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Post your Favourite Song Lyrics

Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Thomy26 wrote:
Never Gonna Give Yo-

Edit: Sorry I Had To Say It...

Did you forget all the other lyrics?

We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I (do I)
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (to say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom

Greetings, Custodes, how are you this day?
Have you brought me any cool ancient tech to display?

No we have not, but to ask you for a favour

That's all too bad, because I'd like a new shaver

The Adeptus Mechanicus' ranks you have climbed
Even though you seem to explode all the time
This seems quite suspicious, you have to agree

That is just my drivers being crappy, see?

Then how is it you can keep surviving these blasts?
To all the other Techpriests, it badly contrasts
Your sentience it seems to return from the dead
How this could be, you might want unsaid

You come to my planet with friction and strife?
You somehow believe that I can flee the afterlife?
Please do tell me, fleshling, is this some kind of goof?
I don't reckon that you brought any actual proof?

It's a favour I seek, not some sort of a brawl
Were it not for my Lord I'd not be here at all
Now, tell me, where is the Proteus Protocol?
Withhold information and we'll be your downfall
[Captain-General falls over]

Y-You... You al... You all right..?

Sound mate, go on, where's the Proteus Protocol?

There is no such technology, you must be high

*stomp stomp stomp* You lie!

It has been confirmed to be in your supply!

I'm the Mechanicus' Lord! You dare treat me like this?

Keep dawdling and on your cables we'll piss!
Where the Protocol is we still haven't heard

Your claim is absurd, you have no proof I use it!

How dare you, you colossal mechanical nerd!
He does not need proof, he's the Emperor's Word!
When you go and reject our Emperor's truths
Then, darling, I'm sorry, but out goes your screws!

I'm the Omnissiah's Voice, and my word is as true!

Oh really, you think so? Well-*clap clap* Fuck you!
How about we go ahead and call our Emperor?
He's got a text to speech now

And a fiery temper

Here's an Astropath, why don't we make the call?
We'll check in and see what he thinks of this stall?
That you have the gall!

Oh, are you gonna bawl?

I hate you all

This is getting banal
Please bring to us the Protocol



Victory for the Captain-General!
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:


Cognition failed. Request explain

Erika is a German marching song known to be used during World War 2.
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
This topic lacks war songs. Favorite song right now. Metal. Title; Shiroyama. Enjoy.

It’s the nature of time that the old ways must give in
It’s the nature of time that the new ways comes in sin
When the new meets the old it always ends the ancient ways
And as history told the old ways go out in a blaze

Encircled by a vulture, the end of ancient culture
The dawn of destiny draws near

Imperial force defied, facing 500 Samurai
Surrounded and outnumbered, 60 to 1 the sword face the gun
Bushido dignified, it’s the last stand of the Samurai
Surrounded and outnumbered

As a new age begins the way of the warrior comes to an end
As a new age begins the ways of old must apprehend
It’s the nature of time that the old ways must give in
It’s the nature of time that the new ways comes in sin

An offer of surrender, Saigo ignore contender
The dawn of destiny is here

Until the dawn they hold on
Only 40 are left at the end
None alive, none survive

60 to one, facing the gun
60 to one, culture undone

Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
No voice in our ears but the Maw. We relish the sound of it's call. We'll plunder and feast on any man, any beast Doesn't matter, we'll snack on them all. The stragglers we didn't consume Are chucked in our sacrifice stew. They scream and they run but that's part of the fun! 'Cause the Ogres are coming to get ya!!!!!

Oh, Ogres, Ogres Chomping on meats Filling our guts with our struggling treats. Tearing, Chewing we kill for the Maw. The power and grub's what we're doing it for! Crunching and biting we kill for the Maw The power and grub's what we're doing it for!!

*Greasus Goldtooth burping*

Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom

Amidst the desolate soil
We heard the repeating cries of a fragment of metal
So, true to Magnus' orders
I take my company's reins onto the surface, we settle
And as we branch out and explore the wreckage
We uncover a terminal's long-lost message
A visage of the past and of beautiful cities
So what has occurred here? What are we missing?

There is something wrong here and there is something hidden
With every second growing closer, I feel it near me!

