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mkpc members ruin a world map
On 2024-08-10 at 18:02:35
sorry but i went somewhere today and im still tierd

On 2024-08-10 at 17:33:09
Poland unifies with Lithuania, invades and conquers Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and Estonia

On 2024-08-09 at 16:31:17
France declares independence from South America but is promptly invaded by Austria who leads the Holy Roman Empire
Also Texas gets invaded by Mexico
Also Texas gets invaded by Mexico

On 2024-08-09 at 14:35:22
A revolution begins in Manchuria to restore the Qing Dynasty after people are fed up of the communist government of China and the war with America. Make them orange

On 2024-08-08 at 21:43:31
Turkey begins the restoration of the Ottoman Empire by invading Greece, Syria and Iraq

On 2024-08-08 at 19:56:52
Unify Mali and Mauritania to form Malitania

On 2024-08-08 at 15:54:32
Yo you actually did it!

On 2024-08-08 at 15:28:31
*cackles violently*
RECREATE THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE with every single prince
good luck
map for reference
idk why its in german but who cares

RECREATE THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE with every single prince
good luck
map for reference
idk why its in german but who cares

(Fanfic) Tears of Aeons
On 2025-01-03 at 18:32:43
Name: Aphelion (Aphel to close friends) [He/Him]
Colour: Maroon
Species: Human
Personality: Refined speech. Shy, dislikes speaking with new characters but well-spoken and kind with friends/allies. Can be sarcastic. Publicly looks down on those less intelligent then him but deep down doesn't feel that way. Loves drama that doesn't involve himself
Tribe: Tribe of the Future
Powers: [1]Budding ability to bend space, can force objects (or characters) to move towards or away from eachother. [2] Can persuade very easily
Colour: Maroon
Species: Human
Personality: Refined speech. Shy, dislikes speaking with new characters but well-spoken and kind with friends/allies. Can be sarcastic. Publicly looks down on those less intelligent then him but deep down doesn't feel that way. Loves drama that doesn't involve himself
Tribe: Tribe of the Future
Powers: [1]Budding ability to bend space, can force objects (or characters) to move towards or away from eachother. [2] Can persuade very easily

[MPM] Anthology I - The House of Terrenus
On 2024-10-29 at 19:39:02
Every new entry to the forum must be tied with a decent level of lore and context to add to the universe of MPM.
Any entry that simply states
"I want X"
"I take this cus reasons"
"I take this cus I couldn't think of anything"
will be annulled and not added.
Every new entry to the forum must be tied with a decent level of lore and context to add to the universe of MPM.
Any entry that simply states
"I want X"
"I take this cus reasons"
"I take this cus I couldn't think of anything"
will be annulled and not added.
On 2024-10-03 at 18:32:23
*proceeds to take taiwan, japan, and palau, as they were the first three that came to my mind8
This request is annulled.
what you mean i dont have an independent country? i do
Okay, what we can do is we say that your government was kicked out of England and you continue your government in your colonies e.g. Macau, Singapore, bits of Japan
A sort of National Reclamation Government of Zachthumbria
On 2024-10-03 at 18:05:20
*proceeds to take taiwan, japan, and palau, as they were the first three that came to my mind8
This request is annulled.
what you mean i dont have an independent country? i do
Okay, what we can do is we say that your government was kicked out of England and you continue your government in your colonies e.g. Macau, Singapore, bits of Japan
A sort of National Reclamation Government of Zachthumbria
On 2024-10-01 at 20:00:49
*proceeds to take taiwan, japan, and palau, as they were the first three that came to my mind8
This request is annulled.
So uhhh where do we go from here do we do more detail about our lands and stuff
Well, I'll do the Anthologies first
Then Season II / Chapter VI will begin and the map will update
Y'all keep on sending map update suggestion thingies and I will add them eventually.
I don't have as much time as I used to so things will be slower

On 2024-10-01 at 19:13:14
*proceeds to take taiwan, japan, and palau, as they were the first three that came to my mind8
This request is annulled.
On 2024-09-28 at 19:15:37

