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MKPC Forum Simulates Civilization

Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
@Glitched @TheTruePro100


Can I sell you a motor oil burger
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
Fiery wrote:
@TheTruePro100 @Glitched

What is it with you guys and your abnormal obsessions for abundant explosions and power plants? Do you guys just wanna see the world burn?

I light a match and use it to burn all of the grass in the world

what the fuck

The fire is so strong that it burns the ocean
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
Fiery wrote:
@TheTruePro100 @Glitched

What is it with you guys and your abnormal obsessions for abundant explosions and power plants? Do you guys just wanna see the world burn?

I light a match and use it to burn all of the grass in the world
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
ok so it spat out another one (AND GLITCHED REMEMBER THEY'RE ALIVE) so maybe not all hope is lost

I shovel the plant and throw it in the ocean

luckily i have this whistle!!!!!!!

I explode the whistle
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
Glitched wrote:
ok so it spat out another one (AND GLITCHED REMEMBER THEY'RE ALIVE) so maybe not all hope is lost

I use the funny looking plant as a candle
I also spawn in this guy

I explode the spider
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
ok so it spat out another one (AND GLITCHED REMEMBER THEY'RE ALIVE) so maybe not all hope is lost

I shovel the plant and throw it in the ocean
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
Glitched wrote:
Glitched wrote:
Glitched wrote:
suddenly, a sprout pops out of the sand in a warm beach... what can this sprout be? where did it come from? and, if it IS what i think it is, what will the lil' guy do?

oh hey a funny looking sprout!!

hmm... it would look cool if i blow this up
*explosion sound*


You shure? looked like i weird plant to me.


I will pull the plant with a grappling hook

how do you plan to pluck a exploded plant

I rewind back to before the plant exploded
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
Glitched wrote:
Glitched wrote:
suddenly, a sprout pops out of the sand in a warm beach... what can this sprout be? where did it come from? and, if it IS what i think it is, what will the lil' guy do?

oh hey a funny looking sprout!!

hmm... it would look cool if i blow this up
*explosion sound*


You shure? looked like i weird plant to me.


I will pull the plant with a grappling hook
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
I build 1000000 power plants they are all full of explosives so if you even bother destroying  the power plants then the place around you will get blown up
Edit: save data has been deleted
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
I go into my bunker and use my computer and use the computer to ai generate 1000000 power plants in the flatlands
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
i escape the world exploding but i bet someone's gonna do some random stupid crap that drags me back into it

I drag you back into the world

im not even surprised. anyways i shoot you and i rip you in half and i throw your corpse into a black hole and i explode the black hole and then i snap my fingers destroying you inside the black hole

I delete save data so that never happened
Btw, who wants to eat hamburgers with undercooked meat that is infested by worms

i actually backed up the save data so i load my backup and you die again

I use a reverse card so now you are dead
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
i escape the world exploding but i bet someone's gonna do some random stupid crap that drags me back into it

I drag you back into the world

im not even surprised. anyways i shoot you and i rip you in half and i throw your corpse into a black hole and i explode the black hole and then i snap my fingers destroying you inside the black hole

I delete save data so that never happened
Btw, who wants to eat hamburgers with undercooked meat that is infested by worms
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
i escape the world exploding but i bet someone's gonna do some random stupid crap that drags me back into it

I drag you back into the world
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
FireYoshi wrote:
Glitched wrote:
I rebuid my house from memory for the third time and ban @TheTruePro100 from making power plants and delete previous save data so you can't go back in time.

I explode the house.

Stop blowing things up! Its so annoying. Just blow something else up, like your computer so you don’t say this stuff anymore.

I automatically unban myself from making power plants and build power plants on every square inch of land in the flatlands
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
I build a giant tv on top of my house
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Glitched wrote:
i build a statue of green mario and red luigi in front of my skyscraper

I explode both of them.

I trap you in a cage with 1000 C4s on it and detonate it in the TF2 warzone

i rewind time back to when i built the statues

I do what I said in my previous message so he cannot disrupt the statues also @MarioNLuigi I’ve provided funding for your power plant

I rewind time and sell pickle burgers for $1
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
I am building a big tower that stores food

Haha all of the food is mine
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
OCM wrote:
Selling greasy motor oil flavored cheeseburgers for only $1 each

Can I buy one? And also get some acetic acid( vinegar)?
Edit: Nice burger! It tastes pretty good. You can have your diluted acetic acid vinegar back.

The vinegar is not even strong anymore
Messages 587 - Mario Mario
vs11062 pts ★ Champion
battle3809 pts ★ Unlicensed
United States
OCM wrote:
Selling greasy motor oil flavored cheeseburgers for only $1 each

Can I buy one? And also get some acetic acid( vinegar)?

I will give you 100 pounds of vinegar (so much to the point where you eat all 100 pounds of vinegar)

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