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Challenges list of Daisanko

Easy MKS TT challenge

Mario Kart Stadium : Complete the track in less than 1:00

Extreme Extreme
By Daisanko


MP2 Slot Car Raceway 3 : Complete the track in VS mode, in 150cc class, with 4 participants, in 1st place, in extreme mode

No teams

Difficult Difficult
By Parakoopa

Waluigi Unlock

Arcade Game : Complete the track in VS mode, in 1st place, in impossible mode

With 8 participants

Extreme Extreme
By Daisanko

Shy Guy Unlock

Facepalm Factory : Complete 1 lap in 200cc mirror class, in VS mode, without touching any facepalm nor Mario Facepalm, with 1 participant, while constantly accelerating

Medium Medium
By StarSplizz

Toadette Unlock

Get the gold cup

Easy Easy
By CG_StarSpli68


RK Insect Woods : Finish the game in less than 7s

With 8 participants

Easy Easy
By StarSplizz

Never gonna give you up

Wii Coconut Mall : Never gonna let you down

Easy Easy
By Parakoopa

Chiyo's Tricky Tree Track Trek

Chiyo's Forest (QM) : Complete the track in less than 1:30 in Time Trial mode

Difficult Difficult
By Daisanko

Arcade Game : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, without touching any ghost, in less than 1:20

Medium Medium
By Daisanko

Hard MKS TT challenge

Mario Kart Stadium : Complete the track in less than 53s

Extreme Extreme
By Daisanko

Diddy Unlock

Get the gold cup

Easy Easy
By StarSplizz

Wario Unlock

Get the gold cup

Easy Easy
By StarSplizz

You just got coconut malled!

Wii Coconut Mall : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 69cc class, in extreme mode

With 8 participants

Medium Medium
By Parakoopa

Test the arena

GBA Battle Course 3 : Finish the game in the 1st position

Easy Easy
By Parakoopa

Ultra shortcut

Toad's Rainbow : Perform the ultra cut in VS mode, in 150cc class, with 1 participant, without falling

Medium Medium
By Daisanko


Rainbow Road : Say hello to the Piranha Plant

Medium Medium
By Daisanko

Challenge on a really bad track

GBA Yoshi Desert (Remake) : Complete the track in less than 1:20 in 150cc mirror class, in VS mode, in impossible mode, with Daisy, with 12 participants, in 1st place, by starting with 20s delay

No teams

Difficult Difficult
By 16Bits / Quorzel

The One True King

Topaz Tower : Hit 10 opponents with 20 participants, with Bowser, by starting with 1 balloon, having CPUs starting with 10 balloons, while constantly accelerating

Difficult Difficult
By Daisanko

DK Speed

Sprigatito Circuit : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 150cc class, with Donkey-kong, by performing 10 Mini-Turbos, by performing 5 Super Mini-Turbos

No teams, in difficult mode, with 8 participants

Medium Medium
By Daisanko

Peaceful Islands Challenge

Peaceful Islands : Destroy all Thwomps in VS mode, without falling, without touching any tree nor Thwomp, in less than 1:00, without being hit by a banana, without drifting

Medium Medium
By Daisanko

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