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What is the Best Ghost Theme course in the Mario Kart Series?
On 2024-10-31 at 02:34:21
Actually, wait a minute. I have an idea.
I'm here to pitch the idea that the best Ghost Track in Mario Kart...
is Wario Shipyard.
Here's why:
1: Uniqueness. All the other Ghost tracks overlap with each other. Ghost Valley, Boo Lake/Broken Pier & Banshee Boardwalk are all too similar to stand out (no, changing the void to water does not make Banshee Boardwalk different) Luigi's Mansion & Twisted Mansion also have some overlap, except 1 is barely an actual Mansion. Wario's Shipyard is literally a haunted castle & pirate ship graveyard, which is metal af.
2: Layout. I don't have to say anything about the first 3 games, there's nothing doing. Luigi's Mansion is also quite simple. Twisted Mansion gets a bonus point over it here. But Wario's Shipyard is a masterpiece of level design.
Underwater sections have always been heavily underused in Mario Kart, but when they're done well, they're good. Piranha Plant Cove is far and away the best example, but Wario Shipyard is definitely second place. Actually moving in and out of the water, instead of just going down a bit and popping back up later(usually with a ramp) and calling it a day. Extended water segments, and not just a single corner/oval. That one part where you exit the water onto the shipdeck & re-enter the water, making the water feel like an actual part of the track, and not some disconnected segments like is usually the case.
3: The music. Ghost themes in actual Mario games are quite good(except Big Boo's Haunt). Take Waltz of the Boos, for example.
Or for a more unique approach, Deep Dark Galaxy.
And lastly, for a more haunted house style piece, Haunted Halls from 3D World.
All wonderfully made.
As for Mario Kart...
Well, first off, three of them are remixes of Mario World's Ghost House(guess which three...) and that's a good song, but not original(And only one of these remixes is good to listen to imo), which isn't really a good look. Luigi's Mansion theme is also quite good, but it's pretty dated sounding (especially since MK7 didn't remix any of it's DS & Wii retro track music, and neither did Tour).
Twisted Mansion's theme is a masterpiece, almost makes me wish the track was good enough to deserve the song. (Another point over Luigi...hey guys, I think Twisted Mansion is better-)
Wario Shipyard? Well, it's not going for the generic "Spoopy place" music. It goes for this crazy electric guitar + synth sound, which doesn't have much to do with the track. But as far as the music goes, it goes stupid.(and includes a Wario Land reference! too)
Of course, most of the people here are biased to DS(& Wii, but there aren't any ghost tracks there), and this isn't likely to sway anybody. But I do think Wario easily has the best Ghost track in the series. And the(second bc Vancouver) best Snow track too, but y'all aren't ready for that conversation yet
I'm here to pitch the idea that the best Ghost Track in Mario Kart...
is Wario Shipyard.
Here's why:
1: Uniqueness. All the other Ghost tracks overlap with each other. Ghost Valley, Boo Lake/Broken Pier & Banshee Boardwalk are all too similar to stand out (no, changing the void to water does not make Banshee Boardwalk different) Luigi's Mansion & Twisted Mansion also have some overlap, except 1 is barely an actual Mansion. Wario's Shipyard is literally a haunted castle & pirate ship graveyard, which is metal af.
2: Layout. I don't have to say anything about the first 3 games, there's nothing doing. Luigi's Mansion is also quite simple. Twisted Mansion gets a bonus point over it here. But Wario's Shipyard is a masterpiece of level design.
Underwater sections have always been heavily underused in Mario Kart, but when they're done well, they're good. Piranha Plant Cove is far and away the best example, but Wario Shipyard is definitely second place. Actually moving in and out of the water, instead of just going down a bit and popping back up later(usually with a ramp) and calling it a day. Extended water segments, and not just a single corner/oval. That one part where you exit the water onto the shipdeck & re-enter the water, making the water feel like an actual part of the track, and not some disconnected segments like is usually the case.
3: The music. Ghost themes in actual Mario games are quite good(except Big Boo's Haunt). Take Waltz of the Boos, for example.
Or for a more unique approach, Deep Dark Galaxy.
And lastly, for a more haunted house style piece, Haunted Halls from 3D World.
All wonderfully made.
As for Mario Kart...
Well, first off, three of them are remixes of Mario World's Ghost House(guess which three...) and that's a good song, but not original(And only one of these remixes is good to listen to imo), which isn't really a good look. Luigi's Mansion theme is also quite good, but it's pretty dated sounding (especially since MK7 didn't remix any of it's DS & Wii retro track music, and neither did Tour).
Twisted Mansion's theme is a masterpiece, almost makes me wish the track was good enough to deserve the song. (Another point over Luigi...hey guys, I think Twisted Mansion is better-)
Wario Shipyard? Well, it's not going for the generic "Spoopy place" music. It goes for this crazy electric guitar + synth sound, which doesn't have much to do with the track. But as far as the music goes, it goes stupid.(and includes a Wario Land reference! too)
Of course, most of the people here are biased to DS(& Wii, but there aren't any ghost tracks there), and this isn't likely to sway anybody. But I do think Wario easily has the best Ghost track in the series. And the(second bc Vancouver) best Snow track too, but y'all aren't ready for that conversation yet

