Challenges completed by Vladmir567
how good are you?
Survive more than 2:00 without losing any balloons, without touching item boxes, without using any item, without making tricks
No teams
Gets a spam
Spinny Paper Mario : Finish the game in less than 0:03:998, without touching item boxes
With 8 participants, no teams
Speen fail
Spinny Paper Mario : Finish the game in less than 7s, without touching item boxes
With 8 participants, no teams
Finish in the 1st position with 8 people and no drifting
plz this plz : Finish in the 1st position without drifting
With 8 participants
Geoside Run
Pipe Maze : Hit 3 opponents with Bowser Jr, in less than 3:00
No teams
Complete Run
Pipe Maze : Finish the game in less than 5:00, with 1 balloon or more, without drifting, without making tricks
With 8 participants, no teams
A New Record
Pipe Maze : Survive more than 1:00 without making tricks
With 8 participants
Fantôme Facile
Road 66 : Complete the track in less than 48s
Fantôme Moyen
Road 66 : Complete the track in less than 40s
Puzzle level : Complete the track in less than 5:00 in Time Trial mode, without making tricks, by falling at most 10 times, without using any item, without drifting
Admission à l'hôpital
Coronacircuit : Si vous présentez des symptômes, hop! dans l'hôpital sur-le-champ!
Moins de 2m de distance
Coronacircuit : Oh non, vous n'auriez pas dû vous approcher de lui, il est infecté! Direction hôpital!
Zone infectée
Coronacircuit : Oh non, vous venez de rouler sur une zone infectée! Direction hôpital!
Votre température est en règle!
Coronacircuit : Vous n'avez pas de fièvre (< 38 °C). C'est bon! Vous pouvez jouer au circuit!
Désinfection totale
Coronacircuit : En raison de la COVID-19, tout doit être désinfecté: poignées, karts, etc.
Masque au visage
Coronacircuit : Ton petit masque tu porteras, ta gueule tu fermeras, sinon chez toi tu resteras.
Touch the item box with Luigi/Touchez la boîte à objets avec Luigi
Haunted Puzzle : in VS mode, with Luigi, with 2 participants
The Hardest Challenge, totally
Mario Roll : Complete the track in less than 15s in Time Trial mode
le défi est trop dur, toi meme
toi meme : Survive more than 1s
With 8 participants, no teams
Luigi's Challange
Small Dounut : Complete the track in VS mode, in less than 4s, without touching item boxes, without drifting, without making tricks, with Luigi, without using any item, in 1st place
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
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