The House of Terrenus - Part One
In 1932, the sudden death of the Earl of Leicester, Thomas William Coke IV, had led to a power vacuum in the Earldom. The United Kingdom had previously been abolished after its disastrous performance in the Great War, in which it was forced to give up much of its territories in Africa, such as Egypt, South Africa and Rhodesia, to the victorious German Empire, which was now too stumbling towards its own dreaded path to depravity. What was the Russian Empire has descended into civil war, the largest the nation has ever seen since its infancy, and certainly not the only revolt that would happen during this time period. The United States, close to civil war as its citizens grow weary of the Wilson government, a regime that had brought nothing to the nation except economic uncertainty, war exhaustion and political division. In what was supposed to be a united federation of states, a cry of uproar as people grow tired enough of what their nation has become over the years to take up arms against their government and fight for what they truly believed was right.
A Great War to end all Wars now gives way; the people that straddle the war-torn earth heralding the rise of the House of Terrenus.
2.Terrestrius, Regent of Leicester
Coming from rather humble origins as a clerk and then eventually rising up the ranks to become the steward and personal advisor of Thomas William Coke, Terrestrius led a rather simple life out side of the limelight of the media. He preferred to remain out of the public eye so that he could spend more time and effort on perfecting his economic policies, so that he could earn the loyalty and love of the people that way. He was not a charismatic, magnanimous character like his illustrious liege, but at least he did not spend most of his time dining and emptying the country’s coffers on lavish parties. He preferred to stay, far away, from the rest of society, slowly pulling more and more power away from the avaricious earl and towards himself. In 1928, the earl’s health had worsened to the point that he could now no longer perform his duties as the leader of his nation, and so he had to confide in his closest friend and strongest advisor, Terrestrius, to hold the immense duty of ruling the country on Coke’s stead. From this day on, Terrestrius was now the Regent of Leicester.
Now that Terrestrius now held relative power, he could now begin to shape and reform the nation in his own image. In 1929, he passed the Militarisation Act, which made it so that the nation now had to field an army at all times, and that this army had to encompass at most 5% of the population (around 15,000 military personnel). He also reformed the economy to become self-sufficient, using a form of autarky to make sure that the nation would not need to rely on trade with any other nations, and could make the most out of the resources that they had. This ensured that the economy would not be as hardly affected by the Great Depression of 1929 and would continue to prosper relatively to their open-trade neighbours. This autarkic form of self-sufficiency would only last during the reign of Terrestrius, but would disappear as his descendants opted for a more open, welcoming foreign policy to try and improve diplomatic relations with their neighbours. However, in 2025, Cosmic III, the great-grandson of Terrestrius, would bring back the idea of Leicesterian autarky as his nation became more diplomatically isolated from their neighbours as he sought to finally reunify England under one state.
2.1. Terrestrius, Earl of Leicester
Although Thomas William Coke had a son who were perfectly able to rule and manage on his own, Terrestrius began rallying his loyalists in the Leicesterian Parliament to assist him in passing a variety of laws that would further increase the power of him and his government. Eventually, the radical regent was able to propose the creation of a provisional government that would allow Terrestrius and his party to have complete executive power over the country. The first step of Terrestrius’ government was to shut down parliament prematurely; this was done to stop his government from being contested by the opposition and now made it that the Regent was the only person to be able to pass or reject laws.
Eventually the heir to the Earl (Thomas William Coke V) was forcefully exiled from the country and in 1931, the National Succession Act was passed in which the succession of the Earldom was changed completely and Thomas William Coke V was forced against his will to relinquish his claim to the Earldom. The National Succession Act also made it so that in the wake of the lack of a suitable heir, the Earl’s right hand or designated regent would ascend to the throne. As all of these requirements were fulfilled, Terrestrius was made the new earl of Leicester, and thus began the beginning of the House of Terrenus.
In 1936, Leicester suffered from an unusually harsh winter that rocked the entire region. Terrestrius was struck down with a very serious case of pneumonia, and due to the lack of any sophisticated healthcare that existed in the 21st century, his ailment was rendered untreatable and his health worsened. On February 11th, Terrestrius passed away and the throne of Leicester passed to his eldest son, Aequorius.

