Challenges completed by Toto-video64_68_N64_78
In the airs (no decors version) : The wing with a mirrored P
In the airs (no decors version) : The normal P-Wing
Bonus-3 ~ When the Checkpoints
Arid Canyon : Complete the track in less than 2:05 in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, without taking any cannon
Koopa le rapide
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 999cc class, with 12 participants, with Koopa, in less than 35s
In difficult mode, no teams
Temps novice
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Complete the track in less than 1:35:134 in Time Trial mode, without touching item boxes, without falling
Temps professionel
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Complete the track in less than 1:09:929 in Time Trial mode, without touching item boxes, without falling
Temps intermédiaire
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Complete the track in less than 1:21:866 in Time Trial mode, without falling, without touching item boxes
Le mangeur mangé
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Défi secret / Secret challenge. in VS mode, with Yoshi
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
Le combat de Link
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Ces pyro plantes piranha sont trop dangereuses! Seul Link a une chance de les vaincre... in VS mode, without drifting, without touching item boxes, without using any item, with Link, by falling at most 1 time, without making tricks, in less than 12s, by starting with 7s delay, with 12 participants
In difficult mode, no teams
La téléportation de Toad
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Toad doit se rednre à château de Peach au plus vite alors il se téléporte à l'aide dun tuyau in VS mode, without drifting, without touching item boxes, without using any item, with Toad, by falling at most 1 time, without making tricks, in less than 15s, by starting with 7s delay
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
Mario et les Goomba
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Mario a envie d'écraser des Goomba in VS mode, without drifting, without touching item boxes, without using any item, with Mario, by falling at most 1 time, without making tricks, in less than 15s, by starting with 3s delay
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
Le cadeau de Luigi
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Luigi a un cadeau pour sa petite amie Daisy, hélas il l'a perdu en chemin! Où a-t'il pu l'égarer? in VS mode, without drifting, without touching item boxes, without using any item, with Luigi, by falling at most 1 time, without making tricks, in less than 31s, by starting with 10s delay
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
Wario doit perdre du poids
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Wario a trop grossi! Quoi de mieux Pour brûler sa graisse que remonter une rivière à contre-courant? in VS mode, without drifting, without touching item boxes, without using any item, with Wario, by falling at most 1 time, without making tricks, in less than 45s, by starting with 12s delay
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
Yoshi a faim!
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Yoshi a faim, il veut manger les Cheep-Cheep du lac in VS mode, without drifting, without touching item boxes, without using any item, with Yoshi, by falling at most 1 time, without making tricks, in less than 1:30, by starting with 7s delay
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
Hurry up before the coins flow away !
Ouroboros Falls : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in less than 45s
The dragon bites its own tail
Ouroboros Falls : Reach the dragon's tail in VS mode, in less than 15s, by starting with 2s delay, without touching any tree, with Yoshi, in 1st place
With 8 participants
Yoshi's Annual 150cc GP
Ouroboros Falls : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 150cc mirror class, with Yoshi, by starting with 5s delay
With 8 participants, in difficult mode, no teams
Noob Jumper
Extreme Jump Beach : Complete the track in less than 0:42:750 in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class
Extreme Jump Beach : Just do the glitch (you'll need it for this track's time trial challenges! 😉)
Complete the track in 1st
GBA Rainbow Road (Remastered) : Complete the track in VS mode, in 150cc class, by performing 9 tricks, by performing 20 Mini-Turbos, by performing 10 Super Mini-Turbos, in 1st place
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams