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Statistiques/Statistics MKPC
On 2023-11-10 at 00:56:22
Le mode bataille c'est juste pas mon truc, et au vu de certaines choses que j'ai pu apercevoir je pense que je partage cette opinion. Je vois pas trop le but de créer plus d'arènes si la majorité ne semble pas s'y intéresser...
Do you think you’re a friendly person, But How?
On 2023-11-10 at 00:54:05
Depends with who, also of those topics are quite weird and confusing
Toad-al Drama Inferno
On 2023-07-27 at 13:32:42
'Kay, but since that law isn't valable in France, I'll leave my fanfic as it is, even if there are no gay relationships in between the character - except Illu and Lemon but that ship sunk anyways - and I'll still talk about it. I understand your decision, although that law getting in your way is just plainly stupid
J'ai jamais changé mon pseudo
On 2023-11-09 at 18:22:45
Parlons même pas de
Crise d'identité XD
Surtout en 2020 où y avait même pas encore la limite des 24h...
Crise d'identité XD
Surtout en 2020 où y avait même pas encore la limite des 24h...
On 2023-11-08 at 19:19:13
C'est une dinguerie.
Je l'ai fait qu'une fois : Au départ mon pseudo était @toto-video68_63
tient je viens de comprendre à l'instant d'un grand mystère de mkpc lol
Je crois que t'étais juste toto-video avant
J'étais bien @toto-video68_63
Justement c'est le bug que j'ai découvert : Au bout d'un moment les anciens pseudos sont comme qui dirait ... exterminés du site
Tant mieux sinon ma page de profil pas moyen qu'elle charge
On 2023-11-08 at 18:43:21
C'est une dinguerie.
Je l'ai fait qu'une fois : Au départ mon pseudo était @toto-video68_63
tient je viens de comprendre à l'instant d'un grand mystère de mkpc lol
Je crois que t'étais juste toto-video avant
On 2023-11-08 at 16:50:24
Imagine being normal. Most users can't relate, like at all.
My views on some holidays...
On 2023-11-09 at 08:11:10
Also, kill me but if I like Christmas that much, it's just because it feels like judgement is gone. Most people enjoy their life out and you have time to spend with your family and loved ones. A block of dopamine.
On 2023-11-09 at 08:02:41
Nah Christmas and New Year hit different
The pride month is useless. As a LGBTQ person, that and the pride flag are just ways to show off. We don't need that, it just gives us a more individualistic image, and some might feel rejected. Also, it has the opposite effect, since homophobic people and neutral people overall tend to be kinda pissed off with the whole month being LGBTQ, so no, you won't be that much more accepted overall during that month. A day, ok. A month, no
The pride month is useless. As a LGBTQ person, that and the pride flag are just ways to show off. We don't need that, it just gives us a more individualistic image, and some might feel rejected. Also, it has the opposite effect, since homophobic people and neutral people overall tend to be kinda pissed off with the whole month being LGBTQ, so no, you won't be that much more accepted overall during that month. A day, ok. A month, no
/!\ Advent Calendar / Calendrier de l'avent !
On 2023-11-06 at 22:35:47
It was not free. 💀 Anyways, this brings us to the problem of MKPC's skill gap. Better players want challenge, but an advent calendar is supposed to be fun for everyone. It would be a disappointment for a new player to not even complete one challenge because all of them are set to be hard for pros. Think about everyone. The difficulty last year was a bit hard but perfect ; it doesn't need to increase this year.
The problem is, the difficulty last year was from figuring out how to beat the challenges. Once you actually figured that out, they took basically no skill, aside from 1 or 2 of them. The better challenges ended up being the ones which require skill to beat, such as days 23/24, while the lesser challenges like the RR ones just required figuring out how to beat them
Well okay, but I think that something like 5 easier challenges would be a great thing
On 2023-11-06 at 22:07:07
It was not free. 💀 Anyways, this brings us to the problem of MKPC's skill gap. Better players want challenge, but an advent calendar is supposed to be fun for everyone. It would be a disappointment for a new player to not even complete one challenge because all of them are set to be hard for pros. Think about everyone. The difficulty last year was a bit hard but perfect ; it doesn't need to increase this year.
On 2023-11-05 at 10:25:06
I am interested too. Instead of being a gay teddy bear spammer, I'll be a gay Mariah Carey spammer.
I'll be a bisexual Mariah Carey spammer. We can be cock sucking Mariah army. @Noob68 you in?
Will there be femboys?? Cuz I’ll be in if there is! Maybe they’ll share their clothes with me so I can be cute like them!!!
I have this guy
Approved by orchid
On 2023-11-04 at 19:01:35
I am interested too. Instead of being a gay teddy bear spammer, I'll be a gay Mariah Carey spammer.
On 2023-10-23 at 22:39:22
Est-ce que c'est un évènement annuel ou il avait juste lieu l'année passée ?
Is this an annual event or was it just last year?
It's just something that happened both in 2018 and 2022, but nobody knows if Wargor will decide to do it for 2023 or not
On 2023-01-03 at 18:56:47
Prodige hivernal
Je n'aurais jamais pensé que j'en serais capable
Je n'aurais jamais pensé que j'en serais capable
On 2022-12-23 at 14:04:40
Comment se fait-il que je sois 12eme alors que j’ai le même nombre de points que ceux ci-dessus ? Il en est de même pour le deuxième, et troisième jusqu’au douzième
Ce qu’il y a sur mon écran :
Moins flou : Cliquez sur l’image
On a déjà expliqué pourquoi, le plus tôt tu as rejoint le site, le plus haut tu es sur le classement.
@FieryToad no, there is ranking of the people who completed it faster
On 2022-12-22 at 10:49:22
Le défi d'aujourd'hui, était pas simple. J'ai tourné en rond pour trouver les zones, surtout qu'il faut les passer dans un certain ordre.
Ah 😅 Désolé si tu as galéré, en fait c'est parce qu'il fallait copier les mouvements d'un YouTuber qui avait fait une vidéo pour "débloquer Marty"
Attendez quoi, c’est super cool! Le fait que vous devez suivre les conseils de déverrouiller Marty est pur génie, et vous débloquer Marty avec le défi?
Yes, you unlock Marty after doing the instructions on the video 😄
On 2022-12-22 at 10:37:13
Le défi d'aujourd'hui, était pas simple. J'ai tourné en rond pour trouver les zones, surtout qu'il faut les passer dans un certain ordre.
Ah 😅 Désolé si tu as galéré, en fait c'est parce qu'il fallait copier les mouvements d'un YouTuber qui avait fait une vidéo pour "débloquer Marty"
On 2022-12-19 at 00:47:28
Je ne sais pas vous mais tous les défis du 19 sont ultra frustrante à faire sur téléphone, je n'arrive pas à tous les avoir sur le premier et jai rafraîchi la page à 152 pièces sur le 2ème
On 2022-12-18 at 00:36:34
Aw man! Did the challenge unlock get adjusted to time zones.
I don't know. It could be considered unfair since people can't complete challenges early due to them sleeping, while us as French people get it at 12AM, in a state where we are a-little-bit-tired-and-weak-but-awake. Tbh I don't know how Wargor could fix this. It's better to have a group release than every country having it on their 12AM.
I also went through pain when I had to get up at 5AM to watch a BLACKPINK's comeback... and thank God I was able to sleep, unlike some people who weren't sleeping yet while it was almost 5PM in their country.
So yes, group releases are better, but they're flawed, and there's nothing we can do to fix that.