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Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
It isn't my birthday

Share your Custom Characters!

Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
jamestown wrote:
I tried this
but the width needed to a multiple of 24.

oops I didn't send the full version of the image, mb
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
jamestown wrote:
Request this character in the karts belowhttps://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/540cc49a-20c1-4226-a1cb-ea20d9546f6d/d5plg41-dab156f2-3f56-43b4-bc0b-8fa72a32ef65.jpg/v1/fill/w_894,h_894,q_70,strp/how_to_download_api_miku___new_mamama_model_by_yamisweet_d5plg41-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNTQwY2M0OWEtMjBjMS00MjI2LWExY2ItZWEyMGQ5NTQ2ZjZkXC9kNXBsZzQxLWRhYjE1NmYyLTNmNTYtNDNiNC1iYzBiLThmYTcyYTMyZWY2NS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.bGuW5NJCQkxKOHZVRvcBO3Aa-FsHIJc9fD3MB5cu1hg




Miku on Blue Falcon
(credit to Angel121 and EvilPeach, I just merged their sprites together and changed the palette)

for the other karts idk how to do them
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Kokichi Oma (Danganronpa 3)


Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Lely wrote:
Master8 wrote:
Keeby! I got permission from the original creator to use the original sprite.
Minimap: https://i.ibb.co/MNxdH3F/cp-6160a8ff36914-10377-map-1.png
Podium: https://i.ibb.co/r4pQ9bj/cp-6160a8ff36914-10377-podium-1.png

Who made it?

I searched it up for you, it's Master8

Je pense qu'il voulait dire qu'il a recoloré le sprite Kirby de quelqu'un (MLGDAIRE64)
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Blue Bowser from Super Mario Bros. 2/ Lost Levelshttps://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/sprites/uploads/cp-62e01b17caa8f-15116.png

MKPC News : Showcase your projects, keep us informed about your projects and more !

Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Chilli3564 wrote:
Presenting my latest collab project:
This will be a multicup containing 16 unused courses from throughout Mario Kart history. PM me if you want to work on one of the courses, and I'll mark that spot as taken.
The track must NOT be an internet image alone. You must either make the art by yourself or edit over an existing image.

Here are the racecourses:

Egg Cup:
Redwood Circuit (Big Tree Circuit) -Taken by ChocoM1lk
Morning Plains (combination of Beta Donut Plains courses) -Taken by me
Icy Winter (Beta Vanilla Lake 1) -Taken by me
Pihrana Plant Plumbing (dokan_course)

Shine Cup:
Dried-out Desert (combination of Beta Choco Island 2 and 3)
Magikoopa Valley (Beta Choco Mountain)
Toad Town (Unused TOWN course)
Mario Circuit (Beta Mario Circuit 4)-Taken by KirbyBoy

Boo Cup:
Monty Mole Farm (beta Moo Moo Farm)
Peach's Highway (Beta Toad's Turnpike + Royal Raceway)
Boo's Horror Hangout (Beta Boo Lake)
Koopa Resort (nonoko_course)

Blue Shell Cup:
Cheese World (beta Waluigi Pinball)
Shy Guy Mountain (beta Sherbert Land)
Bowser's Castle (combination of Beta SNES Bowser Castle 2 and 3)
Rainbow Road (Beta SNES + Beta DS Rainbow Road) -I get that the idea is confusing, so taken by me

Here are the battle courses:

Chocolate Hill (Beta Battle Course 3)
Brother's Battlefield (Mario Kart for GCN demo course) -Taken by SuperMega7
Nintendo 3DS (beta Nintendo DS)
Block Arena (beta Block Plaza)
Double Loop (Beta wifi_course + Unused test_circle)

I have a remastered version of N64 Town, you can use it if you want
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
MyCity wrote:
Spoiler [ShowHide]
For SRTK, there will be three bonus cups, Members Cup. It's self explanatory. It's a track about members of the MKPC community. Here are what is for Member Cup #1:
Lely City(Lely)
Nudge's Haunted Volcano(Nudge)
Max Stadium(Max btw idk what you want so here:p)
Sortcut Stadium(Shy Sorbet Guy)

Tendo was supposed to be on here but was removed because of his ban

Members Cup 2 is still open for 4 more members. Join if you want, I'll allow anyone!

