/| Mario Kart PC |\

Time Trial - Global ranking

This page shows a leaderboard of top players in time trial.
This leaderboard is based on a score calculation which depends on your rank on each circuit. See this topic for further info.



Place Username Score Details
5321st us LIVID 1 Preview
5322nd us gremreaper123 1 Preview
5323rd us ash-ley 1 Preview
5324th us daredevil 1 Preview
5325th ca Ashlyn121212 1 Preview
5326th us luciolover69 1 Preview
5327th au King2468 1 Preview
5328th us BigBibby 1 Preview
5329th us Niggabiggcoonigga 1 Preview
5330th us cubers 1 Preview
5331st us loveno 1 Preview
5332nd fr Stukiyo 1 Preview
5333rd us MonkeyOwner 1 Preview
5334th be dem 1 Preview
5335th us tbnrfrags 1 Preview
5336th au gr86 1 Preview
5337th jp tinpo 1 Preview
5338th us Emliano57 1 Preview
5339th us JoGotHands 1 Preview
5340th fr gggh 1 Preview
Page : 1  ...  264  265  266  267  268  269  270  ...  280 

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