On 2024-10-31 at 02:11:29
8DX Boo Lake, simply because I actually want to listen to the music. Looking at you, Ghost Valley.
I'd say Luigi's Mansion if it literally had anything to actually do with Luigi's Mansion, like we enter the front door and then it's just...nothing. Twisted Mansion is fine, Banshee Boardwalk is too long & boring(most 64 tracks are). The pickings are extremely slim.
I'd say Luigi's Mansion if it literally had anything to actually do with Luigi's Mansion, like we enter the front door and then it's just...nothing. Twisted Mansion is fine, Banshee Boardwalk is too long & boring(most 64 tracks are). The pickings are extremely slim.
Here's the history of Baby Peach!
On 2024-10-27 at 00:38:48
How do people even find these ancient topics
Also, looking back, this really doesn't have anything to do with Baby Peach's history, it's just a list of her appearances and a render for each one.
Also, looking back, this really doesn't have anything to do with Baby Peach's history, it's just a list of her appearances and a render for each one.
On 2023-06-17 at 02:37:23
Kraze always using the pensive reaction as if 💀
ngl it really is just an "Oh my god bro" for me.
How do I do This?
On 2024-10-28 at 02:05:45
How do I make a track or cup unlockable if it is custom mode? I tried in challenges editor and it wants me to make a character.😐
It's not possible yet. Maybe it never will be.
Custom Track Tutorials
On 2024-10-28 at 17:35:17
Also, what's the channel's name?
Uh, okay. I though that name would have been taken. Or does Youtube allow multiple channels with the same name?
On 2024-10-28 at 17:32:40
Also, what's the channel's name?
On 2024-10-20 at 00:35:27
Gonna make some tutorials on Youtube on how to make custom tracks. I'm planning to cover everything from the initial concept to the track art to every complete mode feature. Submit things you'd like to see covered in this topic.
How to make corners look like actual turns

Mario Kart Games Knockout Tournament!!!
On 2024-01-29 at 13:42:04
Mariokart 7 is a better number than 1.5
I rest my case.
I rest my case.
On 2024-10-27 at 01:59:37
what is KSI???
Have you ever seen this meme of a black guy saying yes like 50 times, and then no a ton, and then screaming FUCK? That guy is KSI. He's a famous British Youtuber. One of the Sidemen.
On 2024-10-27 at 00:48:18
The Food? Ass
The Music? Ass(well, most music is)
The Music? Ass(well, most music is)
snes bowser castle 1,2 and 3 should be fix
On 2024-10-26 at 16:54:06
the reason why i have to make a new topic is how the walls are for the snes bowser castle it just unfinshed to the point that you can easily tell that the oringal is better then the pc version because it have unfinshed walls in my opinion so i think it a perfect time to fix snes bowser castle 1,2 and 3 just give them more time and then the update patch
The walls were removed because the tracks were too easy, afaik. Yeah, there are basically 4 SNES RRs, but I assure you that if something is missing, it's missing for a good reason.
Rate Nintendo Consoles
On 2024-07-08 at 14:19:09

