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Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States

For some reason, my computer doesn’t want to turn on (but it can charge)

I really hope it didn’t break. (I don’t even know how it CAN break. Ever since the hurricane left, I was not at all using it [I used it once, and it could work!] so how at all can it break?!

You didn't leave it plugged in during the storm did you? I don't live around there so I wouldn't know this, but if there was lightning with the hurricane then that might damage your device. I think that happened to my mom's computer once.
Don't ask me how that works. Something about overcharged lines? It's not even the same kind of charge . . . Just a thought I guess. Probably nothing. Hope your PC works soon.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
Last two pages make good comedy ngl
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
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United States
Wow I've had a great day.

Civilians aren't supposed to set off fireworks in my area. I've been watching 'em blow for the last 2 hours.

I love my country.

Once again happy independence day to my fellow Amis! 🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲

And uuuh happy (early?) independence day to any Algerians here :).
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
Fiery wrote:
Kommisar_K wrote:
Happy Independence Day fellow Amis! (and everyone else cuz why not) fete

Algerian Independence Day is a day after today so this is not appropiate for us algerians

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
Happy Independence Day fellow Amis! (and everyone else cuz why not) fete
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
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United States
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I was going to make a topic about this, but...last time, that ended up being complete nonsense, & what was supposed to be serious ended up being insanely jokey, which I neither planned nor appreciated(the antithesis of what got me banned). This time, I'm taking a different approach.

Basically, I appreciate the unban, but I'll be honest with you, I haven't changed. Not in a literal sense, but only enough to understand that I was wrong for saying what I said. Beyond that, I haven't been making much progress. TLDR: I'm still a problem, to you all, & to myself. And since I've been...watching you guys, I know that that's the last thing this website needs right now. So I've preemptively decided to not be active until I get things right. Maybe post a track or 2, or a message here & there. Maybe I'll cave around my bday(dad is right, I'm a wuss), or something. I don't know. Point is, if I can't rely on myself to not say nonsense(which is my entire online personality, I just throw shit at the wall & see what sticks), I'll just say nothing at all. It's a half-assed way out, but it's far safer than risking a repeat of whatever the hell I was cooking back in April.

Finally, I need to actually apologize, which I know is not gonna be taken seriously because of how the previous apology turned out, and even if you don't accept it(fair enough, I've proven to be untrustworthy), it'd be really weird of me to not do this, so:

I'm sorry for:

-Being overly racist to specific nationalities(Ireland, Thailand(I think? That was a while ago))for personal reasons.

-Being overly transphobic on multiple occasions.

-Writing incest & ero fanfiction about a lot of the website members(which have since been deleted) without your consent. It was also pretty poorly written, for what it's worth.

-Constantly "looking down" on others, and trying to invalidate them for petty, selfish reasons.

-Pretty much being a dick intentionally for the sake of having some antagonistic force, purely for dramatics & personal enjoyment(because I don't think any of you were enjoying it).

-Saying random shit without forethought, instead of micromanaging every message I send online.

-Being rude to the moderators(well, moderator, I guess. I think it was only really Max. Don't see much of the other mods) on multiple occasions.

-Lying for attention, posting random crap for attention, pretty much doing everything for attention. Not"notice me senpai" attention, just, normal attention. Being an attention whore.

-Not having realized how wrong I was, & for not trying to mellow out sooner.

A long ass list of offences, for which I served a comparatively short punishment.

Either way, I know that you all think that is probably a load of shit. And I don't blame you. Which is why I'm dipping. Whenever I 100% come back, it won't be a load of shit, & I'll have genuinely changed. But 4 months wasn't enough time. Heck, I was enjoying the break. Not having this crutch to rely meant I had to interact with people who I never had to face with it. On one hand, I'm now seriously down bad for some of my extended family members, & I'm repeating the same mistakes that led me to be like how I was in the first place. On the other hand, I'm actually making friends, & now I'm able to hold conversations with others. Forced interaction has been really good for me. Not for my grades though, now they're worse. Not sure what's happened there.

Anyway, I realized that the longer I make this, the more likely people are to skip the information(or maybe it's drivel) held within. I think this is what happened last time. I have no grounds for thinking so, but I do.

TLDR, I'm thankful to have another opportunity, but I haven't leveled up to the point where I think I actually deserve said opportunity, and so I won't really be active until I reach that point.

Until then, stay frosty.

Hey welcome back! fete

On that whole essay . . .
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Glad to see you've acknowledged your mistakes (and acknowledge that, apparently, you haven't entirely improved). I'm sure you can reform. You seem tough enough to do that, and acknowledging your mistakes is the first step. You've done that. Don't let the rest get you down man.

Good to have you back here. Good luck! ;)
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
so yesterday, i just had the best birthday party.

there was lasertag, VR, arcade, and the best part...


