Challenges completed by WorldRecord
Delfino Plaza : Complete the track in less than 1:03 in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class

Boost Panel Rush
Snowy Raceway : Touch All Boost Panels in Time Trial mode, in less than 30s

Coin Round Up
Snowy Raceway : Collect 15 coins in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, in less than 30s

Go for the Glacier
Glaciers of Glee : Complete the track in less than 30s without falling

Unlock Shy Guy
Amogus : Find The Shortcut in less than 1:00

go go crazy Rainbow road
rainbow road : Complete the track in VS mode, in 150cc class, by falling at most 20 times
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams

schnitzels scattered coins
quick schnitzel circuit : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class

Great speed
Bacon Blockway : Complete the track in less than 1:45

Good speed
Bacon Blockway : Complete the track in less than 2:10

Insane speed
Bacon Blockway : Complete the track in less than 1:25

Good speed
Bloxy Circuit : Complete the track in less than 1:45

Great speed
Bloxy Circuit : Complete the track in less than 1:30

Bronze rank
speedrun : Complete the track in less than 5s in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class

Don't Fall
Nether Circuit : Complete the track in VS mode, in 150cc class, with 1 participant, without falling

Wart Collector
Nether Circuit : Touch every Nether Wart in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, with 1 participant

Déja vu
Running in the 90's : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, without drifting, with 100 participants
In difficult mode, no teams

Don't Stop the Music
Running in the 90's : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in impossible mode, without drifting
With 8 participants, no teams

Champi secret?
Wii Gorge Champignon : Prendre le passage scret à côté des 3 champignons.

défi gorge champignon Toad64
Wii Gorge Champignon : Complete the track with Toad

fin de la gorge!!!
Wii Gorge Champignon : Complete the track