My mind shudders, why does my heart race?
A psychic scream, like a crushing weight
Resounding in every corner of the world
"The Ancient awaits!"
Enwrapped in grief and beset by pain
It bides it's time, all it does is wait
We shoulder the hardship now and we endure
And to its source, we'll trace

The sight before my eyes is stark
A Dreadnought here, bearing the Emperor's Children's mark?
Unexpectedly, it interjects with pointed thoughts
Awake once more, energy arcs
Across its words now, demanding to know
Are we standing here gathered as friend or foe?
Its shattered form yet still poses a threat to us all
It shall not be deceived, nor ignored

I speak in half-truths to not invite alarm
"I see through your words, and I am not disarmed
We had learned from Him to hold to truth with every breath"
The wrong word here may mean death
"Even your words may be twisted and turned into weapons"
There is danger here, with every phrase now it beckons
I know the name of he who has me in his sights
"I am he who remembers, the Ancient of Rites!"

All at once, the pieces come together in my mind
This place was Istvaan III
And we are here upon its corpse
On the grave that was left behind!

"Would you convince yourself I am a remnant seeking saving?
This was not a cry for help!
This was a lure I laid to invite something in need of slaying"

"Was this trap set for me, old one of mine?
You look terrible, a disgrace, even"
"At last, Fulgrim, you have come to me, abomination"
"Words uttered by a shattered pile of metal, rust and stagnation?
You've had millennia to think of what to tell me, you've my attention"
"I need not glory nor for words to speak
When I have held
A Virus Bomb!" ("No!" )

Reaching out
My Raptorae uses his mind to hold the pace, to silence time
I channel him all of the strength I have
His power desperately relying on mine
And from my peripheral sight
I can no longer see that frail shell, devoid of its might
But rather a righteous being of defiance
Who is not without the will to fight!

I watch the Dreadnought lash out in wrath
His blows deflected away from their path
Despite the years he has endured
It's clear that he will live, and he will die by the sword
Fulgrim then returned a strike
His sword slitting through bravado and machine alike
His face a mix of contempt and glee
The eyes of one who can feed off misery!

"You can never be forgiven for the things that you've done
And so it falls to my hands to end the prodigal son!"
"You cannot imagine the beautiful bounty of Chaos"
"Those things I'd never even wish to know!"
"There is still your potential that shines through
Imagine the unfulfilled glories we'd see to!"
"That you'd still think I seek any glory
Betrays the true blindness that has overcome you!

I recall the virtues I stood for
I recall the struggles and the things that we have done!
I will not be deterred from my vengeance
I remember the lessons passed on to the Sons!
I am one of the Emperor's Children
I am Rylanor, and I am the Ancient of Rites!
So I reject you for now and for always!
To strike you down, I have waited for a million nights!"

Inspired by the things I've heard
I raise my voice and shout clearly and out of turn
"Rylanor deserves better than you, oh Primarch
Rylanor deserves better than all of us!"

With but a single shot
The Raptorae is relieved of duty and released of his task
I feel the virus rend me apart, with my honor intact
As I'm enveloped by the encroaching flash

"Although this body of mine's still intact
A part of my pride, I fear, will never come back"

What's your favorite legendary Pokémon?

Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
osc-omb wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
where are the forum kids!?

So you click your username above members area and there you go. :)

i'm 15 years old to begin with


i agree with the queen from deltarune

So then you’re saying you’re a forum kid since kid means child and you are a teen which is a type of kid

no, because you are very disrrespectful to forum kids, and sorry if i was hunting them earlier, i thought i wasn't a forum kid, but then i felt how it meant to be a forum kid, so i'm sorrry, but you gotta respect forum kids, because whenever they see them get roasted, they can feel offended, and imagine if you were the forum kid and they roasted you, how would you feel? offended, right?, that's how forum kids feel like whenever you roast them, i mean even if they're 13-19 years old or 3-12 years old, they still are humans and have feelings, so please stop roasting forum kids

Respectfully, I disagree. I think we should show some pushback against them because most don't have boundaries and they are degrading the community. They also disrespect other members of the community (such as when LandonAndEmma was here and Chilli when he was a forum kid.) We should treat them as they treat us and prevent the site from becoming a terrible place.

They deserve my disrespect and the disrespect of others.

bro, you should learn to tolerate them, even if they're annoying, because if there is one thing that every forum here needs is tolerance so please reconsider what are you saying

We can tolerate the members who add something to the conversation and aren't rude to us. I do not see why we need to tolerate them. I believe we must purge them from the site like a plague and it would be made much better because of it. Multiple users, who actually provide conversation, have left because of the forum kids, so we should force them to leave or change for the better.
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
osc-omb wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
where are the forum kids!?

