Mario Kart PC Forum - Advanced search
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Mario Kart PC online contest tomorrow
On 2023-06-28 at 05:23:37
Starting tomorrow When I wake up, I will be hosting a online contest so make sure to let me know if you wanna compete and i will give further details when i wake up.
Character Theories for Wave 6 (and BCP2)
On 2023-06-27 at 22:32:53
You cant go wrong when it comes to Diddy Kong being in wave 6 cuz if birdo is here diddy kong should too.
And what about Dixie Kong? There's still room for her...
Good point

On 2023-06-27 at 21:13:38
You cant go wrong when it comes to Diddy Kong being in wave 6 cuz if birdo is here diddy kong should too.

If Mario Kart Had Disney Character (Includes XD,Jr.,Pixar,Animated Motion Pictures
On 2023-06-27 at 05:51:51
we already have disney characters as custom characters dinguses
If you could make any Nintendo game What Would It Be???
On 2023-06-27 at 11:06:00
If you could make any Nintendo game (P.S. It could be a game not part of Nintendo but was already on a Nintendo console in that series) what would it be?

Hey yall...
On 2023-06-27 at 09:00:31
Welcome to the world of MKPC'S Forum.

Thoughts on mario rpg remake + my first Forum
On 2023-06-27 at 08:11:28
Also Special Thanks to @MisterCringeh For Helping Me Figure Out How To Make A forum. this would have taken hours without him.

On 2023-06-27 at 07:33:27
hello this is my first ever topic every time i post a new topic i will be asking questions todays question is about everyone's thoughts on the mario rpg remake video down below if you have not seen it yet