Members Cup 2:
Miles Island(MilesTheYoshi)
Cringeh Castle(MrCringeh)
JohnTheYoshi Circuit(JohnTheYoshi)
YoshiKart City(SuperYoshiKart)

Members Cup #3
Chilli Circuit(ChilliDaYoshi)
PaperMario Airport(PaperMario)
DaisyPeachandKeeby ? (DaisyPeachandKeeby)
xrunner ? (xrunner48

Can I be in, or am I too late? If I can then can I have a track that is similar to Shy Guy Falls?
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Lucklord wrote:
I know it may seem weird for me to announce DLC for MK9 already, but with Wave's contest, i've decided i'll start working on it now with the 10 themes he gives.
For the first DLC pack, it's going to be MKPC themed, with 32 tracks, each themed around a different MKPC member. If you would like a certain theme, then please tell me. I myself will be having a volcano track.


Senko Stadium
Fiery Therapy
VC's Mineshaft
Osc-Omb Factory
D4rk Castle
Lely City
HS Island
Toad Road
Xrunner Xraceway
IlluZhion Tower

GaIactic Garden

Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Holpimds wrote:
How the cups work in Mario Kart Galaxy:
Cup: Based off a power up (E.G. Bee Cup)
Track 1: Big galaxy (E.G. Good Egg Galaxy)
Track 2: Combined galaxies (E.G. Asset Dump Galaxy)
Track 3: Custom submition galaxies (E.G. Flaming Forest Galaxy)
Track 4: Big galaxy linked to cup name (E.G. Honey Hive Galaxy)

Page 1 is based off Mario Galaxy 1
Page 2 is based off Mario Galaxy 2

Also, i mentioned that the custom galaxies can be submitted, since i've made it so 16 people get to chose 1 custom agalaxy each for me to make, which will be in the spoiler.
Spoiler [ShowHide]
Flaming Forest Galaxy (Nudge)
Apocolypse Galaxy (IlluZhion)
Explosive Robot Galaxy (Osc-Omb)
Sour Waterfall Galaxy (Fiery)
Bubble Beach Galaxy (Popplio)
Starlight Festival Galaxy (Lely)
Starlit Void Galaxy (Xrunner)
Sky Castle Galaxy (VC)
Chilli Fortress Galaxy (Chilli)

Galactic Galaxy Galaxy
Forest Factory Galaxy - A factory in the jungle.
Spoiler [ShowHide]
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
NEW PROJECT: Super Nudge Kart

I'm announcing a new project which i'm going to be making with Pixilart (while Paint.net makes better looking tracks, pixilart:
A: Is easier
B: I already am working on a Paint.net project, so why not mix it up)

I do plan on this being multiple multicups, just like SBOK, and for this first one, i feel like making it like SMK, but with some differences.


Goomba Cup
Koopa Cup
Piranha Plant Cup
Bob-Omb Cup
Bullet Bill Cup


Nudge Volcano
Pixel Circuit
Explosion Factory
Sorbet Hideaway


Can I still join even though I am not pinged?

Yes (also i was going to ping you but forgot.) Anyway, choose a track theme

A track themed around chocolate chip biscuits. I like abstract themes
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
NEW PROJECT: Super Nudge Kart

I'm announcing a new project which i'm going to be making with Pixilart (while Paint.net makes better looking tracks, pixilart:
A: Is easier
B: I already am working on a Paint.net project, so why not mix it up)

I do plan on this being multiple multicups, just like SBOK, and for this first one, i feel like making it like SMK, but with some differences.


Goomba Cup
Koopa Cup
Piranha Plant Cup
Bob-Omb Cup
Bullet Bill Cup


Nudge Volcano
Pixel Circuit
Explosion Factory
Sorbet Hideaway


Can I still join even though I am not pinged? If so then I want a track themed around chocolate chip cookies
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
A beta image for MKPC Stadium. I will be adding the spectator stands and making the Vanilla Lake section more like Vanilla Lake later. For now, what do you think of everything else? Also, I challenge you to find where the ultra shortcut is

Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
Ralsei wrote:
I made a new scratch account (I know this is useless news but It's nice to tell everyone.)

what is the name of the account? I found an account called "tendokiddo" that is claiming to be you, but it was made 3 months ago
edit: Found it
Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
MKPCMK (Sorry for the ping
by the way, but it’s only there so I can get consent)
Mushroom Cup
MKPC Stadium
Lely Forest (@Lely)
Snorlax Swamp (@Max-Bros)
Krazey Mountain(@KrazeyKay)

Flower Cup
Wargor Circuit (@Wargor)
Hopping iFactory (@HoppingIcon)
Yascamer Tundra (@jujucamer26)
Ralsei Beach (@Ralsei)

More announced later

Can you name one after me

SuperMega7's Mario Kart PC official topic

Messages 2376 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs71844 pts ★ Titan
battle15632 pts ★ Master
SuperMega7 wrote:
Since I used default songs on most of my tracks in my complete mode multicup, I wanted for anyone to give me ideas of music from YouTube for my tracks...

Edit: I would recommend Mario or Sonic music


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