Man I wish my birthdays were like that. Glad you had fun!super
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
I'm Not Geting OUt Of Here You Guyys Are To Cringe So Leave Me Alonee OKAY??? Im Not Cringe That Would Be LIke sAYING tHAT Skibipi Toilet Is Cringe Or Amongus BUT IT ISNT so JuST STOP Becase Alll OF yOU Are Rong SO THERE I WIN YOU GUYS ARE ALL CRINGE YOUR Just Not Sigma Or Gigachad mewers so just GO AND LEAVE and IM Not Cringe Just Because Im 7 And Smarter THAN ALL OF YOU so Go And Leave and REMBEBMER THat I Wonnnnnnn!1!!!!!!! UEYWHRJPHIFHFHHIhihufydydyUgifufUfugugugIgugigIgiGugUgUgUgIgiGiGiFfufysrRsrdKLl So Just Go An Rememeber athat You Arenot SKIBIDITOILET BEXAUSE IM BETTER LOSERS TAKE THE L BOZOSS And LEAVE

That escalated very quickly.

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"So does the cycle of eternal strife continue. The grinding wheels of conflict crush the bodies of men and the souls of gods until all that is left is dust. To hope for a better world is to embrace futility and despair. In this world, in this cosmos, in this reality and the next, a single, stark truth abides. There is only war."
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Dudzi wrote:
Lely wrote:
Sometimes I wonder why my notifications are decreasing, and then I noticed that this is because my activity decreased a lot this month, was at 10 messages per day even in months where I was reasonable, I'm like at 3,5 messages per day right now 💀

Seeing this comment just made me think: Man, I'm not talking as much as I did before, I'm still here, I'm still checking what's up with the community, but I just feel like disappearing is a normal thing of me at this point. I like talking here, I just don't know what to talk really, maybe because of School, maybe because of not making good Tracks in a while or maybe because of my craving to come back finishing what I didn't before and never really doing it.
I'm not leaving, btw, I'll probably be more active by the end of july, I'll have a two week break from school.

At this point this comment has turned in me saying why I'm not as active as before, sorry for that, I guess, just wanted to talk my mind for a little for the ones that care, anyways, remember:
I'm AlWaYs WaTcHiNg

And here I am just ghosting in and out with like two messages a week. 😁
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Quick question. Is anybody willing to make a character based on this image and allow me to make continuous edits to it? If so, cheers.

Already (very slowly) working on one like that.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
so, what was i going to say...
oh right!
so, @Teon5072 has left MKPC
another one has died...

OH, oppurtunity!

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Lely wrote:
Completely agree with Fiery here, this community has been bad since 2023 yet now people are suddenly calling it the dark ages because a few people got banned. Wow. But anyways, it cannot be bad if people will start to try commonly to bring this community to life. After all, these values are also mine. So yeah, it's overdramatic. But let's be realistic, have we ever seen dramatic positivity ? No, so let's go with it.

Sorry about that. I thought that it is a serious thing.

Well it's a big fat bummer but tbh it probably won't change much.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
I'm starting work on my new fanfic now. 1 character slot is still open. DM me if you wanna join. Info here - https://mkpc.malahieude.net/topic.php?topic=14557

Prologue will be out within the week guitare
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Had to dumb down my username to log into this site on my PC. Weird stuff. I'll be back to @Kommisar_K tomorrow 😛. Steal the name and I will end you. jk. Welp hopefully I'll be playing online again soon!
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States

Honestly last couple pages is like some nerd club trying to create the world's most confusing riddle. Or the image above. One of those. Or both. Or is it neither? Maybe? Who knows?
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
I got a new PC and for some reason when I try to log in to MKPC on it it doesn't accept. And I know I have the right password. Fact. Weird stuff
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Fiere wrote:
Next week I'm having my SATs so wish me luck otherwise I'm gonna cry in my bed like a little girl (actually some support would be great for my confidence)

Good luck mate u got this! 💪
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
SI_Invu wrote:
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I'll describe some of my friends/people I like here in one sentence, try to guess who I'm talking about :p

2000s outdated humor

ban hammer™

Nice logic !

Not shaming you for what you're into, y'know ? Just saying.

With a-- *GETS MUTED*

il a eu 0/20

Why am I stupid ?

If we were in Warhammer I would kill all of these forum kids...

Hi I'm back. I'll get banned anyways, but hello one more time !

No, 10k doesn't mean I am farming !

0 : You're a noob
1-3 : There is a LOT of room for improvement
4-5 : It's okay, better luck next time
6-7 : You're pretty good
8-9 : You mostly know me
10 : You're a stalker under Max Bros corporation

Answers in spoiler

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1 -
2 - Max
3 -
4 - Krazey or me
5 -
6 -
7 - Teon
8 - Dietsoda
9 - Lance
10 - Proudster!? I confused

Yah I'm bad at this

Shooot very very bad
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Some friendly advice @triple_yoshi_exploshi maybe check how old the messages you're reacting to are lol.

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