Challenges list of TestTest
Even Harder 0cc Bumping
Sigma Gymmaxxed Castle : Collect all coins in VS mode, in 0cc class, with 100 participants
Don't Wake a Sleeping Bob-omb
Sigma Gymmaxxed Castle : Collect all coins in VS mode, in 0cc class, without being hit by a bobomb, by starting with 1s delay
Sigma Gymmaxxed Castle : Collect all coins in VS mode, in 0cc class, without touching any pipe, by starting with 1s delay
Frozen Gold Rush
Sigma Gymmaxxed Castle : Collect 12 coins in VS mode, in 0cc class, with 101 participants, in easy mode, without touching any fire plant, BKPC ENDS HERE! IF YOU'VE MADE IT SO FAR, THANKS FOR PLAYING!!! 🌟👑😉 SPREAD THE CREATIVELY GLITCHY MKPC CHALLENGES
Thwomp-Protected Coins
Thwompodome : Collect 12 coins in VS mode, in 150cc class, without touching any Thwomp, without touching the walls, without going backwards
Ultrafast Ultrajumper
DS Circuit : Do a reverse lap in VS mode, in 999999999999999cc class, in less than 0:09:999, without touching any Thwomp, without falling, without making tricks, without going backwards, without reverse drifting, by performing 1 Super Mini-Turbo
Unfair Race
Thwompodome : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 150cc class, without using any item, without being hit by a mega mushroom
With 8 participants, no teams, in difficult mode
Running at the Beach
Algae Beach : Touch the 3 first boost arrows then the large jump in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, without touching any Cheep-Cheep, without falling, in less than 0:07:500, without touching the walls, while constantly accelerating
Just complete the track...
20K laps, but there is a 10-hour long video along with a 10-hour long breakcore mix, confetti effects, and Waluigi encouraging you so you don't get bored while playing. :) : Complete the track You have to complete 20K laps, but don't worry! You have the following elements to prevent your boredom: A 10-hour long DDOI compilation, a 10-hour long breakcore mix, tons of nice confetti effects, and last but not least... WALUIGI ENCOURAGING YOU!!! :D
Annoying Yellow Text Wall : test
Luigi refuses to cheat / Luigi refuse de tricher (Défi bonus / Bonus challenge)
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 175cc mirror class, without reverse drifting, with ᴉɓᴉnꓶ, in impossible mode, with 12 participants, without taking the shortcut, with inverted controls
No teams
Half-Pipe Test #2
My Half-Pipe Concept : Take the half-pipe, then go to the item box on the left without falling, by performing 1 trick, by performing 2 Mini-Turbos, in less than 0:04:500
Half-Pipe Test #3
My Half-Pipe Concept : Take the half-pipe, then go to the item box on the right without falling, by performing 1 trick, by performing 2 Mini-Turbos, in less than 0:04:500
Thwomp Dodger
Thwompodome : Complete the track in VS mode, in 150cc class, without touching any Thwomp, without touching the walls, without going backwards, without drifting
Coins in the thunderstorm
In the airs (thunderstorm version) : Collect all coins in 150cc class, without touching any lightning, box nor pipe, with Dark Spiny Parabones, by starting with 1 balloon, with inverted controls
Rebreak them all
In the airs (thunderstorm version) : Destroy all boxes in 150cc class, with Parabones, in less than 59s, without touching any pipe nor lightning, by starting with 1 balloon, with inverted controls
The final strike of Daisy and Yoshi against the Koopa General
Town (battle challenges) : Destroy all Koopa General in 200cc class, with Daisy, with 2 participants, without drifting, without touching the walls, by starting with 1 balloon, having CPUs starting with 1 balloon
You're a stationary Bob-omb launching machine that can only move along a vertical axis of rotation
The great war of MKPC : Eliminate 8 opponents by yourself in 150cc class, without drifting, without going backwards, by driving backwards, with Bob-omb Launcher, with 9 participants, in less than 4:00, by starting with 1 balloon, having CPUs starting with 1 balloon
No teams
The Secret Fall
Obstacle Course : Finish the game in the 1st position in 150cc class, in less than 55s
With 8 participants, no teams
Slow Jumper
Extreme Jump Beach : Collect 1 coin in VS mode, in 15cc class, without falling, with 1 participant