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Ideas for things to add to the quick editor

Messages 23 - Koopa Koopa
vs7171 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
1.custom turns

2. more styles, too many left out ds tracks and we could add some other styles from other games than snes gba and ds like wii styles

ability to add things like the pinball hands, gliders,
comets, etc

4. "Warning: your circuit has to make a loop.
Otherwise it's impossible to know how to make a lap..." Manual lap directing

I suck at Mario Kart and I need some help.

Messages 23 - Koopa Koopa
vs7171 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
I just can't get gold in any Mario Kart game, and that even includes fan-made. I keep hitting walls. I don't know why. Is it that I'm always racing on 200cc? Is the character I'm using a bad character (Mario)? Is it that I'm unlucky and keep getting hit by items at the worst time?

The last two topics I made didn't need to exist so I tried to think of something that would be at least something remotely useful. Sorry if I sound stupid, it's that I am aware that I could suck at everything. Convince me that I don't.

I "tried" playing Fortnite but it was a nightmare. I always get eliminated before I can even move, and it's just a pay to win game so I'm stuck with some basic avatar. I quitted immediately because I thought I would never be good at the game. Everyone will try to eliminate you if you're using the basic avatar, and you have to pay just not to get mass eliminated.

I had an interest in easier and less pay to win games, like Mario Kart, but even then, I'm not good at it. Can someone help me get better at MKPC, if not the best? help

1. use the drift

2. beat the bots

3. do those time challenges

Does anyone else do this?

Messages 23 - Koopa Koopa
vs7171 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Does anyone else answer this rhetorical question?


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