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Thoughts on the recent publicity of MKPC

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
Twilight wrote:
BluePikmin wrote:
Yeah, I'm scared if Nintendo sees this but they might not be mad because I think they helped with this site

nintendo had no part in the creation of this lol
also this isnt getting taken down any time soon because this barely even makes Wargor any money

They only take down the websites that make money? Not the ones that just exist without any money making?

What is the best base game MKPC track

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
Genuine question; everyone saying bowser's castle, do you actually like it? Don't you get annoyed of falling into lava on the sharp turns?
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
waluigi pibnall

My Nintendo Switch R button won't work

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
BluePikmin wrote:
All of a sudden it won't work, maybe I pressed hard on it? It just don't work and I tried cleaning it but still didn't work, what should I do?

The Nintendo Switch L and R Buttons are notorious for breaking due to them being Soldered on Poorly. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to fix the buttons as I've never had this problem. The best option would be to replace the Internals or the Controller itself.

You can fix it, just not super easily like with joycon drift
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
@BluePikmin From what I know, which is probably wrong since I never had that issue, is if it's already partially off, take the whole plastic button off and check the inside of it and clean it again; you might have "cleaned" it, but not enough to make a difference. Then reconnect it back on. Or follow this, because it might be a completely different issue

@Snowman64 made a video on mkpc...

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
thank god my school blocks mk youtube videos outherwise mkpc would get blocked 100%

i just like that my teachers and berly anyone else in my school knows about this game so it doesnt get blocked;)

So lucky!
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
thank god my school blocks mk youtube videos outherwise mkpc would get blocked 100%

I don't think your school watch youtube videos to determine what sites to ban.

you want to bet on that? i would only say that because that's what they've done in the past like with Pokemon and any memes.

How do you know that is what they have done? Do you have any examples?

Also, how did you know I have a gambling addiction.

Third, even if they banned certain content on youtube for you, they would still be able to access it.

- When I search it up and it says This Content Is Blocked
- Because 99% of the people I know also have a gambling addiction on Plinko
- Anything with the word Pokemon, Meme, Plinko, etc.

So assuming they automatically block sites that are known for being used for gaming? Perhaps certain words, such as Pokemon or meme are automatically blocked? Your "evidence" proves nothing.

https://support.goguardian.com/s/article/Types-of-GoGuardian-Block-Pages-1630105917230 if you want to see all the blocked pages, but i don't see what the point is. it isn't an assumption that they block sites, they just do.

I know they block sites, I was saying that it was foolish to assume it was done by watching YouTube videos or that sites known to be gaming related are immediately blocked.

"sites known to be gaming related are immediately blocked" You explained it perfectly in one sentence. Seems weird but that's what happens.
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
thank god my school blocks mk youtube videos outherwise mkpc would get blocked 100%

I don't think your school watch youtube videos to determine what sites to ban.

you want to bet on that? i would only say that because that's what they've done in the past like with Pokemon and any memes.

How do you know that is what they have done? Do you have any examples?

Also, how did you know I have a gambling addiction.

Third, even if they banned certain content on youtube for you, they would still be able to access it.

- When I search it up and it says This Content Is Blocked
- Because 99% of the people I know also have a gambling addiction on Plinko
- Anything with the word Pokemon, Meme, Plinko, etc.

So assuming they automatically block sites that are known for being used for gaming? Perhaps certain words, such as Pokemon or meme are automatically blocked? Your "evidence" proves nothing.

https://support.goguardian.com/s/article/Types-of-GoGuardian-Block-Pages-1630105917230 if you want to see all the blocked pages, but i don't see what the point is. it isn't an assumption that they block sites, they just do.
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
thank god my school blocks mk youtube videos outherwise mkpc would get blocked 100%

I don't think your school watch youtube videos to determine what sites to ban.

you want to bet on that? i would only say that because that's what they've done in the past like with Pokemon and any memes.

How do you know that is what they have done? Do you have any examples?

Also, how did you know I have a gambling addiction.

Third, even if they banned certain content on youtube for you, they would still be able to access it.

- When I search it up and it says This Content Is Blocked
- Because 99% of the people I know also have a gambling addiction on Plinko
- Anything with the word Pokemon, Meme, Plinko, etc.
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
thank god my school blocks mk youtube videos outherwise mkpc would get blocked 100%

I don't think your school watch youtube videos to determine what sites to ban.

you want to bet on that? i would only say that because that's what they've done in the past like with Pokemon and any memes.
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
thank god my school blocks mk youtube videos outherwise mkpc would get blocked 100%


Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
Roxas_971 wrote:
Any game predictions for the Switch  2 anyone?

(Besides Mario Kart 9, since it's been revealed alongside the switch 2)

I've been making this with my friend
-kid icarus 2
-mario odyssey 2
-zelda botw remaster
-sonic adventure remake 1 and 2
-tomodachi life 2
-mario maker 3

pretty much any of the top selling games (Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, etc.) in order to get people to buy the new console. Otherwise there's nothing to gain from the new console; all the good games are already on the switch 1, so no point in switch 2 other than hardware.

The Nintendo Switch is removing gold points from Nintendo Eshop

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
it's to force people into buying the switch 2. otherwise they don't have much sway in getting sales other than: better hardware, mk9.

Skins that used to look offensive

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
Kartist_IC wrote:
For starters, I were posting Match, unlit, as a racer, but someone spotted it and thought it looked like a particular male body part and when I said it was a match they told me to light it so I did so. My god, it's ridiculous how some people can't even see the context behind those characters. https://i.postimg.cc/2y1sJ51s/Match-Facepalm.png

how does that look anything similar? like, i know that's the lighted version, but it wouldn't look weird unlighted either

Talk Anything About Bluey: Fan Theories, Cursed Images, Favorite Moments, Favorite Episodes, etc.!

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
what is bluey im so confused its just a blue dog

How do I Reverse Drift?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
first, go backward. while going backward, hold whatever button you mapped the Jump/Drift command to. when the smoke turns Blue or Yellow, stop holding. now you reverse drifted!

then just repeat over and over again i'm assuming?
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
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United States
Mr_Manager wrote:

Props to @Proudster for the video.

Thank you so much! I've been looking for a video for a while!
Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
me too

So I tried playing 4K vids on a Wii U...

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
wii u can run it fine?!?

What's your favorite mkpc character?

Messages 75 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
pikachu shoved into a kart or yoshi on mach bike (both daisy stats)

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