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Challenges completed by BFDI_Ahmad17

I like Daisy 2.

Wii Gorge Champignon : tomer dans le trous près de la ligne d'arrivée. in Time Trial mode, with Daisy

Medium Medium
By Desti


Wii Gorge Champignon : Trouver le canon passage secret (près du début de circuit).

Extreme Extreme
By Desti

Champi secret?

Wii Gorge Champignon : Prendre le passage scret à côté des 3 champignons.

Easy Easy
By Desti

un champignon peu utilisé

Wii Gorge Champignon : Trouve le 1er champignon(c'est un champignon peu utilisé )

Easy Easy
By Desti


Terrain basique : Complete the track

Easy Easy
By Mbk76

Méga-Turbo !

Terrain basique : Vous devez ateindre le double saut, in Time Trial mode, in less than 20s

Medium Medium
By Mbk76

Défi difficile

Circuit Luigi : Finish 1st 1 time in a row in VS mode, by starting with 8s delay

With 8 participants, in difficult mode

Difficult Difficult
By Mbk76

Défi chrono+mode moyen

Circuit Luigi : Complete the track in less than 3:00 in VS mode, in medium mode

With 8 participants

Medium Medium
By Mbk76

Défi de boites à objets

Circuit Luigi : Vous devez franchir la première ligne de boites à objets.

Easy Easy
By Mbk76

Déja vu

Running in the 90's : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, without drifting, with 100 participants

In difficult mode, no teams

Impossible Impossible
By Toad64


Hyrule Circuit : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, with Link, by starting with 15s delay

In difficult mode, with 8 participants

Easy Easy
By BowserJr03

Take the Ramp Shortcut

Hyrule Circuit : Near the beginning

Easy Easy
By BowserJr03

Dans l'eau !

Plage de la rivière : Complete the track in less than 0:03:100 in Time Trial mode

Difficult Difficult
By The Master

!boj dooG

Oiram tiucric 2 : Complete the track in less than 49s in Time Trial mode

Extreme Extreme
By Veethan23

Hors de l'autoroute

Autoroute Ruban : Atteindre la zone avec des accélérateurs en bas à droite

Easy Easy


Île misterskin 2 : Complete the track in less than 1:25 in Time Trial mode

Difficult Difficult
By veethan23

Peau Stylé

Île misterskin 2 : Complete the track in less than 1:15:600 in Time Trial mode

Extreme Extreme
By veethan23

Shortcut ?

Bateau Volant V2 : :eyes:

Easy Easy
By Veethan23

A Natural Run

Quartier Naturel : Complete the track in less than 43s in Time Trial mode

Extreme Extreme
By Veethan23 MKOV

Wrong way !... or... is it ?

Quartier Naturel : Just find a shortcut ;)

Easy Easy
By Veethan23 MKOV

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