Challenges list of spongo
retro circuit 4 backward
Retro Circuit 4 : Drive Through Retro Circuit 4 Backwards in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, with Bowser, in less than 30s

speeding through bowsers castle
Retro Circuit 4 : Complete the track in less than 1:45 in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class, with Bowser

around the pipes and items
quick poptart circuit : Complete a lap in VS mode, in 150cc class, without touching item boxes, without touching any pipe, with 1 participant, in less than 25s

quick norman circuit : Complete a lap in VS mode, in 150cc class, without touching item boxes, with 1 participant, without touching any Goomba nor fire plant

around the the pendulums
quick popcorn circuit : Complete the track in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, without touching any pendulum nor clock hand

round and round the record
quick popcorn circuit : Drive in a circle around the clockhand in Time Trial mode, in 200cc class

schnitzels scattered coins
quick schnitzel circuit : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class

around the monty moles
quick schnitzel circuit : Complete the track in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, without touching any Monty Mole

Super Sponge Kart : Get all gold cups

Super Sponge Kart : Get 2 gold cups

yellow triangle on a lonely island
bleach circuit : reach the yellow triangle in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class
No teams

avoid the clowns
eario circuit : Complete the track in VS mode, in 150cc mirror class, without touching any clown, with Dave
No teams, in difficult mode, with 8 participants

coins in the chocolate fort
chocolate circuit : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, in less than 13s, with Chocolate
No teams

around the choco goombas
chocolate circuit : Complete the track in 150cc mirror class, in VS mode, without touching any choco goomba nor kiss goomba
No teams

right between the eyes
carlton circuit : Go between the two pipes at the top of the track in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, with Carlton