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Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
lil-cunt wrote:
lil-cunt wrote:
@OneWoopyBoi published a circuit with a swear word

swearing isn't against the rules

and it was named that because it was themed after a Pizza Tower level with the same name (Oh Shit!)

thanks for the info,but what about when the n word is used

It isn't a swear, it is a slur. There are differences between them.
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
@Fiere and @RedPikmin95 are underage!!!!!

ban dem for 5 years >:3

If thats the case most users would be banned. Also, who's to say it's your age which is used for the basis of it and not an age like 18, 21 or even one as low as 10? And it's a Mario kart fangame. Who does that attract? I wonder
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Senko wrote:
Okay about @Fourner, yes, I finally have a proof, it wasn't the case before but not the site consider him as an alt of Lance4 and Cario (Cario being banned until september btw)
Technically speaking there's still no proof that he's PokeGD or CyClops but since Cario is banned that's enough to use the ban hammer, so now his 2024 year on mkpc stop here since he's banned until 2025, I think it should be enough tbh, have a great day

If he hadn't shown up before as having alt accounts perhaps he was using a vpn to change ip? I'm not sure if that would work but it could be worth testing to see if a vpn or other method of changing ip could hide alt accounts.
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
It doesn't really count tbh

What do you mean?
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
@detectivedoggo said the n-word on sfa. 💀

Edit: he changed his post to just say "the n-word" but it was there.
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
I'm was playing a online battle with a moderator named wla68, he just has a tiny bit chance of me speaking, so he does a call with me, later sm7 and mario100 joined the voice chat with wal68 and me but angry_bird_109 was having a problem so the players are speaking are doing a help to angry_bird_109

...and what exactly did they do wrong??

Nothing major. I was unable to do the microphone. When I tried to do it, It says that my permission is declined. Tbh, I don't really care about when the microphone is not on. Also @Lely no rules are broken.
If i see about that beacuse itsjustlimey was now banned

What do you mean?? If you are saying Limey was banned because he didn't use mic it was actually because of the things he was saying here on the forums.
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
YoshiLOVER wrote:
sesamestreetfan05 keeps bugging me to fix their track, wont stop, and wont go away when i tell him to, and if i do, he does it even more. does he have a history of being so stubborn?

Also he did this to me

So? He was fairly polite about it and only seems to have asked once or twice. It isn't worthy of a report.
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
YoshiLOVER wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Can the rules get updated and can there be a rule about spamming online invitations because one guy is really taking the Mickey Mouse out of me

Once someone told to play online race like 4 times in like 3 hours!

Once someone told me to play online 20 times in a minute or 2. 4 times in 3 hours is not that bad
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
guess what u were
stop trying to get out of it
so u can harrass me more

Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
coolmonkey wrote:
coolmonkey wrote:
coolmonkey wrote:
is it legal to ask someone to unban someone

It's legal to ask but dont expect a positive response

so could you pls unban @at-atgamer, he promeses not to do anything wrong

wait hold up what did he even do?

so apparently, 'he made' alt accounts, many of them but its actually not his fault, you see there is all of these alt account of @at-atgamer, a guy named @suslover6912, @cool_monkeylover6996 and @suslover2029
but heres the the thing, HE DIDNT MAKE THEM

then who did?? also if he did make those, then why did they have the same tracks as AT-ATgamer?

If you have the same ip, unless Wargor splits your accounts, you have the same tracks. So probably a sibling.
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Warioman wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
@warioman is a kirbyboy alt as can be proven in this topic. He has information he wouldn't know unless he was kirbyboy (most likely he accidently posted on the wrong account) I might be wrong but the account is fairly suspicious.


No Proof.
My Friend Uses a Chromebook. I use a Phone.

We also have no proof you aren't so using that logic you must be an alt, although I am uncertain.
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
@warioman is a kirbyboy alt as can be proven in this topic. He has information he wouldn't know unless he was kirbyboy (most likely he accidently posted on the wrong account) I might be wrong but the account is fairly suspicious.

Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:

@Im_A_Soup randomly being unpleasant for no reason.

the thing he didn't know was that I was about to ban him, and with that he just gave a legitimate reason 8), he is now banned for 10 days for '"Spam, immaturity, insults and disrespect", thx for report ;)

YES the account I wanted banned, but didn't know he would say that.
I have a feeling I would be his next target after his ban, because the Who is more annoying Im_A_Soup or Kirbyboy topic.😰    

Who knows who he would go for next. I did absolutely nothing to him and he randomly verbally harassed me.
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom

@Im_A_Soup randomly being unpleasant for no reason.
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
I_AM wrote:
I_AM wrote:
Noob68 wrote:
asdf_movie wrote:

This has truly opened my eyes to the real meaning of life, thanks for sharing this life changing inspirational message. :D

Yes, but this is off-topic.

Yes, but this is off-topic

Yes, but this chain is off-topic

Then don't keep it going. *[

bruh, can't you take a FUCKING JOKE COMBINED WITH A-

Oh, sorry, was that a joke ? It was so bad that I couldn't even tell it was one. I can't take jokes ? Learn to make them, and stop talking to me as if you were on what you imagine to be your pedestal. And then we will talk 😘


Mate it isn't r/woooosh because you were just being a dumbass and he wasn't trying to roast you. Stop being such an immature child. |)


Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Is anybody here able to rip models from games? If so could you take the regular wizard robes and basic sword and staff from Magicka 2?
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
So appatently i was blocked off temporally sendimg messages of posting "too much"
I dont know why because i dont triple posted, and it was in diferent forums, around the usual when i get back to it.
Someone hates me now??

It automatically happens if you send loads of messages in a short amount of time. Doesn't matter if all the messages are on different topics or anything, just if you post a lot in a small time frame.
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Fiery wrote:
I'm Not Geting OUt Of Here You Guyys Are To Cringe So Leave Me Alonee OKAY??? Im Not Cringe That Would Be LIke sAYING tHAT Skibipi Toilet Is Cringe Or Amongus BUT IT ISNT so JuST STOP Becase Alll OF yOU Are Rong SO THERE I WIN YOU GUYS ARE ALL CRINGE YOUR Just Not Sigma Or Gigachad mewers so just GO AND LEAVE and IM Not Cringe Just Because Im 7 And Smarter THAN ALL OF YOU so Go And Leave and REMBEBMER THat I Wonnnnnnn!1!!!!!!! UEYWHRJPHIFHFHHIhihufydydyUgifufUfugugugIgugigIgiGugUgUgUgIgiGiGiFfufysrRsrdKLl So Just Go An Rememeber athat You Arenot SKIBIDITOILET BEXAUSE IM BETTER LOSERS TAKE THE L BOZOSS And LEAVE

But Coolguy439 is a based sigma.

I'm gonna let this use of the word "sigmar" (put an r after the actual word so its coolerguy439) slide since we are talking about coolguy439 and he's too cool

Sigmar? Warhammer Age of Sigmar reference? It's going into the fourth edition now, pre-orders are available for the big launch box.
I am not pre-ordering after what they did to 2nd ed stormcast though (and the beastmen too I guess)
Messages 1258 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13767 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
I'm Not Geting OUt Of Here You Guyys Are To Cringe So Leave Me Alonee OKAY??? Im Not Cringe That Would Be LIke sAYING tHAT Skibipi Toilet Is Cringe Or Amongus BUT IT ISNT so JuST STOP Becase Alll OF yOU Are Rong SO THERE I WIN YOU GUYS ARE ALL CRINGE YOUR Just Not Sigma Or Gigachad mewers so just GO AND LEAVE and IM Not Cringe Just Because Im 7 And Smarter THAN ALL OF YOU so Go And Leave and REMBEBMER THat I Wonnnnnnn!1!!!!!!! UEYWHRJPHIFHFHHIhihufydydyUgifufUfugugugIgugigIgiGugUgUgUgIgiGiGiFfufysrRsrdKLl So Just Go An Rememeber athat You Arenot SKIBIDITOILET BEXAUSE IM BETTER LOSERS TAKE THE L BOZOSS And LEAVE

But Coolguy439 is a based sigma.

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