On 2024-09-04 at 20:28:33
Credits for Season One of MPM

On 2024-09-02 at 20:23:11
Current course for MPM: An Anthology of Stories (working title)
Anthology I: The House of Terrenus (this screams main character syndrome)
Anthology II: An Empire of Snow: The Wolf Lord and the Empire of Fenris
Anthology III: The Sultan's Splendor - the Rise of the Sultanate of Fire
Anthology IV: The Multiversal Cult: From Despotate to Empire - The Realm of Twilight
Anthology V: Navigating the Ocean: the Rise of the Joshy Federation to a Global Empire
All of these will have stuff added upon by me, cus yall's stories need some meat
Also, these stories are gonna be VERY LONG
like yall are gonna need to scroll for a very long time
Anthology I: The House of Terrenus (this screams main character syndrome)
Anthology II: An Empire of Snow: The Wolf Lord and the Empire of Fenris
Anthology III: The Sultan's Splendor - the Rise of the Sultanate of Fire
Anthology IV: The Multiversal Cult: From Despotate to Empire - The Realm of Twilight
Anthology V: Navigating the Ocean: the Rise of the Joshy Federation to a Global Empire
All of these will have stuff added upon by me, cus yall's stories need some meat
Also, these stories are gonna be VERY LONG
like yall are gonna need to scroll for a very long time

On 2024-09-02 at 18:50:49
Well, time to bring out the entire history of the Imperial Exalted House of Terrenus
Guys, I'm not founding an empire I swear!
Guys, I'm not founding an empire I swear!

