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Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
a shiny star... i-a wonder what-a happens if one of-a us touches it!
(click on the image)
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
a little story i made up:

six really was afraid of seven, and seven really did eat nine, but why?

9 days ago, they had an argument about whether pi had an end or not. they were settling it with a fight, and the loser would get 8 by the winner. 7 agreed. 6 minutes before the fight, for sur5al, he got utensils 4 3. he went 2 the fight and 1. that's why.

Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Teon5072 wrote:
I'm just going to have a short message here saying that I'm leaving indefinatly.

Why? Because I post stupid messages often, and people respond correcting me. But for some reason, my stupid, 12 year old, autistic brain takes it as hate. I start to think "I'm stupid", or "Everyone on this site hates me". It makes me sad, and I feel I need to do something to stop this, and I thought "Just delete your account". So goodbye, hate on me, make memes about me leaving because I'm a baby. So long.

this is my way of paying respect. its spelt indefinitely
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
-Max- wrote:
so thats what happened to my house!....AAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

it's Kirby, a living pink ball who can literally commit genocides or even already did it ? Idk about that @ElLagMaster06 help, he is just doing random shit here, nothing special from him hap

Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Mario100 wrote:
so thats what happened to my house!....AAAAAAAAAAAAAA-


thats 100 dollars down the drain! πŸ₯²
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
so thats what happened to my house!....AAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Dietsoda wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
I have come upon an old favourite quote of mine in my favourite book (Night lords omnibus)

"Filthy, blind, poisonous, cancerous, mon-keigh, animal"

πŸ’€β˜ πŸ‘½

I mean you can't have your fictional aliens call people monkeys so you make the legally distinct term mon-keigh. :p

Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
also made this and this
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
click the thing (its a wip but some progress has been made)
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
mario wonder has been revealed to have online play and in the world map its like mario: MMO edition
also everyone except yoshi and nabbit have elephant forms so uhh... devianart... uhhhhh
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
i've seen some of the 2nd mario wonder trailer and im already excited
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Senko wrote:
Senko wrote:
Breitar wrote:
Senko wrote:
Breitar wrote:
At this point he should have his ban lengthened since he conitnues to be a nasty little shit after the ban

was thinking of that, i'll just wait for potential answer on Scratch (found his message) to do something

Can I have link to his message?

he replied "i hate you" btw πŸ˜‚

The fact he said "I hate you" when in reality we all hate him. πŸ’€

I don't hate him, he just annoys me :p

He was okay for me until the KB drama, that made me lose all respect for him, even then my respect for him was already was tarnished by the SlanderedByThoseHaters/#FuckNudge drama *[

oh boy i ruined a serious conversation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yippee!111111!!!1!!!
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
osc-omb wrote:
-Kirby- wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
-Kirby- wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
-Kirby- wrote:
-Kirby- wrote:
-Kirby- wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
help kirby wants to eat girls what do i do

Give them an oven and an oven mit

uhh what are you suggesting

Well if that's what Kirby wants, might as well obey before you get eaten yourself.
Don't forget the seasonings, he likes it better with some spice and some pepper.

You know how he likes girls, yet you've never seen him eat them. Is there something you need to tell us

I'm Kirby. 😈

Poyo poyo?(But I'm Kirby?)

You're the Ultimate Impostor lol... just like the Danganronpa one you ate a little bit too much girls ok your way

Poyo poyo! Poyo poyo!(You can't even speak Kirby! You fake impostor of me!)

Poyo... poyo. Poor! Poyo poyo! Poyo. POYO POYO POYO !(That's false, I just learnt a new language to hide in disguise as a human, but I can definitively speak Kirby to prove it to you !)

Poyo poyo poyo?!?!?!(Wanna fight me motherfucking doppelganger?!?!?!)

shoots you No, that's wrong! class trial future part starts playing

You see, this is your birth certificate.
Look. It says D4rk, does it not? Care to explain?

Well then, will you battle against me? Are you a true beacon of hope?

Poyo poyo poyo!!!(So clearly you guys do not understand that we get certificate in Dream Kingdom!!!)

Allow me to cut through those words!

If you were the true Kirby, you'd know it's not called Dream Kingdom. It's called Dream Land, or Pop Star. Isn't that right,


Poyo poyo poyo!!!(I call it Dream Kingdom because I keep forgetting it's called Dream Land, I swear I'm real!!!raah!!!)

Hey you skipped the part where I make a comic book!

Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
"why do i want to see impostor brutally murder kirby" - me
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
osc-omb wrote:
help kirby wants to eat girls what do i do

Give them an oven and an oven mit

uhh what are you suggesting

Well if that's what Kirby wants, might as well obey before you get eaten yourself.
Don't forget the seasonings, he likes it better with some spice and some pepper.

You know how he likes girls, yet you've never seen him eat them. Is there something you need to tell us


Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
help kirby wants to eat girls what do i do

Give them an oven and an oven mit

uhh what are you suggesting
Messages 1484 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
-Kirby- wrote:

Man why'd you allow Coopa in ur server???

because yes 8)

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