Challenges completed by PikaTristan1234
Advancement Unlocked
Blox Cup : Get the gold cup in Grand Prix mode
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
Golden mania 4
discord castle 2 : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, with GOLDEN king boo
fast and metalous
discord castle 2 : Complete the track in 200cc class, in Time Trial mode, without drifting, in less than 1:35, with Metal Pacman
speed tester
Joanatg candy track : Complete the track in less than 1:00 in 150cc class, in Time Trial mode, with Daisy
Fiberoptic Cable Speedrun
Cyberscape Loop : Finish in the 1st position in 150cc class, by falling at most 5 times