On 2024-09-02 at 17:16:45
See, this is what I want!
Thanks, Kommisar!
Also your country is on the map it just hasn't updated.
In the year 2033 AD the Fenrisian tribes united under a single leader, K, ‘the wolf lord.’ Over the next couple of years, the Wolf Lord consolidated his power in the underground world of the Fenrisians, raising them from savagery to civilisation. Soon, K turned his eyes upward, to the surface. In this age of growth, the Fenrisians would need a new land where they could build a greater and more powerful nation. Scouts were sent to the surface, breaking through the ice of the Long Winter to the world above near old Sitka, Alaska, a city of the UraniumMan Technocracy. In 2035 envoys were sent requesting permission to settle in the area, but as luck would have it, the area they’d emerged into was the capital of the UraniumMan Technocracy. Their request to settle there was denied, and while the leader generously offered a city on his Eastern border, K declined the offer, seeing no future in the middle of frozen North America.
Through the use of secret technologies preserved by Fenrisian chiefs through the ages, the tribes built vast habitation domes along the coast to the west of the UraniumMan Technocracy. Four of these city-sized insulated constructs allowed the tribes to remain on the surface, and they began the great work of colonization, recovering what life they could in the wastes, and bringing it into the domes to survive the winter. K began establishing a border, but as yet, the country has not made it onto the maps.
The Fenrisian Empire seeks to be recognized as an independent nation, willing to share it's technologies, including the habitation domes, and also its military expertise, with those who request it . . . and can afford it.
Only time will tell if the budding empire can rise up and become a world power, or if they will fall into obscurity once more. But for now, they remain a people united, fiercely working to establish themselves in a world that does not know them.
Border proposed by K ‘the Wolf Lord’ to the tribal chiefs at a meeting after the first domes were completed.
Fenrisian culture (and stuff)
Hope ye like it cosmic Lore was requested. My country isn't on the map yet, but this lore works with that.
Thanks, Kommisar!
Also your country is on the map it just hasn't updated.
Fenrisian Empire
In the year 2033 AD the Fenrisian tribes united under a single leader, K, ‘the wolf lord.’ Over the next couple of years, the Wolf Lord consolidated his power in the underground world of the Fenrisians, raising them from savagery to civilisation. Soon, K turned his eyes upward, to the surface. In this age of growth, the Fenrisians would need a new land where they could build a greater and more powerful nation. Scouts were sent to the surface, breaking through the ice of the Long Winter to the world above near old Sitka, Alaska, a city of the UraniumMan Technocracy. In 2035 envoys were sent requesting permission to settle in the area, but as luck would have it, the area they’d emerged into was the capital of the UraniumMan Technocracy. Their request to settle there was denied, and while the leader generously offered a city on his Eastern border, K declined the offer, seeing no future in the middle of frozen North America.
Through the use of secret technologies preserved by Fenrisian chiefs through the ages, the tribes built vast habitation domes along the coast to the west of the UraniumMan Technocracy. Four of these city-sized insulated constructs allowed the tribes to remain on the surface, and they began the great work of colonization, recovering what life they could in the wastes, and bringing it into the domes to survive the winter. K began establishing a border, but as yet, the country has not made it onto the maps.
The Fenrisian Empire seeks to be recognized as an independent nation, willing to share it's technologies, including the habitation domes, and also its military expertise, with those who request it . . . and can afford it.
Only time will tell if the budding empire can rise up and become a world power, or if they will fall into obscurity once more. But for now, they remain a people united, fiercely working to establish themselves in a world that does not know them.
Border proposed by K ‘the Wolf Lord’ to the tribal chiefs at a meeting after the first domes were completed.
Fenrisian culture (and stuff)
People; The Fenrisians are a tough lot, hardened by generations of tribal wars in their old underground homes. They are fiercely loyal to their families, chieftains, and to K. Such loyalty is valued highly and encouraged, and thus domestic crime and broken families are rare in the empire, especially now. The citizens work hard and play harder.
Organization; Under K are seven tribal chieftains, who are essentially governors. Various deputies and advisors assist in the work of governing the citizens and keeping them safe. A small police force maintans stations in each of the habitation domes.
Military; The Fenrisian Empire’s military is small but strong. The soldiers are excellent close-quarters fighters due to their long experience underground. Many are armed with advanced weaponry due to the Fenrisian’s technological abilities. Highly mobile armored transport and assault vehicles aid the infantry. Long-range missiles and nukes are as yet beyond them, but researchers are developing [REDACTED; This section concealed by order of *********]
Religion; The Fenrisians worship a wolf-like deity named Fenric. On the surface at least, this creature is very like the ancient beast of Norse mythology. However, the religion puts emphasis more on the endurance and determination represented in the wolf, and in the strength and familiarity of the pack. There is little structure to this religion, the only known ‘ritual’ is a monthly gathering where groups of the faithful attend a feast, beginning and ending with prayers to Fenric.
K ‘the Wolf Lord’; K is a somewhat reclusive leader. He often takes time to be alone, taking a few hours break from the burden of leading a new country. He is surprisingly young, only about 16, but his mind is that of one far older. Directly interfacing with the ancient Fenrisian computer-systems has given him much knowledge, and he uses it for the good of his people.
Organization; Under K are seven tribal chieftains, who are essentially governors. Various deputies and advisors assist in the work of governing the citizens and keeping them safe. A small police force maintans stations in each of the habitation domes.
Military; The Fenrisian Empire’s military is small but strong. The soldiers are excellent close-quarters fighters due to their long experience underground. Many are armed with advanced weaponry due to the Fenrisian’s technological abilities. Highly mobile armored transport and assault vehicles aid the infantry. Long-range missiles and nukes are as yet beyond them, but researchers are developing [REDACTED; This section concealed by order of *********]
Religion; The Fenrisians worship a wolf-like deity named Fenric. On the surface at least, this creature is very like the ancient beast of Norse mythology. However, the religion puts emphasis more on the endurance and determination represented in the wolf, and in the strength and familiarity of the pack. There is little structure to this religion, the only known ‘ritual’ is a monthly gathering where groups of the faithful attend a feast, beginning and ending with prayers to Fenric.
K ‘the Wolf Lord’; K is a somewhat reclusive leader. He often takes time to be alone, taking a few hours break from the burden of leading a new country. He is surprisingly young, only about 16, but his mind is that of one far older. Directly interfacing with the ancient Fenrisian computer-systems has given him much knowledge, and he uses it for the good of his people.
Hope ye like it cosmic