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Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
HiImAndrew wrote:
Senko wrote:
HiImAndrew wrote:
Josh_ wrote:
Josh_ wrote:
My brother secretly likes anime and will not admit it. my brother = @HiImAndrew

When you say "anime", what do you mean? Like, it's not really an anime besides the artstyle? Is it like, at least cool, like DBZ? Is it h*ntai, because that exists. Like, anime is pretty broad.

japanese full anime. He likes jujutsu kaisen, that's anime. (probably)


meanwhile me trying to understand how can you have shame for watching anime
I used to get bullied for liking anime so.. yeah

Why did they bully you?? What's bad about watching anime? It's literally just a general style of animation. Most of the people at my school like anime, I thought that was normal.
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
HiImAndrew wrote:

Bro keeps forgetting to delete the BBcode
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
I can't believe the forum kid problem has gotten so bad that the SFA had to be locked. This is ridiculous!
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
@tendokiddo Can you just stop being annoying?
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Why can't we just have fun chatting about MKPC instead of causing dramas and hate?
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
what is with people making topics with ultra generic names? like 2 very recent topics are named "MKPC" and "online"
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
here wrote:
guess what
tendo's an uttp n..zi. i have proof

What proof?
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Senko wrote:
What are you guys planning for the fourth of July?

nothing since I don't use guns and I know what a kilometer is ^^


(jk this website is not American and kilometers are objectively better than miles)
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Yoshi649 wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:

@real_yoshi64 commented something strange on my multicup

That's just a bunch of diacritics pasted on the text to make it look weird. They comment that on everything.


A diacritic is a little mark on a letter, it can be used for letters like á, however you can combine as many as you want to get things like ą̧̖̗̭̰̱̲̯̮̮̣̤̥̬̩̦̀́̂̃̄̅̅̑̆̇̈̉̊̏̋̌̍̎̐̒̓̔̕͜͟͝͡͞. So they put a bunch on a message and copied and pasted it everywhere.
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Yoshi649 wrote:

@real_yoshi64 commented something strange on my multicup

That's just a bunch of diacritics pasted on the text to make it look weird. They comment that on everything.
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
some guy accidentally elbowed me in the funny bone and now my arm feels like tv static 🙃
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
OH my i finally did a true reverse Drift it acrually has driving backwards crazy.
(i thought it was starting a drift and going oppose direction to it)
What the keyboard suggested the word "Deisy" how!?

I still prefer the Drift Chain tecnique thought, it is easier to control

If you practice RD enough it will become easier to control
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Sorry if I broke the rules, I wasn't trying to flood messages, I was just having different conversations in multiple different topics and ended up making a lot of messages.
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
How tf people already have 45 messages like bro July just started 💀

I just realized that

maybe Rainbow Toad was up ALL NIGHT when posting all those messages

No, I posted 45 messages in the span of about an hour this morning. Yes, that is a message every 1 minutes and 20 seconds. I am on vacation so I only have my phone, so I can't play very well, so I am just going on the forums.

"1 message every minute and 20 seconds"

jesus fucking christ

I know lol I had like literally nothing better to do because my family was mostly still asleep
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
How tf people already have 45 messages like bro July just started 💀

I just realized that

maybe Rainbow Toad was up ALL NIGHT when posting all those messages

No, I posted 45 messages in the span of about an hour this morning. Yes, that is a message every 1 minutes and 20 seconds. I am on vacation so I only have my phone, so I can't play very well, so I am just going on the forums.
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
tendokiddo wrote:
UPDATE ON UTTP AUTTP DRAMA: I'm part of AUTTP now and UTTP has been leaked a bunch of messages, this is great!

Oh great 👍 I hope UTTP is stopped
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Fiery wrote:
Lely wrote:
So appatently i was blocked off temporally sendimg messages of posting "too much"
I dont know why because i dont triple posted, and it was in diferent forums, around the usual when i get back to it.
Someone hates me now??

It automatically happens if you send loads of messages in a short amount of time. Doesn't matter if all the messages are on different topics or anything, just if you post a lot in a small time frame.

Was originally to prevent spam attacks

Yeah, as otherwise someone could just set up a script to post a ton of messages to do a DoS attack. It is kind of annoying, as it keeps happening to me and it deletes my message each time.

It doesn't happen to me

Well then I guess you don't send messages as often.
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
Lely wrote:
So appatently i was blocked off temporally sendimg messages of posting "too much"
I dont know why because i dont triple posted, and it was in diferent forums, around the usual when i get back to it.
Someone hates me now??

It automatically happens if you send loads of messages in a short amount of time. Doesn't matter if all the messages are on different topics or anything, just if you post a lot in a small time frame.

Was originally to prevent spam attacks

Yeah, as otherwise someone could just set up a script to post a ton of messages to do a DoS attack. It is kind of annoying, as it keeps happening to me and it deletes my message each time.
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
"wdym one of my names means chain in welsh? oh. guess i'm a chain now."

alright everlynn the glue stick chain, how are you?
i'm also a battery, anyways i'm good hbu

I'm good, everlynn the glue stick chain battery. Just looking through the forums.
Messages 165 - Bowser Bowser
vs13384 pts ★ Champion
battle5359 pts ★ Novice
Indian Ocean
"wdym one of my names means chain in welsh? oh. guess i'm a chain now."

alright everlynn the glue stick chain, how are you?

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