Challenges completed by Wryloafer
Crash Through The Items
Retro Circuit 1 : Hit all item boxes in VS mode, in 200cc class, with Mario, in less than 1:00, with 1 participant

coins in retro circuit 4
Retro Circuit 4 : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, with Bowser

the piranhas and the goombas
Retro Circuit 4 : Destroy 1 NES Piranha Plant and 1 NES Goomba in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, with Bowser, in less than 10s

retro circuit 4 backward
Retro Circuit 4 : Drive Through Retro Circuit 4 Backwards in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, with Bowser, in less than 30s

Magic Turns And Flips
BFDI Racing V1 : Make at least 10 points in 2 races in VS mode, in 150cc class, by performing 5 Mini-Turbos, by performing 5 tricks
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams

Collect all coins in less than 40 seconds
Wii Moo Moo Meadows : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, in less than 40s

speeding through bowsers castle
Retro Circuit 4 : Complete the track in less than 1:45 in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, with Bowser

Toad VS Koopa
Retro Circuit 3 : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 200cc class, with Toad, in medium mode, with 5 participants

behind the pipe wall
Retro Circuit 3 : Go Behind The Left Pipe Wall at The Finish Line in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, with Toad, in less than 15s

backwards through the water
Retro Circuit 3 : Drive Ether Forward Or Backward Through The Track in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, by driving backwards, with Toad, while in rear view

coins in retro circuit 3
Retro Circuit 3 : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, with Toad

1st In Retro Circuit 2
Retro Circuit 2 : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 150cc class, with 7 participants, in medium mode, with Luigi

no more piranhas
Retro Circuit 2 : Destroy 3 NES Piranha Plant in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, in less than 10s, with Luigi

Don't Touch Anything
Retro Circuit 2 : Complete a lap in VS mode, in 200cc class, without touching item boxes, without touching any NES Pipe, NES Piranha Plant, NES Gloomba nor NES Pipe Piranha, without touching the walls, with Luigi, with 1 participant

4 Is The Place
Retro Circuit 1 : Complete a lap in VS mode, in 200cc class, in 4th place, with Mario, with 7 participants

coins in retro circuit 2
Retro Circuit 2 : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, with Luigi

Nice Spot For A Picnic!
Palm Tree Walkway : Go on the shortcut bridge route in VS mode, in 250cc class

Icicle Madness
Ice Speedway : Complete the track in less than 50s in Time Trial mode, without touching any snow ball nor snowman

Secret Shortcut
Carrier Zone : Follow the fake item boxes path and find the secret shortcut in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, in less than 1:00, without going backwards

Random Boss Racer
BFDI Racing V1 : Finish 1st 1 time in a row in 200cc class, in VS mode, with 2 participants, in extreme mode