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Cursed Images

Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Legopego ahh pottery
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
patranck 😭😭😭
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
scamming 🥰
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
it is a me, morio
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
wompy kid 🥰
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
beanut butter

MKPC City: The Return

Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Fiery wrote:
The Cherry Kingdom is just some dozens couple crazy dudes, We could invade easly it is wasnt for the forum kids near the border

Well then let's eliminate those forum kids, shall we?

Maybe instead of eliminating them we could try to teach them better ways? I feel like if we just attack with ban hammers they won't learn anything and will just make alts.
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
we should strengthen our military. wight now our forces are literally a bunch of dudes with sticks and maybe a few bombs. we should buy some tank karts from the various garages in the mkpc forums

hey @ImJustLimey can i buy a nuke please to nuke the cherry kingdom

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Welcome to ImJustLimey Illegal stuffs.

Hold on let me see your id before buying.

You need to be atleast 16+.

Because this 11 year old @HighPikmin95 Bought Marijuana and Drugs and he got high.

Here what I got that i stole.

Marijuana. $69,420

Drugs. $14,302

Nuke. $3,400,123

Poison. $426

Ant-tank mine. $420,690

Bomb. $548

Gernade. $682

Dangerous Laser Pointer. 696,969,696,969

Pay up or buss off and please don't snitch on me. :}
Ima find YOU if you snitch on me.

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Don't, you'll cause nuclear war
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
we should strengthen our military. wight now our forces are literally a bunch of dudes with sticks and maybe a few bombs. we should buy some tank karts from the various garages in the mkpc forums

I have a Dolphin Dasher, a Mr. Scooty, and a Flame Runner.
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
if anyone wants to touch grass, just touch my leaf in the end of my stem

(I'm half-plant)

Leaf ≠ Grass

Eh, doesn't really matter
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
What is the large, unnamed area to the right?
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
sry, i did not know that there were any rules regarding triple posting. i should have just edited my post. where can i find the rules section?

Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
@randomerpeople71 read the rules, you keep triple posting
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
did he just suddenly change something for no reasone? was he just lying to me? also am i still a wild legend?

He meant that he was a wild legend.
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
PRlMETIME wrote:
i am the new monarch of mkpc city, the election have been ccanceled after i deleted the other candidates , just took control of the village and urinated on the rivals

@JoshyExploshi @MilesTheYoshi @babymario64
Help! We need to stop this madlad!!!
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
lets do it

*tackles government people into jail*
*temporarily takes over government*
I will lead mkpc city until we can have elections, which will be whenever i decide
i will not try to lead like a horrible dictator.
Now, lets see... oooohhhh, these laws suck. time to get rid of them and impose reforms!
Now we have better rules, and less people die!

Since i was such a big bart in making the revolution possible, can i rule roo?
I will imediatelly use some governnament funds to buid colleges an public trasport thia city severely lacks

Bro check your spelling I don't think you were a big bart or want to rule roo

MKPC City Elections

Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
I'll run for president. I look through here a lot so I can quickly catch and stop criminals. I will also provide support for the infrastructure of shops that provide the backbone of the city's economy, as well as supporting education for forum kids in order to prevent their crivility from progressing. I support change and if something needs to be adjusted, I will gladly go along.
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
Fiery wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
While my reputation is horrible in MKPC, forget the reputation, and look at the experience! I have been able to defend many cities as a moderator from raids, bad people, etc. The education for forum kids will grow higher, meaning less brainrot! We will have better roads, better hospitals! Better life in MKPC city! Vote for me as president and I will provide all of those things.

The timeouts in our private server say otherwise

Like I said, forget the reputation!

Hard to forget when you just had an argument with us about me "being a narcissist"

What's going on lol what bad reputation does tendokiddo have

It's a very long story that I can shorten to Tendo's a idiot and got himself banned so then he made alts and got banned with those alts and then repeat

What did he even do to get banned?!?

He made alts

Wait so you are telling me that tendokiddo tried to bypass getting banned by doing the same thing that got him banned in the first place? LOL
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
Fiery wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
While my reputation is horrible in MKPC, forget the reputation, and look at the experience! I have been able to defend many cities as a moderator from raids, bad people, etc. The education for forum kids will grow higher, meaning less brainrot! We will have better roads, better hospitals! Better life in MKPC city! Vote for me as president and I will provide all of those things.

The timeouts in our private server say otherwise

Like I said, forget the reputation!

Hard to forget when you just had an argument with us about me "being a narcissist"

What's going on lol what bad reputation does tendokiddo have

It's a very long story that I can shorten to Tendo's a idiot and got himself banned so then he made alts and got banned with those alts and then repeat

What did he even do to get banned?!?
Messages 146 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12672 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Fiery wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
Fiery wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
While my reputation is horrible in MKPC, forget the reputation, and look at the experience! I have been able to defend many cities as a moderator from raids, bad people, etc. The education for forum kids will grow higher, meaning less brainrot! We will have better roads, better hospitals! Better life in MKPC city! Vote for me as president and I will provide all of those things.

The timeouts in our private server say otherwise

Like I said, forget the reputation!

Hard to forget when you just had an argument with us about me "being a narcissist"

What's going on lol what bad reputation does tendokiddo have

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