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(Rebooted) Blover Racing Season 1

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Its the better mode for creating custom tracks, FUtusors

Fixed your message for you super

Thank you very much.tusors

Fixed it again. super
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Its the better mode for creating custom tracks, FUtusors

Fixed your message for you super

mario100 and me

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
@x_XSuperCariotsX_x, you're being weird. Stop. This gets old fast and then starts making enemies.And @Mario100 maybe you should tone it down a bit. I don't know if you've actually sent that kind of threat but you have been a bit ... aggressive before. Please keep in mind there's very little a nine-year-old kid can actually do to someone on a Mario fan game forum.

I swear I have never seen a time where K was not a voice of reason. :p

item creator

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Thomy26 wrote:
Triple Blue Shell
Attacks The People Who Are In First Second And Third

That sounds like one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. That is largely unbalanced and will cause many people to get annoyed.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
you want an item maker? well, think about this, how long does Wargor take to code updates? A very long time! plus, more items = unbalanced, so, to put it shortly, no

The closest I would say to an item creator is making it so you could change what it looks like, nothing more.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
That makes no sense as an item, as it will only effect you if you go backwards, throw it forward (which has a high chance of it going off the map) or on the next lap.

Besides, I don't think it is an essential feature to get new items.

hi why do I have likee 150 tracks

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Do you have a sibling or someone else in your household who uses mkpc? If so then all their tracks will be shown on your account as well.

Edit: That explains it. Good to know I was right.

school kids. tier list

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
nerd: F
smart kid: Waffen SS
goth: SMASH hard pass

You would also be an f teir and you are likely too young to be using that ranking for an overated group.

[FANFIC] MKPC: Unsafe Business

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
If you die at any point, you can dm me with a slightly different character (different name and colour) and I will add you into the next moon.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Experimentation: Part 2

A group of 4 people all walks down a corridor into the dark the covers it.

Cringeh: It's a bit spooky in here.
Lely: Why did Nudge have to send us here.
Alice: Might aswell do our job while we're here.
Max: The job isn't even hard, is it?
Alice: No, it's fairly easy to pick things up,
but we need pay.

Lely: Wait
Cringeh: What?
Lely: I heard something, it was growling.
Alice: It's probably some dog or something, I'll go check it out.

The group follow behind her, rounding a corner and seeing a large creature with gleaming white eyes that is mostly hidden in the shadows.

Alice: So, it isn't a dog then.

Alice keeps on staring at it until it growls again. It sprints down the corridor and, with 2 massive hands, snaps her neck before dragging the body away.

Lely: is she?
Max: it would seem she is dead yes.
Cringeh: 💀
Lely: Should we recover the body?
Cringeh: I'm not going near that thing.
Max: Yeah we will probably all die.

In their state of shock they stand there for a few more seconds before turning to go back the way they came. They see two shining white eyes staring back at them.

Cringeh: No! stay back!
Xrunner48: Bit rude innit.

The eyes disappear as he goes around the corner, seemingly not from the creature that attacked them, but rather someone else.

On the way back the group stumble across a large bolt on the floor that they pick up, to make it seem like they were not completely useless.

Walking into the entrance room they see Nudge, Dietsoda and Osc. They eem to be waiting for the other group.

Nudge: Where is that other one.
Max: She's dead
Nudge:That's a shame I was hoping it would be one of you, guess we still lost someone I don't like.
Did you recover the body?

Cringeh: No, were we supposed to?
Nudge: YES. If we don't we get a fairly large fine.

The group argue in the room, waiting for the other group to show up.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dislikes: being called short

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 1: Experimentation Part 1

A ship, larger than company standard, hovers above a moon.

Nudge: Alright so since I'm the boss I think we should go to this moon so we can collect some scrap.
Lely: Why even are you the boss?
Nudge: the company said so.

Nudge pulls a lever and the ship goes down towards the moon. The movement wakes many of the ships inhabitants from their rest. Many slowly stumble into the main room with their company regulated suit on.

Max: *yawns*
K: What's happening?
Lely: Nudge said we are going down to the moon to collect scrap.
Alice: Why did I even sign up for this job?
Chickeny: I know why I'm here.
Dietsoda: And why is that?
Chickeny: So I can beat the world record for the longest fart.
Dietsoda: How does working this dead-end job help in this? - you know what, I'm not even going to ask.

The ship lands onto the moon and the doors open up to reveal a facility near the landing zone.

Nudge: go into the facility then.

All 11 employees rush out towards the door so they can enter it and collect scrap for their job. As they enter Nudge orders them around.

Nudge: Alright, Lely, Cringeh, Max, you all go into the dark corridor that's emanating ominous sounds.
Cringeh: Is it because we're Frenc-
Nudge: YES
Alice: well I'm going with them.
Nudge: yeah sure I don't care.
Max: Are you trying to get us killed?
Nudge: Ye-No, why would I be doing that. The company will deduct from my pay
Max: What was that?
Dietsoda: He didn't say anything.
Twilight: I thought I heard him say something.
Dietsoda: Well I didn't.
Nudge: Stop arguing, just go.
Cringeh: Alright, let's go.

