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vos meilleurs mouvs sur le jeu

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
Cinq SUPER ÉTOILES d'affilée dans une bataille :D


Messages 620 - Mario Mario
de rien ;)
Messages 620 - Mario Mario
LennyXXL wrote:
pourquoi le miiverse ferme ? ( je sais que c'est inutile de demander ça mais bon )

Miiverse, c'est LE PIRE RÉSEAU SOCIAL du monde quoi y a des enfants dessus et donc... c'est le bazar  .

Laupok l'a expliqué regarde :

une partie en ligne

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
Enzothugdu wrote:
personne est partant pour une course vs?????????????

Je crois pas que ce topic sert à quelque chose, tu peux demander à quelqu'un en MP  , c'est pourquoi je demande le lock du topic (ou carrément supprimer le topic)

(Eh non je ne veux PAS de course online pour l'instant)

MKPC tier list

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
B_C wrote:
The 3 best characters are Daisy, Birdo and Dry Bones.

And Peach

And Diddy Kong . fou

Votre personnage favori!

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
Parce que Bowser est trop joué et personne ne s'intéresse à bowser jr

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
LOL Skelerex,Bowser jr et Toadette


MKPC come killeur

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
Salut a tous les amis ici je posterai les nouveaux trucs sur MKPC (come killeur) comme une nouvelle coupe ajouté ou des mise à jour...si vous avez un bug sur l'un des niveaux dites le ici:)

Pourrai-tu mettre le lien de tes circuits que je vois à quoi cela ressemble?:)

Fanfic: Les Circuits D'MKPC

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
Soso92 wrote:
J001 ET TOAD64 ?!

OUI c'est vrai alors pourquoi ne m'a tu pas demandé mon avis :$

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
XD Pourquoi tu M'a choisi?
Messages 620 - Mario Mario
ARE YOU SERIOUS?facepalmgenial

Que faut-il faire pour être Validateur De Défis?

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
T'y arriveras pas (en tout cas je suis certain) :D.

Ou sinon peut-être en 2030, quand  quelqu'un aura déjà atteint 300000 pts en online :)

What is the WORST track you have made?

Messages 620 - Mario Mario

Le circuit est vraiment INSUPPORTABLE.

The CPU argument ends here.

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
InfiNate wrote:
InfiNate wrote:
InfiNate wrote:
I was just using them as an example. If the best players are defending something, do they have a point? Also no I'm not.

By the way, yes I understand that luck is a factor, but if you're good enough to beat them consistently, you're good enough to an extent that you can beat them regardless of luck.

If the best players are defending something, then they are sharing their perspective. The only people I've seen consistantly do well are the snakers. And that is pretty much who the "best people" are.

I was doing just fine with Bowser thank you. But real talk, that's what I mean. If you wanna get good you have to learn certain things. Master those, the CPUs aren't a problem

Firstly, Bowser is nearly as fast as snaking.

Secondly, you can't really blame people for hating the CPU's because they are most likely still new. (like me, I've been here only 2 months)

No, I'm blaming them for openly complaining about them without taking into account that they're new players.

Why not do a topic: Advice for beginners
Messages 620 - Mario Mario
InfiNate wrote:
For those of you who've known me for a while, I've only ever posted 2 topics on this forum. So you know if I make one, I'm getting serious about a certain subject. Here, it's more apparent than ever so why don't I just get to the matter at hand? THE CPUS ARE FAR FROM RIGGED, PEOPLE!

First off, what exactly am I talking about? Well simply put, I've been hearing complaints directed at Wargor and LT8 that the enemy racers are too good, and their item RNG is beyond dumb. I'm going to go through all the arguments people put forth and debunk them one by one.

1. The CPUs always catch up to you even if you're miles away. Now, as much as I agree with this, rubber band AI (where the AI gets better when losing to close the gap between it and you) has always been a part of Mario Kart and was probably added as a way of making it more like the older MK games, which this one is based off.

2. If you're in first, their item RNG becomes a lot better, meaning they'll most likely blue shell you multiple times. This happens in regular matches anyway, so if you're complaining about this you're probably not skilled enough to get 1st in online races and have never experienced this.

These 2 by themselves are the major arguments people put forward, but there are a couple of things you need to consider. The first being how the CPUs on Grand Prix are automatically on "Difficult" mode to begin with. You're facing these CPUs at their absolute best. Second, this was all intentional. They were designed to be extremely difficult, as a way of forcing improvement out of a player that online practice just can't provide at lower levels.
For all the old-school gamers here, think Wizpig from Diddy Kong Racing. A boss that was deliberately faster than you, forcing you to either drive perfectly, learn a hidden technique to go faster, or use a character you unlock for mastering every bit of the game.
While you don't have that last option (The best character is already in your reach before you even do GP), you have the first 2. Either use Daisy and learn to snake, master your item play (like hitting your items to get out of blue shell hitstun faster), or grind out time trials to improve your skill at each individual track. No matter what way of improving you choose, you have to learn something new, either about the game or each track.
If you want proof of what I'm saying, how many pro players do you see complaining, as opposed to newbies? Literally none. They all (myself included) defend it because they understand the game. If you see one of the top 5 worldwide complaining, then it's a problem. But people complaining with no knowledge of the game other than "kart go brrr" is just stupid. They have no base for their irritation other than their lack of experience with the game.

End of story, the CPUs were made to be difficult as a wake-up call for new players to get good. It's your fault if you choose to just try beating them over and over in vain or actually improve. I really, really hope this is the end of the madness, and that people finally understand.

Yes, just the CPUs are here for more difficult , in MKPC everything is easy (except tournaments) .

If you want beat other CPUs , you must know by heart all tracks in MKPC . This is why CPUs are good for the training

(plz correct me if you see an error)

solutions contre le spam

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
J'ai une autre solution : -Il faut laisser les admins locker tout les jeux comme ça MKPC deviendra un site avec des règles façon militaire :D

Plus sérieusement, désolé je n'ai plus espoir en la communauté, chaque jour je me dis si je dois quitter , supprimer mon compte seulement pour cette communauté sur le forum, ces membres qui ne méritent pas du tout d'attention , c'est à dire tout les moins de 12 ans et 90% des membres .

Les gens sont têtus , on peut rien y faire alors on doit les éliminer !, en tout cas moi j'ai perdu espoir.

[Jeu] t bann

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
Desti wrote:
Gliscor01 wrote:
Vous êtes bann car plus personne n'entendra parler de moi sur MKPC.

(LOL on s'en fiche me diriez-vous)

T ban pour deux raison:
1) Je m'en fiche pas.
2) Pourquoi vas-tu fait ça?

T bann car j'ai modifié mon message et je te fais maintenant passer pour un gros mytho magic.

(Alors vous avez aimé la blague ...?)

Messages 620 - Mario Mario
Vous êtes bann car plus personne n'entendra parler de moi sur ce topic.

(LOL on s'en fiche me diriez-vous)
Messages 620 - Mario Mario
t bann ca r'ai compris et que c'est facile !

Alt Gr + touche gauche/haut 8)
Messages 620 - Mario Mario
Realboy wrote:
T bann car…

Bah, j'en sais rien...

T bann car tu encombres de messages inutiles ce topic.

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