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Have you heard of MMD?

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
jamestown wrote:
Does anyone else knows about MMD?

i know what MMD is short for but i've never used it before
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
jamestown wrote:
I already created another topic like this, but I wanted to create it here, and I'll will ask again. Has anyone heard of MMD or MikuMikuDance before? This is completely off-topic btw.

M0derator POV: ThAt It IaM G3TiNg U An StUpI0S WaRnImg F0r MuLtI Sh##PoSt

that made about as much sense as Youtube removing dislikes (basically saying it made no sense)


Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom

Cookie consent popup issues

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
osc-omb wrote:
The last couple days I have noticed a a popup when going on MKPC that looks like this: https://i.ibb.co/LvMb38D/Screenshot-20240109-212004-Chrome.jpg
I understand what this is and why it's here. I've only heard a couple people randomly bring this up on discord servers though. I'd just hit consent and it would be fine, but for some reason the popup still shows up if I go onto a new page of the site, even if it's one I was on like 10 seconds ago. Other issue is, why only now is it showing up, and also, I saw it show up for some people before it ever did for me, and it has never been here since the last few days. Having to click a box EVERY TIME I load a new page of MKPC is annoying as hell and I do hope this gets fixed - I am not installing any extensions, and hell, I literally can't on mobile. So what's up with this. Why is it suddenly here only now, and why won't it remember my preference for cookies.

i've been having the same issue and it's SO annoying! heck, one time it showed up TWO SECONDS after I literally did the one before!

[COLLAB FANFIC] MKPC Invasion (Gore Warning)

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
lance4-_ wrote:
nudgy just asking if i can be a writer

he's not accepting anymore writers
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
can i be in this? if so
Name: Choco
Colour: this one (hex code=#66CDAA)
Personality: Kind and brave but a tiny bit annoying
Ability: Able to blast a highly toxic and flammable material known as Inverted Matter (can break through anything, even the strongest metal)
Species: Sentient glass of chocolate milk
Good side
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
reupld wrote:
reupload due to the original getting deleted
Prologue 1: Evil team

It's a nice and warm evening in south-west Isle Delfino. There's a lovely sunset on the beach. There, a group of people have just met.
Nudge: Can you tell us why you even invited us here and told us to get here as soon as possible.
Dark: It's not a matter of life and death after all.
Pianta: It actually is. Look at the news. Check your phone.
Nudge: Lemme see... Today (blah blah) posting gore (blah blah) Dark, Popplio, K, (blah blah) BANNED WHAT THE FUCK?
IlluZhion: I'd never post gore videos! (maybe...)
Pianta: Same for everyone. Somebody fucking framed us.
Popplio: But who? And why?
Pianta: I have no idea who and why somebody even considered doing that. One thing is for sure. This is MKPC, so that means they are going to fucking kill us.
K: You gotta be kidding me.
Pianta: Unluckily I'm not, and that's why I called all of you. We need to hide. And we'll find out who did this, no matter the cost.
IlluZhion: When I find this guy, we'll have a lot to talk about.
Popplio: Where are we going to hide?
Pianta: Right... *presses a hidden button* ...here.
Suddenly, the ground started shaking, and suddenly, a metal hatch appeared.
Pianta: Nope. This "hiding place" was created by Bowser's minions back in '02. But he was too stupid to hide, I guess. I stumbled upon it a few years ago. Remember, I lived here.
*opens the hatch*
Pianta: Make yourself at home!
When everyone entered, the group looked around the shelter.
Dark: Why is it so DARK and cold?
Popplio: And why is there so much dust?
IlluZhion: ...
Pianta: The food is here *points at cans*, and the water is here *points at life straws*.
K: Wow, there's a room for planning stuff!
Popplio: I found a small CRT.
Nudge: And a 128k modem with a Windows XP PC. I guess we won't be browsing the internet too fast.
Pianta: Oh, REALLY? I'm so happy I brought my usb stick. I have Half-Life 1&2, Heboris, CS 1.6, and many old games. One is for sure, we won't be bored here.
Dark: This shelter has literally 10 rooms.
IlluZhion: Good thing Bowser lived with his minions so we have 4 bedrooms.
Popplio: This "basement" is just filled to the brim with early 2000's equipment and electronics.
*Nudge's phone rings*

