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Ashton68 draws you

Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Could you redraw this please:

[Gameshow] Multiple Minigames

Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Chihiro wrote:
I am aware the name of this gameshow sucks, but oh well.

Anyway, time to explin what this is about.
There will be 6 different minigames, but before that, every person needs to choose one track of theres for the TT round and challenges:
- Trivia
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Each participant asks 3 questions. You will then try to answer them
-10 points per incorrect answer
+10 points per correct answer
+50 points if you get all 3 questions from 1 member first try

+10 points when someone fails your question

- Time Trials
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Try setting times as good as possible on each chosen track.
+100 for 1st place
+70 for 2nd place
+50 for 3rd place
+30 for 4th place
+10 for <4th

Will do scoring + explanation for these later
- VS race
- Battle Mode
- Challenges
- Guess The Track

Now, for how the rounds work:
there will be 5 rounds (so one minigame won't be played) and each round will start with a vote for the minigame, once the minigame is over, the points will be added to your score after a multiplier:
R1: 1x
R2: 1.5x
R3: 2x (after this round the bottom 2 players will get eliminated from scoring points)
R4: 2.5x
R5: 3x

After this, the top 2 players will move onto the finals, which will be created by 3rd place


- @Chihiro
- @osc-omb

So I would ask the others questions? Sign me up.

[FANFIC] The Bob-Omb War

Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
osc-omb wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Name: Dietsoda

Colour: Crimson

Species: elf (Wood elf more specifically.)

Personality: doesn't really like working with others and will constantly 'mock' them although actually consider it banter and not take anything said back too harshly. Will also call humans and other species with lifespans lower than 100 years 'mayflies' (An animal with an extremely short lifespan)

Skills/abilities: Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.


Whoever pays the best.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Name: Dietsoda

Colour: Crimson

Species: elf (Wood elf more specifically.)

Personality: doesn't really like working with others and will constantly 'mock' them although actually consider it banter and not take anything said back too harshly. Will also call humans and other species with lifespans lower than 100 years 'mayflies' (An animal with an extremely short lifespan)

Skills/abilities: Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.

/!\The rant topic/Le sujet controversé/!\

Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
FieryToad wrote:
Why does the two hand reaction exist? It’s not understandable, like what are those supposed to represent?

Surrender. If someone made a very good point in an argument you could use them to show Surrender. Go on, surrender.

(Roleplay) MKPC City

Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
This topic has been locked for a bit. Why not give our city a fresh start?

Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Ashton68 wrote:
I will join

All you have to do is pretend you are in the city and talk to the other users.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Allow me to buy you some yoshi fruits from this market here. I hear Yoshi's love yoshi fruit and also can infer it from the name of the fruit

It's fine, I have some in my bag here.
*Munches on a fruit*

You sure because this is a unique version of it, it would taste different to the fruits at yoshi island

Would be nice to try it ngl

Here have some *doesn't pay but pretends to fooling the seller and both of you*.

I think I prefer the other one, but it's still OK!

Ok good to know.

What did you do with the chain chomp I gave you?

Uhh, you gave him a chain chomp?

Yeah, a tiny dark blue one. It's perfectly tame (I hope).

(Sighs in relief)

Oh it tried to kill me so I let it out into chain chomp Park. Also its not small anymore.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Allow me to buy you some yoshi fruits from this market here. I hear Yoshi's love yoshi fruit and also can infer it from the name of the fruit

It's fine, I have some in my bag here.
*Munches on a fruit*

You sure because this is a unique version of it, it would taste different to the fruits at yoshi island

Would be nice to try it ngl

Here have some *doesn't pay but pretends to fooling the seller and both of you*.

I think I prefer the other one, but it's still OK!

Ok good to know.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Allow me to buy you some yoshi fruits from this market here. I hear Yoshi's love yoshi fruit and also can infer it from the name of the fruit

It's fine, I have some in my bag here.
*Munches on a fruit*

You sure because this is a unique version of it, it would taste different to the fruits at yoshi island

Would be nice to try it ngl

Here have some *doesn't pay but pretends to fooling the seller and both of you*.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Allow me to buy you some yoshi fruits from this market here. I hear Yoshi's love yoshi fruit and also can infer it from the name of the fruit

It's fine, I have some in my bag here.
*Munches on a fruit*

You sure because this is a unique version of it, it would taste different to the fruits at yoshi island
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
xrunner48 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Allow me to buy you some yoshi fruits from this market here. I hear Yoshi's love yoshi fruit and also can infer it from the name of the fruit

By the way, where are you? I'm hiring a boat now and just need to know where to go.

At the food vendor near chain chomp Park.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Allow me to buy you some yoshi fruits from this market here. I hear Yoshi's love yoshi fruit and also can infer it from the name of the fruit
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Anyway, I think we should meet up with FieryToad at the pizza place.

Sure as long as I don't have to eat any.

Yeah fruit is much better.

Finally someone with some sense around here. All you need is fruit, berries and some meat and you've got a great meal
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Anyway, I think we should meet up with FieryToad at the pizza place.

Sure as long as I don't have to eat any.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Found it!

FieryToad wrote:

I’ll signal Yoshi’s Island, there’s loads of people there on vacation. But one of them on the island is special. Let’s continue moving though, because every moment we stop moving, it only gets more faster.

There was a war?
Nice, that was definitly during the war, probably after the bombings.

Almost. I think we even made an army and got a bunch of toads but then Chiminie showed up and forced us into peace. If I could've I would have shot Nudge right through the head to make sure nothing happens but eh, what can you do.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
(Looks around nervously) Well, let's not stand around! Let's move someplace safer!

Eh I'm a bit cynical so that could've just been my very based opinion but sure, we can go into that hotel there.

No, He will find us there. I think you said FieryToad went to get pizza?

I don't know he hasn't done anything since releasing gas on us and attempting to kill us.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Found it!

FieryToad wrote:

I’ll signal Yoshi’s Island, there’s loads of people there on vacation. But one of them on the island is special. Let’s continue moving though, because every moment we stop moving, it only gets more faster.

Nice, that was definitly during the war, probably after the bombings.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
(Looks around nervously) Well, let's not stand around! Let's move someplace safer!

Eh I'm a bit cynical so that could've just been my very based opinion but sure, we can go into that hotel there.
Messages 1360 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
*Pants* Finally! I made it!

(Looks around) Did I come too late? Are they already gone?

Yeah everybody left to like have pizza or something ridiculous like that. Anyway, greetings.

Hi, I'm looking for someone named FieryToad, he sent a call for help to Yoshi's Island a while ago. It looks like everything is fine though. What happened?

Oh we almost fought a war against 1 person but they are 'supposedly' good now as they had some gas go in their mouth? Between you and me they're probably still going to try and kill us. But yeah, it's mostly peaceful here. I think Fiery also went to get pizza

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