So you click your username above members area and there you go. :)

i'm 15 years old to begin with


i agree with the queen from deltarune

So then you’re saying you’re a forum kid since kid means child and you are a teen which is a type of kid

no, because you are very disrrespectful to forum kids, and sorry if i was hunting them earlier, i thought i wasn't a forum kid, but then i felt how it meant to be a forum kid, so i'm sorrry, but you gotta respect forum kids, because whenever they see them get roasted, they can feel offended, and imagine if you were the forum kid and they roasted you, how would you feel? offended, right?, that's how forum kids feel like whenever you roast them, i mean even if they're 13-19 years old or 3-12 years old, they still are humans and have feelings, so please stop roasting forum kids

Respectfully, I disagree. I think we should show some pushback against them because most don't have boundaries and they are degrading the community. They also disrespect other members of the community (such as when LandonAndEmma was here and Chilli when he was a forum kid.) We should treat them as they treat us and prevent the site from becoming a terrible place.

They deserve my disrespect and the disrespect of others.

Something you HATE a lot

Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
none of my mains(shy guy,bowser jr and diddy kong)can reverse drift well.

Just take the sprites and use Daisy stats.

the reason they are my mains are because of their stats*[

Then don't complain. If you like their stats use them, just compensate by snaking or such.
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
none of my mains(shy guy,bowser jr and diddy kong)can reverse drift well.

Just take the sprites and use Daisy stats.
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
I really hate lucius the eternal. Except Lucius in tts, he's funny there.
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Lely wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Fiery wrote:

This piece of shit that corrupted half of the next generation's brain's


Do you want to start a foundation against shit toilet

Compared to other kids content skibidi toilet is actually fairly decent. At least it's not f*cking elsagate. It's actually fairly reminiscent of ytp and old gmod animations, which, although not that good, are much better then modern kids "content"

It's literally the worst of them all wdym 💀

It's not elsagate content is it? I'm not saying it's good, far from it, but I'm saying it is better than other kids content.
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Chilli3564 wrote:
Noob68 wrote:
Chilli3564 wrote:
Lely wrote:
I hate gay people.

It's fine, we hate you 😊

Lely just now:

I hate this unfunny ass gif

I hate your useless ass life

Self-report 💀
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Fiery wrote:

This piece of shit that corrupted half of the next generation's brain's


Do you want to start a foundation against shit toilet

Compared to other kids content skibidi toilet is actually fairly decent. At least it's not f*cking elsagate. It's actually fairly reminiscent of ytp and old gmod animations, which, although not that good, are much better then modern kids "content"
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
I hate gay people.

As someone who does not support lgbt in any way I must still point out that that is rude. You can hate the act, but hating the person accomplishes nothing.

Also literally every other person on this site is gay or close to it so... yah. I learned the hard way, best be nice about it.

Hey, I'm not lgbtq++ (or whatever term they use now)
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom

cant wait to get cancelled/opinion bashed by some people

No. I will be too busy writing an essay as to why saying you hate furries a lot while using the 🤮 emoji is foolishly rude.

I guess some people still believe that all furries are zoophiles sadly. I don't have a problem with furries but some people take things too far.

Not all of them are but they are still a bad group that I dislike and there are many reasons that you could hate them. Not all of them are terrible people but I still believe that, as a community, they are bad.
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom

cant wait to get cancelled/opinion bashed by some people

No. I will be too busy writing an essay as to why saying you hate furries a lot while using the 🤮 emoji is foolishly rude.

Saying that is rude, but justified.
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Lely wrote:
Dietsoda, the problem most of the times aren't the cats but some of the cat owners. They let it rule the whole house. Also dogs are cuter, fight me.

Hey what about snakes, they're too freaking cute, especially Californian Kingsnakes 😍

Could you all stop pinging me?
Also one of my friends has pet snakes. super
Messages 1350 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Mario Kart Tour, the Wii U, and cats as pets.
C'mon, fight me! Let's do it!

Why aren't cats good as pets? They literally domesticated themselves so they could be. A dog is much worse as a pet in my personal opinion.

Edit: @canadian-crew, why did you facepalm me? All I did was state my opinion and a fact. Cats did, infact, domesticate themselves and in my opinion, as stated in the post, dogs are worse as a housepet.

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