To the people in England
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On 2020-05-19 at 03:39:49
Can 1 of you tell me how your grades work?
On 2020-05-19 at 09:23:17
Can 1 of you tell me how your grades work?
Our system goes from 1-9, with 9 being the same as A**, 8 being A*, 7 being A, 6 being B, etc.
On 2020-05-19 at 10:16:58
I thought B was 5-6, rather than C being a 4-5.
@Craxycatzs 4 is the pass grade btw
@Craxycatzs 4 is the pass grade btw
On 2020-05-19 at 10:46:56
I thought B was 5-6, rather than C being a 4-5.
Yea in reality they're not exact matches but typically we're told they match up for simplicity's sake.
On 2020-05-19 at 15:21:48
@Craxycatzs 4 is the pass grade btw
okay so a 12yr old is what grade??
On 2020-05-19 at 16:41:22
@Craxycatzs 4 is the pass grade btw
and yes i was talking about K-12
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