He opens the door to the corridor and, alongside Max, Lely and Alice, walks through.

Nudge: Alright, Chilli, Twilight, K, you go into that corridor.
Chilli: sure, I guess you, Dietsoda and Osc will go the other way.
Nudge: Absolutely.
Chickeny: What about me?
Nudge: Oh yeah, what benefits do you provide?
Chickeny: I brought eggs to eat and a few foxes.
Osc: What. How did you get those foxes?
Dietsoda: Just don't question him.
Nudge: Let's go then, hurry up. We only have until midnight.
Chickeny: Where do I go?
Nudge: Just like, walk around or something, frankly I don't care what you do.

With that, everyone goes down their assigned corridors and Chickeny follows K's group.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom

I mean, it's not that I don't trust you but...

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
I will probably release the first Episode in 2 or so days. People can join after but it will be better if anyone who wants to joins now before I start writing.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
List of characters:

name: Dietsoda180
Colour: #d60000
Personality: Wants to not die, sometimes jokes about.
Likes: Team sabotage fun idk?
Dislikes: incompetent teammates

Name: Twilight
Colour: Light Blue
Personality: Brave, kind and motivating i guess
Likes: Being alone and exploring
Dislikes: Spiders
Gender: Nonbinary

Name: Cringeh
Colour: Navy
Personality: Curious and anything that you want (Except nerd lol)
Likes: Video games, exploration and uh idk
Dislikes:Landon 🤷‍♂️

color:yellow but white head (misunderstanding?)
personality:tries to beat worlds longest fart record by eating eggs (not mentally well?)
likes:eggs, omelettes (cannibalism?)
dislikes:YO MOM (incorrect spelling?)

the guy who makes sex jokes
video gaming
a guy
a bobomb

Name: Nudge
Colour: #F60
Personality: Smart, evil, arrogant
Likes: Racism, homophobia
Dislikes: France

Name: Lely
Colour: Limegreen
Personality: Kind, cute, caring, annoying, sensitive, kinda dumb, unattractive, gay
Likes: Music, cuddling, stuffed toys, food, swimming
Dislikes: Every form of discrimination
further info: 5'5, very unattractive, acts like a dog but look like a penguin, Can be smart and dumb, depends on the amount of snow. If there's a lot of snow smart but dumb if no snow 

- Max
- Teal
- not something like mkpcverse s4
- lely, not something stupid
- immature kids (also everything that could hurt lely)
- foxgirl thing

Colour: darkolivegreen
Personality: introvert. Has a near-suicidal habit of fighting things and not running away.
Likes: hard labor (why?) and drinking 😈, and fighting
Dislikes: spiders, small spaces
Further info: male.

Name: Alice
Color: Hotpink
Personality: Kind, gay, cute, protective (mainly of Lely), calm, a bit of a prankster, hates confrontation but will fight if necessary
Likes: Lely, music, cuddles, drawing, flying, snow/cold environments, drinking sake, relaxing but never sleeps somehow ._.'
Dislikes: Every form of discrimination, violence and negativity imaginable, people who hurt Lely in any way
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Weight: 35kg
Appearance: Pfp but longer hair
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Species: Human/Youkai hybrid

Name: Chilli
Colour: Red
Personality: Funny, gamer
Likes: Video games, apples, fighting anyone
Dislikes: Pineapple pizza
Gender: Male

Name: Brint
Color: Blue
Species: Buzzy Beetle
Personality: Creative
Likes: Building
Dislikes: Going ignored, stuff that required arms to do, being called short
Gender: Male

color: carrot orange
personality:loves carrots but is anxious as hell
likes: carrots, gay people
dislikes: heights, the dark, and Roblox doors
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
This will basically just be lethal company and most people will die.

If you don’t know what lethal company is a group of people fly down to a moon on a ship and need to collect scrap to meet quota. There are creatures that can kill them and, by midnight or when piloted to do so, the ship leaves the moon. The quota must be met in 3 days and on the 4th the crew sell the scrap to the company or get fired.

Information required:
Any further info you want (Gender, height, anything really):

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people who may want to join:

What are the best tracks in MK history?

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Wii: coconut mall
Wii: grumble volcano
Wii: rainbow road


Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Magic because nobody could trace where the fire started from. No it wasn't a fireball.

Also magic leads to necromancy and I want to become Nagash


スーパープリンシエッスカードズ(MKPC Trading Card Game)

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Regarding game design if you want any help I might be able to. I mean I've played quite alot of card games (but I'm not good at them).

My main question is whether it would be like the pokemon tcg or ones like hearthstone? They both have fairly different games design and it would be interesting to see which style you go for.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
bro so why do you think this is shoudn't exist  so why is it dietsoda people can do whatever they want so why is this in this topic shouldn't exist I think it's kind of rude how you think that this shouldn't exist the girl who made this is the person that likes to make card games and it's for virtual points so why?

All I said was that an epic type wasn't mentioned. It's kind of rude of you to assume that I was mentioning the entire thing rather than just what Mario100 said. That implies you haven't read what I said, or didn't care to remember it, and just assumed the worst from me.

Also it has been resolved and Mario100 told me that Princess told him that it would be added.

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