SNES 5.5/10

Game Boy/ Game Boy Pocket: 4/10

Game Boy Color: 6/10

N64: 6.5/10

GCN: 10/10

GBA: 7/10

DS: 9.5/10

Wii 10/10

2DS 0/10

3DS 8.5/10

Switch 10/10

How is 2DS a 0, but the 3DS gets an 8.5? Make it make sense
Also GBA is way higher than a 7
Any Wiggler Characters?
On 2024-10-25 at 03:26:52
You can look up custom characters in game by pressing the orange character with a plus on it in the character select screen. Then search up the character you're looking for, hover over the character to see who made it, and DM them(if they're still active).
I think Hoppingicon would have a Wiggler(solely because of MK7), you could DM him to use the sprite.
Ok, I'll try that. If anyone just had a Wiggler sprite that would work too.
Maybe somebody else will share one with you. I don't see anyone online right now that would have one in the first place though.
On 2024-10-25 at 02:28:57
I've been looking to make a Wiggler Character (As I like him) But it's just too hard, every time I try it look like a weird Yellow pixel Blob. So I was wondering if anyone had a Wiggler character I could use, Thank you!
You can look up custom characters in game by pressing the orange character with a plus on it in the character select screen. Then search up the character you're looking for, hover over the character to see who made it, and DM them(if they're still active).
I think Hoppingicon would have a Wiggler(solely because of MK7), you could DM him to use the sprite.
How the heck am i (blank) at (blank)
On 2024-10-22 at 01:43:54
150cc slowww
This. 150 is just too slow for me.
That being said, barely anyone plays 200, so you're score is bound to look better. Like, if people actually played 200, your score would start plummeting.
CTGP is a scam
On 2024-10-18 at 17:56:05
CTGP by the way is Custom Track Grand Prix, I think. MTGP, I believe is My Track Grand Prix.
MTGP is actually Members Track Grand Prix
(sort of stealing my MKPC Members Multicup name, but the name is still a TBD. and speaking of that, i wont accept your track yoshi649, i, in fact, was NEVER gonna accept it. i only said yes to make you shut the FUCK up)
The only correlation is loterally the word "Members"

On 2024-10-16 at 19:07:32
Ok I'm sorry about this but what does math have to do with Mario Kart?
15/20 is less than 4/5
Literally yes. Just because the number is smaller, doesn't mean that it's less.
249/500 < 1/2
On 2024-10-16 at 04:09:10
This is getting impossible for beginners. You only need 15/20 of your track and if you can't do this, you will be rejected. The leaderboard is horrible, we want you to change the leaderboard to 4/5 so it becomes easier to be accepted
15/20 is a lower threshold than 4/5, 4/5 is 16/20, you'd actually be making it EVEN HARDER to get in
Even then, their allowed to have standards. This CTGP wasn't meant to allow anything and everything anyway. You can't fault them for that. You know what you can do? Keep trying. Get better at making courses, take both good & bad criticism to heart, try new ideas, keep creating. One day, you'll reach that upper echilon. Or, maybe find a substitute for their project that is less strict(cough* cough* the one you literally created)
With time, you'll improve. But only if you keep trying. Also when you're burned out, taking a break and coming back is good, but other than that, keep trying. Or you could give up with trying to get into CTGP.
Personally, I'm envious of your confidence. I couldn't imagine submitting any of my courses to CTGP, they're all too subpar, atleast to me.
But there's a fine line between confidence and insanity, and I hope you find it. You need to let it go.
Show your chess piece ideas and I'll make an idea for them!
On 2023-10-30 at 03:52:57
You guys are certainly on.......something.
I can try to put down a suggestion for normal-ish pieces to try to balance this out a bit.
Some of these are from online obviously
Inverted Pawn(Infantry I guess)
Firstly, a second type of pawn that functions in reverse to the normal ones: moves diagonally, captures forwards. Make it look different & split the 8 pawns into 6 normal & two inverted, with the new ones on the outside.
Moves like a queen, but it can't check or capture. It's role is to take up board space, either prevent an attack or block of the king's escape route.
A more limited king, if you will. No diagonals allowed. But it has the tradeoff of taking up space, which is probably very valuable in a map control based game.
Elephant(in keeping with the origins)
Another support. It can move 3 squares in any cardinal direction(no diagonals) and can't check/capture, but get's to push a piece one square away in the direction it moves, creating space.
Due to all this space not really existing right now on the current chessboard, we increase the board to 12x12.
Is this unbalanced as shit? Yes. Do these pieces at least fit with the theme? Checkmate.
I can try to put down a suggestion for normal-ish pieces to try to balance this out a bit.
Some of these are from online obviously
Inverted Pawn(Infantry I guess)
Firstly, a second type of pawn that functions in reverse to the normal ones: moves diagonally, captures forwards. Make it look different & split the 8 pawns into 6 normal & two inverted, with the new ones on the outside.
Moves like a queen, but it can't check or capture. It's role is to take up board space, either prevent an attack or block of the king's escape route.
A more limited king, if you will. No diagonals allowed. But it has the tradeoff of taking up space, which is probably very valuable in a map control based game.
Elephant(in keeping with the origins)
Another support. It can move 3 squares in any cardinal direction(no diagonals) and can't check/capture, but get's to push a piece one square away in the direction it moves, creating space.
Due to all this space not really existing right now on the current chessboard, we increase the board to 12x12.
Is this unbalanced as shit? Yes. Do these pieces at least fit with the theme? Checkmate.