate other people's birthdays here

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
Happy birthday @RedPikmin95

MKPC Update Suggestions

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
Where we could choose if you could drift only, or drift with mini turbos. Like in MKWII. Automatic and Manual.

[CLOSED] Yoshi Restaurant

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
Who ordered blue shell soup?
Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
*puts koopa seasoning*
Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
Any orders?
Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
*cooking up some blue shell soup*

Something you HATE a lot

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
tendokiddo wrote:
And I also hate when I get humiliated for my hair, If I get a buzzcut or something, Everyone gotta start touching me, start insulting me so bad, I just gotta sit and hold the tears back like a man, and when I get home, I just start crying in my room.snifI wish I could stand up for myself.
So this one time, We were in P.E playing dodgeball And my friend (girl) got hit in the face, So I went up to her and said "What happened to your eyes? What happened? Are you okay?" I said that cause her eyes were red. Then she slapped me across the face my no dang reason, And I went to the restroom to bawl my eyes out. Weird part was, I was being nice....Some girls don't even know what kindness is. They're too dramatic.

Guys just know, If you ever feel down or you feel like no one loves you, Just know. Jesus will always be there. He loves you NO MATTER WHAT.  Amen:)

Amen to that my brother in christ, may things get better for you and you stop getting bullied! :D

Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
Oh yeah guys, Im making a scratch animation, Ill show you when im done. (Scratch is a coding site)
Messages 331 - Peach Peach
vs14838 pts ★ Champion
battle7895 pts ★ Racer
United States
And I also hate when I get humiliated for my hair, If I get a buzzcut or something, Everyone gotta start touching me, start insulting me so bad, I just gotta sit and hold the tears back like a man, and when I get home, I just start crying in my room.snifI wish I could stand up for myself.
So this one time, We were in P.E playing dodgeball And my friend (girl) got hit in the face, So I went up to her and said "What happened to your eyes? What happened? Are you okay?" I said that cause her eyes were red. Then she slapped me across the face my no dang reason, And I went to the restroom to bawl my eyes out. Weird part was, I was being nice....Some girls don't even know what kindness is. They're too dramatic.

Guys just know, If you ever feel down or you feel like no one loves you, Just know. Jesus will always be there. He loves you NO MATTER WHAT.  Amen:)

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