Challenges completed by COR_TimmyDaSheep
You're Going to Venezuela
Rainbow Road : Reach Venezuela

Larry Lights
Electrodrome : Get to the Light Up Section of the Track (the Dark part that makes Rainbows when you drive on it) in less than 5s

Just Beat the Track
Big Blue : Complete the track

Collecting Coins
Big Blue : Go on those things that give you coins...

🎶 You Spin me Right Round 🎶
Electrodrome : The things that make you Spinnn... In MK8 not MKPC.

Lava mess
Bowser Castle : Go to the Glider zone in Time Trial mode, without using any item, in less than 21s

You found a Shortcut!
Remix SNES Rainbow Road (Mario Kart Tour) : It's a Secret to Everybody... in VS mode

What happened there?! Yellup is gone!
Aquamaring GP : Fall off the track. by falling at most 1 time

map galaxy arèna.
Wii Galaxie arèna : Touche le centre de la map.

merci d'avoir tester cette arène!!! ;)
Wii Galaxie arèna : tester juste cette arène. ;)

Newer MKPC
Bathaniel Nandy : Survive more than 30s