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[MPM] An Anthology of Stories

Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Anyways, I'm starting my murder spree by sending 750,000 soldiers to the Twilight Realm.
An additional 100,000 will guard the coasts of Wales and if the enemy does land there, my armies will fall back to Snowdonia and the Welsh Mountains, leading to attrition for the enemy.
Another 150,000 will guard my southern ports and 20,000 marines will be on stand-by for a naval invasion of Le Havre and Calais - effectively destroying all trade coming to London
The navy will conduct convoy destruction operations and will guard the coasts as well as bombing the enemy from afar.
The airforce will provide close air support and my bombers will destroy enemy infrastructure and industry, crippling the economy
I also have long-range missiles

I am prepared, dawg;)
WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, TF- yall i think i am not prepared for this, I AM NOT PREPARED. anyways switzerland mode enabled cuz thats too much for me to go to war-

Lads, I am a strategist so I'm gonna pull a Napoleon on yall

jesus- is this gonna happen in northern europe only?
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Anyways, I'm starting my murder spree by sending 750,000 soldiers to the Twilight Realm.
An additional 100,000 will guard the coasts of Wales and if the enemy does land there, my armies will fall back to Snowdonia and the Welsh Mountains, leading to attrition for the enemy.
Another 150,000 will guard my southern ports and 20,000 marines will be on stand-by for a naval invasion of Le Havre and Calais - effectively destroying all trade coming to London
The navy will conduct convoy destruction operations and will guard the coasts as well as bombing the enemy from afar.
The airforce will provide close air support and my bombers will destroy enemy infrastructure and industry, crippling the economy
I also have long-range missiles

I am prepared, dawg;)
WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, TF- yall i think i am not prepared for this, I AM NOT PREPARED. anyways switzerland mode enabled cuz thats too much for me to go to war-
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
uhh everyone's nickname changes have screwed me up lol

all of us changed our names to bird sounds lmfao-
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Poowa wrote:
Y'all left Gambia and Senegal open and now I'm sailing towards you
With 1 million soldiers


       honestly I'm not targeting you I'm targeting @JoshyEsploshi

You want to die? You already lost, now that suicide!

yep, time to conscript 5 million ppl, and time to use my lithium bombs

*sighs* all this shit over countryhumans...πŸ˜πŸ˜‘πŸ˜

nah, we could have stopped now if you didnt attempt to sail 1 million soldiers to joshy, becareful cause i might send a bomb your way :D. (le bombs havent been launched to your place yet:()

Let talk this out please...

Alright, Under One Condition: Be The Switzerland Of Africa. And any other territories outside of Continental Africa is now unclaimed.
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Y'all left Gambia and Senegal open and now I'm sailing towards you
With 1 million soldiers


       honestly I'm not targeting you I'm targeting @JoshyEsploshi

You want to die? You already lost, now that suicide!

yep, time to conscript 5 million ppl, and time to use my lithium bombs

*sighs* all this shit over countryhumans...πŸ˜πŸ˜‘πŸ˜

nah, we could have stopped now if you didnt attempt to sail 1 million soldiers to joshy, becareful cause i might send a bomb your way :D. (le bombs havent been launched to your place yet:()
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Y'all left Gambia and Senegal open and now I'm sailing towards you
With 1 million soldiers


       honestly I'm not targeting you I'm targeting @JoshyEsploshi

You want to die? You already lost, now that suicide!

yep, time to conscript 5 million ppl, and time to use my lithium bombs
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Twilight wrote:
twilight, can i possibly have permission to set my troops in your land?

sure thing, go ahead

alright, 3 thousand troops are going to the Cosmic-Twilight Border
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Y'all left Gambia and Senegal open and now I'm sailing towards you
With 1 million soldiers


       honestly I'm not targeting you I'm targeting @JoshyEsploshi
we're in a defensive alliance.
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Y'all left Gambia and Senegal open and now I'm sailing towards you
With 1 million soldiers

Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
twilight, can i possibly have permission to set my troops in your land?
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
y'all i'm setting naval troops around cosmic, & i'm setting ground troops in scotland incase cosmic dares to attempt to unify england (boo im there now)
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Twilight wrote:
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Exalted King Cosmic III has proposed a peaceful unification of England into a union of sovereign states -- the Commonwealth of England. This union will provide economic and military aid for all of its members, and every member will have access to the same collective resources, ensuring economic growth and prosperity
This is the last olive branch before
The English Unification War

you are NOT unifying me with mkzach, im moving to a different place

Hmm, I Can Offer You Sicily For Free
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Wait... just now i realized...
@--COSMIC-- are you invading @Twilight!???

Wait What, Lemme look at the Relations thingy
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
okay thats it for today I have to go places now

alright, imma go coding now
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
hold up
he likes countryhuma-

Leicester embargos Lastia

Ok bro we get it y'all mad because I'm in A bad fandom but I'm not really like them

I just want your cotinental domains:
Peace Proposal:
- All continental land of Lastia will become the "Principality of Caraca", a puppet state of Joshy Fed.

https://i.postimg.cc/HWv3SCdV/flag-20240816-092717.pngIt will use this flag.

... Fine
, i'll take only trinidad and tobago and then ur good to go.

nvm you can take trinidad and tobago, the small islands are mine-

Nah, i want him to live to see his suffering :}

well lets split trinidad and tobago, i'll take the small island for my puppet you'll take the big one for yours
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
hold up
he likes countryhuma-

Leicester embargos Lastia

Ok bro we get it y'all mad because I'm in A bad fandom but I'm not really like them

I just want your cotinental domains:
Peace Proposal:
- All continental land of Lastia will become the "Principality of Caraca", a puppet state of Joshy Fed.

https://i.postimg.cc/HWv3SCdV/flag-20240816-092717.pngIt will use this flag.

... Fine
, i'll take only trinidad and tobago and then ur good to go.

nvm you can take trinidad and tobago, the small islands are mine-
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
--Cosmic-- wrote:
perfect lol

What do you want to call the territories you took from Lastia i.e the Caribbean islands?

uhhh, make it a puppet state of mine called 'The Velvet Republic' And Has This Flag
Totally Not A Modified Version Of Le Macau Flag
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
perfect lol
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
hold up
he likes countryhuma-

Leicester embargos Lastia

Ok bro we get it y'all mad because I'm in A bad fandom but I'm not really like them

I just want your cotinental domains:
Peace Proposal:
- All continental land of Lastia will become the "Principality of Caraca", a puppet state of Joshy Fed.

https://i.postimg.cc/HWv3SCdV/flag-20240816-092717.pngIt will use this flag.

... Fine
, i'll take only trinidad and tobago and then ur good to go.
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
--Cosmic-- wrote:
you guys really want to fight me, huh

forcing people to be in your 'English Union' isn't really a great option Cosmic, it'd be fine if people said 'yes i will join' but if you don't get the desired answer and use violence then its wrong, horribly wrong

true, but im a megalomaniac so
all logic goes outta the window


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