Nudge: Yes? They just checked our houses? They're searching for us? SHIT! *hangs up*
K: What will happen when we'll run out of food tho?
Dark: Don't worry, we still have friends. They know we wouldn't do this. We'll ask them for help.
IlluZhion: I don't know we can trust 'em tho. They can tell where we live or throw a GPS tracker into the food.
K: That means we can't have any help tho..
IlluZhion: Well, I was able to live in solitude for about 150 years…
Nudge: But you did meet Le-
IlluZhion: *blushes* Uhhhhhhhhhhhh…
IlluZhion: Should uhhhhhhhhhhh… I ask if Lemon wants to… y’know…
Nudge: You think about that girl way too much…
K: I agree, you talk about her like you two are married…
IlluZhion: Maybe I am, maybe I’m not…
Pianta: Ok y’all. We need to talk.
K: Ok, now you’re trolling us…
Nudge: They’re searching for us bro, we can’t leave now.
IlluZhion: Do you seriously think I give two fucks?! I was widowed THREE TIMES in the past goddamn year… I can’t risk that happening to Lemon as well…
Popplio: The thing is - they ain’t searching for Lemon. Only we were the users framed for all of that shit.
IlluZhion: Dude, why do you think I joined this pathetic gang?!
Pianta: So you say you'd rather be executed than alive?
IlluZhion: I’M NOT SAYING THAT PIANTA… I just care about my girlfriend, that’s all…
Nudge: Well i joined in order to commit murder, right now the only one i’ve killed is Fiery
Dark: No duh, he just left the island because he wanted to get some rest from AMOGUS
IlluZhion: I don’t care who’s dead so long as Lemon’s ok… What happened to Hiku-chan was horrific… And even now I’m still mourning…
K: Yeah, it was a bit too fast…
Dark: Maybe that’s why he can never keep up a relationship for lo- OK I’M JUST KIDDING!!!
Popplio: That’s a bit too far Dark…
Pianta: Shit’s getting DARK
K: It’s kinda true though, innit?
Nudge: That’s worse than cheating…
IlluZhion: I thought we were the bad guys, and here you are feeling pity for me… I despise you cretins…
Nudge: Here we go…
Popplio: Don’t tell me this is gonna end in bloodshed again…
K: If you guys continue I’mma get a ligma attack…
Dark: wtf is ligma
Dark: You’re such a fucking idiot
Pianta: I can’t believe he fell for it lmao
Popplio: You guys are so dirty minded… Boy I tell ya…
IlluZhion: If anyone dares to mention Lemon…
Nudge: Isn’t that what you want Lemon to do to you?
IlluZhion: If this doesn’t work out, I’m killing Nudge first…
K: Can we just get this over and done with before IlluZhion starts raging about how much he’s simping on Lemon…?
Nudge: I know right…
Dark: Then explain what you sent to-
IlluZhion: Ok, ok… Calm down the lot of ya…
Nudge: You’re such a paradox…
K: MKPC players trying not to start drama challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Pianta: By the way Nudge, how was your drama class?
Nudge: 💀
IlluZhion: I had drama as well…
Nudge: Well we know how well you do in that aspect…
Pianta: I know right? Each time someone brings Lemon up in a negative way he acts like he’s being possessed…
Dark: Um… he actually- 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

nice revive lil bro

[Fanfic]: War Of Nations

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
Name: Choco
Nation leading: Scrunkly Bunkle Gringus Goober Nation (don't ask i've seen way too many cat memes)
Colour: #795548
Talent: Good at using technology
Personality: Dumb, silly and kind
Position of power: ULTRA GOOBER (Top Role)
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Welcome to the War of nations fanfic! New fanfic (totally not going to abandon if less than 5 people join)
What I need
-Nation you are leading
-talents and personality
What I dont need but you can put it in anyway
-Other positions of power in your nation Ex: Vice President, Army/navy/Air force Leader, Etc
-Lore of how you came to power

Iam (Me!😀)
Nation: Moldova


can you be part of a not real nation (so like a nation you made up or smth)

Who Has a Rom Of Super Mario Sluggers? For Dolphin Esimlator?

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
2nkf wrote:
Nintendo isn't selling the game anymore and they won't make anything from it anyways. As long as the game isn't being sold anymore, it's fine to download ROMs.

only problem is, it's piracy
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Spheal74 wrote:
My Dolphin Version is 5.0. Please Send Me The Rom Via a File Sharing Website

that's some illegal activity ya doing there m8

I'm new here!

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Maxxie wrote:
Lely wrote:
Welcome to MKPC :D
Have a look around
Everything that brain of yours can think of can be found...

We've got thousands of content
Some better, some worse

if none of it is of interest to you, you'd be the first
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
MajorDroid wrote:

welcome to MKPC! hope you have a great time here! make sure to read the rules!

Have you heard of MMD?

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
jamestown wrote:
Completely off-topic, but have you’ve heard of MMD before? I’ve recently downloaded it because I thought the animations looked really great. So were the characters.

what is MMD?

Daisanko's Remake Contest

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
i'm not going to participate anymore because laziness:p:s
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
just started on desierto de mario Mario Desert
should be finished by about 17:30 UK Time
edit: nvm
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
dibs on Mario Desert

What's your favourite quote from the talking flower in Super Mario Bros. Wonder?

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
2 more quotes
"They're singing...." *Piranha Plants on Parade commences*
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
"zzzzzz *wakes up* huh? Can't I get some shut eye around here?"

MKPC Skits

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
(This is actually a sneak peek into a few lines that I may use in Episode 4 of MKPC Battle (okay so obviously I'll alter them to fit the context of the episode, also I decided I'll change the name since the battle aspect would become far too stale over time) anyway this is how people would act if they were the complete opposite (oh shit I think Lely's gonna get inside my walls for doing this)):

Nudge: I'm in love with Lely, I'm not a misogynist, I hate sarcasm and Max is the best moderator
Chilli: KirbyBoy is my best friend, I'm mature, I wouldn't apologize if I did something wrong and Yoshis suck
Princess: I'm single, I hate everyone, life's fine and I'm not flirtatious to the point it's hard to tell whether I'm being platonic or romantic in day-to-day conversation, oh yeah and I don't have dissociative identity disorder
Max: I'm completely calm over any rating below 5/5, I don't cause a row over one of my tracks, I don't have a furry pfp and I'm perfectly fine
Cringeh: I don't simp for the Nepal countryball and the nerd emoji, and it was not the theory of MisterCringeh
Osc: I'm not sus and I hate Chihiro Fujisaki from the shitty ass game Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Lely: I'm colder than the ice my shitty penguins live on, I treat everyone like shit and nobody calls me a crybaby, also K-pop is ass and essays are annoying
SYK: I'm mature and I hate people who visit the site and I don't care if someone gets banned
D4rk: I don't like TikTok and my classmates are perfectly normal
Noob: The cops are chill and I hate femboys
Krazey: My ideas aren't subjective in the slightest and I don't try to force my ideas down other people's throats
Pigeon: I don't argue with Nudge and I don't say everyone sucks for no reason, I don't create 69420 alts and I'm mature
Daisanko: Music sucks, end of
Nodac: I hate people but I love Maxence Brossard and I'm not racist

i wonder how i would act if i were the complete opposite

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